Myers-Briggs® MBTI® Test ESTP Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ESTP, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

MBTI® ESTP Personality Types Leadership Styles

This week, we are building on last week’s theme of “The 10% Stretch” (Richmond, 2008) by considering how Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) ESTP (Extraverted-Sensing- Thinking-Perceiving) leaders can capitalize on their strengths and stretch them to lead even more effectively.

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In coming posts, we will explore the leadership qualities of even more Myers Briggs® Types and how knowing your personality type challenges and strengths can help you be a more effective leader. We encourage readers to consider how they can use what they learn from this blog to become more aware of their own and others’ personalities. For mentors and coaches, we hope that this blog will help you offer your team members and clients constructive advice on how to grow as well.

The purpose of the “10% Stretch” is to prevent leaders from becoming stagnant. As the saying goes, “use it or lose it” – if leaders only use certain attributes or leadership styles, they may lose the ability to diversify later when the situation or team requires it. Richmond (2008), suggests that leaders stretch just 10% in order to develop new leadership production, though be careful not to become intimidated by this process.

For example, ESTP’s have a very vivid sense of reality and can quickly identify relevant or salient pieces of information. Moreover, they are energized by crisis situations and risk taking. They tend to be action-oriented, practical, and feel comfortable giving direct, focused feedback. However, in their efficiency, they may overlook or undervalue the contributions of others. They may also neglect to follow through with certain requests or the needs of others.

While every individual—and therefore every leader—has both strengths and challenges, improvement is vital to making progress. Because MBTI test ESTP’s focus on speed rather than accuracy and “the big picture”, they risk leaving others feeling alienated or left behind. In order to “stretch,” Richmond (2008) suggests that ESTP leaders develop a reflective practice to keep their actions congruent with their values and goals. Richmond writes, “You don’t want your actions to say ‘arrogant, impatient, and competitive’ when you want them to say ‘confident, action oriented, and successful’” (Richmond. 2008. P.31).

For this reason, Richmond (2008) also suggests that those who mentor ESTP’s encourage them to become aware of how their dominance in a group can affect the motivation and involvement of other’s negatively. Similarly, being supportive by taking the time to connect with others and identifying more closely with their experiences, can greatly develop the leadership style of the MBTI test ESTP’s.

That doesn’t mean that ESTP’s shouldn’t take leadership roles or should never use their charismatic demeanor and expert mediation skills to streamline the workplace, quite the opposite, in fact! However, it does mean that while they exercise their strengths, they—and all of us—need to stretch just a little bit in order to expand their reach and influence even more to become more successful leaders.

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Introduction to Type and Leadership (Richmond, S. CPP. 2008)

Learn More About the MBTI ESTP Personality Type

Explore Our Other ESTP Blog Pages:

ESTP Careers

Click on one of these corresponding popular ESTP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Automotive Specialty Technician, Construction Laborer, Counter and rental clerk,Electrician, Farm and Ranch Managers, Firefighters, Freight Handler, Loan Officer, Restaurant Cook, Construction supervisors,

Click On Your Personality Type Below & Read About Your Leadership Style

Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types