Myers Briggs® MBTI® INFJ Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, INFJ Personality Type Blogs, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

INFJ Personality Types and Leadership

Different people have different gifts as leaders. Use the knowledge of your Myers-Briggs® personality type to develop insights into how you and your team can function optimally in today’s fast-paced business environment. This week’s blog explores The Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging (INFJ) personality types and how they can maximize their own productivity and more effectively support their teams in doing the same.

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According to Richmond (2008), the modern workplace is more challenging and complex than ever before. Leaders need to have an intimate understanding of their teams and the individuals who work with them in order to adapt quickly and effectively. Fortunately, leadership development today has methods that have been proven to be effective, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®). INFJ Types display a contagious optimism for their work that encourages their teams to work as a team to make quick, but informed, decisions. They are able to visualize long-term goals as well as the intermediate steps needed to progress towards it, though they may sometimes have difficulty articulating exactly what those goals are. In some ways, this makes it challenging for them to delegate responsibilities to other individuals, since those with other strong suits may not be able to understand their intentions immediately. For this reason, MBTI INFJ’s should work towards giving more specific instructions to their co-workers and team members, so they can more effectively meet their projects and company goals. They can also make an effort to provide timely, relevant feedback—both positive and negative—so that their employees can adapt quickly to meet their organization’s needs.

MBTI INFJ Types seek meaning and connection in all aspects of their life from work relationships to ideas and concepts. They are strongly averse to conflict, and emphasize amicability in a working environment more than results. They seek consensus and closure, and avoid leaving discussions or debates open-ended. However, despite their well-meaning character, INFJ’s sometimes have difficulty understanding political nuances and risk losing influence because of their overemphasis on pleasing everyone. Richmond (2008) suggests that they make an effort to prioritize organizational needs over individual concerns, and practice exercising stronger authority to help their organization work systematically towards its long-term goals.

Richmond (2008) also suggests several additional strategies that will make INFJ’s function even more efficiently in the workplace. For instance, she encourages  INFJ Types to ground their idealism in the present and make an effort to confront challenges head on. Even if they are initially unpleasant, they will resolve more quickly in the long run. She also advocates for opening clear, non-judgmental channels of communication, like in office meetings or even via email so that all members of the team can state their views publicly and safely. Finally, she states that INFJ’s should practice delegating and handing the reins to others. This will demonstrate the trust and community that INFJ’s value so greatly as well as provide additional time to turn their attention to more global issues where they really shine. In the long run, allocating your time and energy optimally will make you an irreplaceable part of your organization.

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Introduction to Type and Leadership (Richmond, S. CPP. 2008)

Learn More About the MBTI INFJ Personality Type

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Clinical Psychologists, Curator, Dentist, Desktop Publisher, Editor, Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors, Fashion Designers, Graphic Designers, Healthcare Social Workers, and Pediatricians

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