Myers-Briggs® Test ENFP Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ENFP, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

Being aware of your Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality type as well as those of your peers and employees can help you build stronger teams and committees. In the long run, this will help to increase the efficiency of your organization. In this blog, we focus on how Myers-Briggs test ENFP’s, who are Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving types, can capitalize on their strengths in the workplace and support others to do the same.

The ENFP’s Leadership Strengths and Challenges

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According to Richmond (2008), people with different MBTI personality types have different strengths, and therefore often have different roles in organizations and in leadership. In order to lead well, leaders have to balance providing their teams with guidance while still giving them agency and independence. Two of the greatest strengths of ENFP’s are their ability to welcome others’ ideas and input and inspire them towards a vision. In doing so, ENFP’s make others feel truly respected and valued on the team. However, they may find it challenging, even discouraging, when others critique their vision or if others’ opinions differ from their own. For this reason, ENFP’s also hesitate to give others critical feedback, since they place so much value on interpersonal relationships. In order to become more comfortable in leadership positions, ENFP’s may need to be more judicious about setting up boundaries and providing a productive amount of constructive criticism.

ENFP Leadership Tendencies

ENFP’s are sociable and friendly, which makes them easy to relate to, and they are highly committed to their own and their organization’s values. They are hardworking members of any team, and are able to balance goals and practical constraints well, even in rapidly changing circumstances, by delegating effectively. However, they sometimes fail to follow up effectively after delegating and therefore set a poor example for being accountable for results. Richmond (2008) describes this kind of decentralized organization as a “starfish” organizational scheme. While this plan can facilitate independence, it also risks leading to a lack of focus. Richmond (2008) further suggests that Myers-Briggs test ENFP leaders should make a more concerted effort to follow up with their teams to ensure that initiatives and interventions are still making progress towards larger company goals.

Leadership Tips and Suggestions. What You Can Do To Improve.

In order to continue to build their leadership qualities, Richmond identifies several things ENFPs should do. First, they should learn to choose their battles – when do long term benefits outweigh short-term costs, and when is it just not worth it? Second, they can pay more attention to when adhering to rules and deadlines is truly necessary and when it may be better to push the boundaries—remember that sometimes it may be worth it to make small sacrifices for a large payoff. Finally, ENFP Myers-Briggs Types should make an effort to examine their decision-making. Is it timely? Are you consulting with too many people? Not enough? Take the time to determine what strategies have the best outcome, optimize your workflow and become a more efficient and effective leader.

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Introduction to Type and Leadership (Richmond, S. CPP. 2008)

Learn More About the MBTI ENFP Personality Type

ENFP Careers

Click on one of these corresponding popular ENFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Bartender, Counseling Psychologist, Director of Religious Activities or Education,Fitness Trainer or Aerobics Instructor, Hairdresser, Hairstylist, or Cosmetologist, Psychiatrist, Public Relations Specialist,Recreation Worker, Rehabilitation Counselor, and Reporter or Correspondent.

Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENFP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:

Click On Your Personality Type Below & Read About Your Leadership Style:


Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types