MBTI® Test INFJ Graphic Designers
Strong Interest Inventory® General Occupational Theme Code: Artistic, Realistic, Enterprising (ARE) (GOT)
Hammer (1996) writes that Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging (INFJ) Myers-Briggs Test Personality Types do best in fields that encourage them to use their developed interpersonal and intuitive characteristics. These characteristics, coupled with their ability to develop concrete, realistic steps to achieve long-term, idealistic goals, can often make MBTI® test INFJ’s a good fit for careers as graphic designers.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Graphic Designers perform a range of tasks in a variety of sectors, including industrial, manufacturing, service, and tech. They are responsible for designing and creating graphics that serve particular purposes for the organization. For instance, they might develop logos, displays, or websites to increase traffic to a website or organization. They might also develop packaging or other products that are meant to increase sales. To do so, they may work together with other designers, or directly with clients to discuss specifications and determine design layouts. Graphic designers also determine the size and arrangement of their materials, and occasionally contribute to the development of a “pitch” to a client or firm. Once they receive feedback, they integrate their client’s comments into final layouts and products.
Successful graphic designers must have mastered the use of a variety of hardware and software. The hardware may include laser printers, notebook and laptop computers, photocopiers, scanners, and still and video cameras. These days, use of smartphones and tablets is generally helpful as well. They may also need to use various software, such as database user interface software (e.g., FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Access), desktop publishing software (e.g., Adobe FrameMaker, InDesign, or PageMaker), graphics software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator, Fireworks, etc.), and web development software (e.g., CSS, HTML, JAVA), and others. While the exact software and hardware may differ among different companies or organizations, these general categories will be present in most positions.
In addition to an obvious foundation in design, computers and electronics, communications, and, of course, the English language, graphic designers also need to have developed elite speaking, active listening, and writing skills to be able to communicate successfully and fluently with their clients, peers, and supervisors. This relatively broad knowledge base is generally acquired in college, with over 80% of graphic’s designers having a bachelor’s degree and an additional 11% having also earned an associate’s. Very few hold no tertiary degree.
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INFJ’s are ideal for careers as graphic designers because it gives them the opportunity to use their artistic talents in a way that serves and benefits others.
Below are some employment trends for Graphic Designers:
- Median wage: $25.05 hourly, $52,110 annually
- Employment: 290,100 employees
- Projected growth (2018-2028): Slower than average (2% to 3%)
- Projected job openings (2018-2028): 30,300
Visit Our MBTI® About Page and Our INFJ Personality Type Page For Detailed Information on The INFJ Personality Type
Visit Our Strong Interest Inventory® Resource Page To Learn About The (ARE) GOT
INFJ Careers
Click on one of these corresponding popular INFJ Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education:Clinical Psychologists, Curator, Dentist, Desktop Publisher, Editor, Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors, Fashion Designers, Graphic Designers, Healthcare Social Workers, and Pediatricians
Explore Our INFJ Blog Pages
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the INFJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI INFJ relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Communication
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.org
MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition. Schaubhut, N. & Thompson, R. (CPP, 2008)
Introduction To Type and Careers, Hammer, A. (CPP, 1996)