INFJ MBTI® Personality Types and Decision-Making

In INFJ Personality Type Blogs, MBTI, Type and Decision-Making by Geeta Aneja

Most of us are well aware that different people often make different decisions in similar situations. However, most of us also have no idea why. This confusion can lead to frustration, clouding an otherwise harmonious work environment. Hirsh and Hirsh (2003) observe that The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®  (MBTI®)  is a fairly good predictor of how individuals make decisions, and can also provide invaluable insights into why and how individuals make the decisions they do, including what factors they consider, how they implement their vision, and how they evaluate their success afterwards. Armed with this knowledge, you and your team can streamline the decision making process in the workplace and spend more time and energy on what really matters—achieving better outcomes for everyone.

Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling –Judging (INFJ) MBTI personality types consider personal impact and long-term goals above all else. While their solutions are not always the simplest, they do get the job done. However, their plans can be so complex that pragmatists, like ENTPs, remain skeptical. Therefore, INTJs tend to benefit from working on diverse teams, where they can balance out more outcome-oriented personality types. INFJs are innovators—they enjoy thinking “outside the box” and exploring alternatives to tradition. That said, they always keep the impact they might cause on others close to heart, and strive to work towards optimizing outcomes both as an end goal, as well as in maintaining a harmonious team along the way. If you are an INFJ, set a concrete cutoff point (for instance, coming up with 5 ideas by the end of the day) and, once you reach that point, stop! Take a break, and consider how you will decide among your various options.

INFJ MBTI personality types and Decision Making

Learn all about INFJ MBTI personality types and their decision making process and tendencies.

As INFJs begin to evaluate and commit to one of their options, they tend to be forward-thinking and future-oriented. This also aligns with their preference for creative problem solving. However, they should also make an effort to learn from the past and present in order to avoid making similar mistakes. One of the greatest pitfalls for INFJs is feeling like their decisions do not support all members of their team equally, often to the extent that they imagine slights where there are none. To avoid this tendency, INFJs can and should check in with their colleagues, to determine if something is actually an issue or if it is more minuscule than it seems. As commitment segues into implementation, INFJs often take personal interest and responsibility for success. While commitment is obviously important, they should recognize that asking others for help and input is not an imposition, but is rather an opportunity for team building, and for all parties to become equally involved in a project. Throughout this process, INFJs should also keep in mind that altering the implementation process will always be necessary—nothing goes exactly as planned. Far from being a negative, however, adaptation is the sign of a pragmatic, well organized team!

Finally, when evaluating their decisions, INFJs can become overly invested. While focusing on individual personal development is clearly important, INFJs may also benefit from using a rubric or other objective criteria for evaluating success, costs, and implications of their decisions.

Like other MBTI personality types, INFJs’ decision making is unique and has its own individual strengths and challenges. To extend their strengths, INFJs should seek opportunities to collaborate with others, especially those who are more objective and present-oriented.


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Introduction to Type and Decision Making. (Hirsh, K., & Hirsh E. CPP. 2007)

Learn More About the MBTI INFJ Personality Type

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