MBTI® Test ENFP Rehabilitation Counselors
Strong Interest Inventory® General Occupational Theme Code: Social, Investigative (SI) (GOT)
According to Hammer (1996), people who choose careers that build on their Myers-Briggs Types tend to have more fulfilling and longer lasting careers. For instance, Extraverted-Intuition-Feeling-Perceiving (ENFP) Myers-Briggs Types enjoy working with others while helping them develop to their fullest capacity. They are also creative, and are able to use that creativity to solve problems and support others. ENFP Myers-Briggs Types can often make excellent rehabilitation counselors.
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Rehabilitation counselors work with clients who are coping with social, personal, or vocational challenges resulting from stress, illness, birth defects, accidents, or other life situations. Like doctors, they prepare and maintain careful records of each of their patients, including medical and personal history, narratives of client contact, relevant correspondence, and so on. They get to know clients personally, and often meet with them periodically for long stretches of time, even years. Throughout this process, they monitor and record clients’ progress and continue to tweak their assistance programs to ensure that clients always receive the best possible care in ways that are personalized for their own situations. In some cases, rehabilitation counselors may also work with other counselors or treatment professionals to provide patients with better care.
Rehabilitation counselors use many different office tools to keep their practices functioning, including desktop, laptop, and personal computers, mobile phones, scanners, keyboards, global positioning systems receivers, and so on. In terms of software, Microsoft Office Suite is all but ubiquitous (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint), though their Google equivalents are also frequently used. Calendar and scheduling software, and budgeting software are also very handy. On occasion, medical software, like Chart Links or Client System may be helpful as well.
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Most rehabilitation counselors have a strong foundation in the principles and methods of therapy and counseling. Many of them also have a background in customer and personal service, as well as an academic knowledge of psychology and education. Of course, fluency in English is necessary to communicate with your clients, supervisors, administrators or others, Counselors are also known for their social perceptiveness and active listening skills, which they often develop in classes and training sessions. Almost half of rehabilitation counselors hold a master’s degree. About a quarter hold a bachelor’s, and a mere 14% hold a high school diploma. In addition, significant residency, on-the-job training, and continuing education are vital to becoming a strong rehabilitation counselor.
Below are some employment trends for Rehabilitation Counselors:
- Median wage: $17.28 hourly, $35,950 annually
- Employment: 119,700 employees
- Projected growth (2018-2028): Faster than average (7% to 10%)
- Projected job openings (2018-2028): 14,000
Visit Our MBTI® About Page and Our ENFP Personality Type Page For Detailed Information on The ENFP Personality Type
Visit Our Strong Interest Inventory® Resource Page To Learn About The SI GOT
Click on one of these corresponding popular ENFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Bartender, Counseling Psychologist, Director of Religious Activities or Education, Fitness Trainer or Aerobics Instructor, Hairdresser, Hairstylist, or Cosmetologist, Psychiatrist, Public Relations Specialist, Recreation Worker, Rehabilitation Counselor, and Reporter or Correspondent.
Explore Our ENFP Blog Pages:
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENFP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- Myers-Briggs test ENFP Personality Type and Innovation Styles Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFP Personality Type and Project Management Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFP Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFP Personality Type and Leadership Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFP Personality Type and Communication Blog
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
- Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.org
- MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition. Schaubhut, N. & Thompson, R. (CPP, 2008)
- Introduction To Type and Careers, Hammer, A. (CPP, 1996)