MBTI® Test ENFP Personality Types and Project Management Preferences
Different peoples’ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI Test) personality type can yield valuable insights about their thought processes, strengths, and proclivities while they are planning for, completing, and wrapping up projects. Learning about your own MBTI test type, as well as those of your team members or co-workers, can facilitate the development of a more efficient and equitable work environment. It can also help you become more selective and knowledgeable about the projects you choose to tackle and your modus operandi along the way. This week, we turn our gaze to Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Perceiving (ENFP) personality types, who tend to be “creative optimists” (Tucker, 2008)—capitalizing on shared talents and positive thinking to deliver unique, quality products.

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ENFPs consider projects to have two intimately connected parts. The first is “an exciting opportunity to create a new tangible product or service” and the second is “shared talents of a committed group of people” (Tucker, 2008, CPP). These two parts begin to entwine immediately, as ENFPs often approach projects in terms of their potential for bringing people closer together. This framing extends to stakeholder groups, affiliated departments, and other people who may be affected by or involved with the project. The opinions and needs of everyone are taken into account to the extent possible along the road to achievement.
This road, for ENFPs, tends to be flexible. While they are goal-oriented and rarely lose their focus, accounting for many individuals can cause them to underestimate the resources or time necessary to successfully complete a project. Nonetheless, they manage to maintain a strong, positive working environment by fostering communication and team spirit, acknowledging and praising individuals’ contributions, and providing constructive feedback in positive ways when necessary. Thy also shine by presenting a positive image to stakeholders and others whose perception of the project can be vital to its success.
While in some cases, ENFPs can get impulsive and muddle a project with impromptu meetings, for the most part they focus their time and energy on being optimistic and maintaining a broad range of options that can help build camaraderie among team members. However, their commitment to a positive work environment can in some cases obscure the need to have challenging conversations or give constructive if critical comments or feedback. Teams managed by ENFPs or teams with significant ENFP tendencies, would benefit from consciously limiting the number of strands woven into each project, as well as listing out concrete intermediate goals or benchmarks that can help them achieve their long-term or project outcomes. In order to assure successful and productive communication, they may also find it helpful to establish agreed upon procedures for settling disagreements and voicing alternative opinions. In this way, it is less likely that people will be offended or will take such feedback personally.
All in all, while ENFPs are strong, positive project managers, they may need some extra support keeping their teams on track and learning that sometimes, people benefit as much from being aware of their shortcomings as they do from being praised for their strengths.
Learn your Myers-Briggs test type’s strengths and weaknesses, and discover how to use both to your advantage with the MBTI test below:
Learn how to effectively resolve conflict and work toward fortifying your relationships with the MBTI test below:
Discover your personality type’s ideal stress management techniques to calm your mind and help you on the road to success with the MBTI test below:
Introduction to Type and Project Management. (Tucker. CPP, 2008.)
Explore Our ENFP Personality Type Page For More Information On The ENFP Personality Type
Learn More About the MBTI ENFP Personality Type
Click on one of these corresponding popular ENFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Bartender, Counseling Psychologist, Director of Religious Activities or Education,Fitness Trainer or Aerobics Instructor, Hairdresser, Hairstylist, or Cosmetologist, Psychiatrist, Public Relations Specialist,Recreation Worker, Rehabilitation Counselor, and Reporter or Correspondent.
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENFP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI ENFP Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ENFP Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ENFP Type Relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ENFP Type relates to Communication
- How the MBTI ENFP relates to Decision-Making
Click On Your Personality Type Below & Read About Your Project management Style:
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types