Myers-Briggs® MBTI Test ESFP Personality Types and Leadership
Your particular Myers-Briggs® test personality type benefits from your natural propensity for using your mind in different ways than others. Employing some of the most elementary patterns in human operation, the MBTI test helps in numerous areas of life, and most certainly with occupational growth and examination. Knowing the diverse qualities that you demonstrate is crucial when contemplating successful leadership. They provide comprehension of your core attributes. This week we will be learning about how to involve and motivate others to achieve your establishment’s goals by concentrating on your unique aptitudes as an Extroverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling (ESFP) MBTI type. (Richmond, 2008, CPP Inc.)
Image courtesy of Vichaya Kiatying-Angsulee at
Sharon Richmond states that “your development as a leader parallels the development of your personality type”. That being said, you can plainly see that moving forward as a leader, you should focus on every aspect of your personality type. For example, you can embrace Richmond’s concept by grasping hold of your strengths as ESFP’s by being “quick to adapt to what you see as right for each unique situation”: you are “masters of improvisation, at ease even in the most unexpected situations” and tend to “attend first to pragmatic issues, often starting with people’s practical needs”. (Richmond, 2008, CPP Inc.)
ESFP leaders tend to prosper by generating choices that will assist individuals; favoring choices that resonate with their own morals. They seek up-front, concrete resolutions while simultaneously working instinctively in fast-paced, active environments. ESFP’s use their approachable, outgoing panache and positive viewpoint to generate rapport and inspire others. They pursue and value contributions from others and use this input to reach agreement. In addition, they have a habit of creating long-term relations that can contribute to their own progression. MBTI test ESFP’s rally the achievement of objectives by knowing how to duplicate prior accomplishments by identifying and reiterating a fruitful procedure, motivating others to take action and, by being pro-active and spontaneous, enjoying leading others to success. They then reward and celebrate the completion of landmark achievements to help keep the team motivated. (Richmond, 2008, CPP Inc.)
In addition to the strengths that ESFP’s possess, they also face many challenges that must be overcome in the process of becoming successful leaders that others will follow. ESFP leaders tend to put too much emphasis too rapidly on practical solutions, occasionally overlooking the underlying causes. They can feel great uneasiness with contradictory viewpoints, making it challenging to choose a course that may displease others. ESFP’s have a fun-loving style that isn’t always effective with everyone, creating a gap with more serious individuals that must be bridged. Myers-Briggs ESFP types can also be seen sometimes as playing favorites when evaluating performance and providing opportunities to others. All of these challenges can be overcome with hard work and dedication. (Richmond, 2008, CPP Inc.)
It is important that you understand that leadership needs to be fun with a willingness to be responsible for consequences. Responsibility can help you put more thought into decisions instead of acting on impulse. By focusing on this, as an MBTI test ESFP type, you can truly succeed as a leader amongst leaders. (Richmond, 2008, CPP Inc.)
MBTI® Team Report
Start building and strengthening your team today with this action-oriented reportMyers-Briggs personality types are not just for individuals! They can also provide invaluable insights into the dynamics of your team, department, or organization. This report addresses every aspect of team function—from individual contributions, to group dynamics, to professional development. Identify your team’s MBTI® type and start streamlining communication and optimizing your productivity right away with concrete action-steps. You’ll also receive personalized MBTI® details and action plans for each individual team member, so each of you has all the tools you need to become a better team player, as well as workshop outlines to work together better than ever. Boost your team’s efficiency today with this comprehensive report and create better outcomes for everyone!
MBTI® Interpretive Report for Organizations
- Learn how to leverage your personality type in the workplace
- Explore your optimal work, communication, and leadership styles
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Leadership Report Using the FIRO-B® and MBTI® Instruments
- Assess and maximize your leadership style through the unparalleled use of the combined strengths of the MBTI and FIRO-B assessments
- Gain self-awareness to connect your innate self to the leader you aspire to be
- Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
- Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours
FIRO Business® Leadership Report
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FIRO-B® Interpretive Report for Organizations
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Download sample FIRO-B® Interpretive Report for Organizations
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) Profile & Interpretive Report
- Learn more about your conflict-resolution style and how to resolve strife more effectively
- Designed for use in business, personal, or classroom settings
- Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
- You will be able to self-download your report as a PDF document immediately following the completion of your assessment.
MBTI® Step II™ Interpretive Report
- Explore the inner workings of what makes up your MBTI® personality type
- 17-page detailed analysis indicating the complexity of your personality using five different facets
- Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
- Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours
FIRO Business® Profile
Discover how to best interact with others in the business world based on your interpersonal communication style.The internationally recognized FIRO Business® Profile gives you the knowledge and insight to become a more competent and understanding communicator, whether your position in your organization is at the bottom of the ladder or the top. Discover how you like to approach interactions with others, how you prefer that others act, and how to best work in group settings with this profile.
FIRO-B® Profile
Learn how you best work with others through this profile, helping you to succeed in relationships at work and at home.Whether you’re looking for direct answers regarding your own communication styles or you’re administering the FIRO-B® test to your employees, much insight is gained in how your team (or yourself) best works in situations with others. With the answers you receive from the FIRO-B profile, you can strive towards creating more efficient, trusting, and beneficial relationships, both at work and at home.
Introduction to Type and Leadership (Sharon Lebovitz Richmond, 2008 CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
Learn More About the MBTI ESFP Personality Type
ESFP Careers
Click on one of these corresponding popular ESFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Barista, Billing, Cost, and Rate Clerks, Dental Hygienist, Mail Clerk and Mail Machine Operator, Medical Assistant, Municipal Clerk, Nanny, Radiation Therapist, Statement Clerk and Surgical Technologists.
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESFP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI ESFP Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ESFP Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ESFP Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ESFP Type relates to Communication
- How the MBTI ESFP Type relates to Decision-Making
Click On Your Personality Type Below & Read About Your Leadership Style:
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types