The MBTI® Test INFJ Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence

In Blogs, Emotional Intelligence, INFJ Personality Type Blogs, MBTI, Personality Type by Taylor Micaela

"Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /".

“Image courtesy of Salvatore Vuono /”.

Your MBTI® Test (MBTI) personality type can tell you a lot about yourself—including your level of emotional intelligence. This week, we will learn how the Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling (INFJ) Myers-Briggs® Type usually handles his or her emotions in different situations, and what they can do to play off of their emotional strengths and work on their weaknesses.

Emotional Intelligence and Empathy

The Myers-Briggs® Test INFJ Personality Type is primarily intrapersonal in their emotional intelligence, understanding complex emotions and moods in others while still keeping their emotions inside. Although they are primarily independent and often contain their emotions for later self-reflection, they are also known to enjoy spending time with others and discussing others’ emotions, hoping to show their support.

INFJ Personality Types are pretty adept at handling their emotions, with an intuitive outlook of situations and the emotions of others. They are original and imaginative, honing their energy into different, creatively stimulating areas, thriving in new and exciting experiences. They seek out thrilling experiences; enjoying the diversity of everything they can get their hands and minds on. Even though they find excitement in these new moments, they have a specific plan for their own lives, and stick to their beliefs as they relate to that plan.  INFJ Types are particularly great at doing their part and completing responsibilities. They are fairly self-confident, choosing not to dwell on their insecure feelings or internal dilemmas. (Pearman, 2002, CPP)

INFJ’s Work Well in Teams and Independently

Although INFJ Personality Types enjoy spending time with others, especially when it involves cooperation and teamwork, they do enjoy being alone as well. They choose their relationships carefully, but flourish with the friends and peers that they spend their time with. They may not always be the first people to strike up conversation or seek out friendship, but are receptive and pleased when others choose to do so. (Pearman, 2002, CPP)

When it comes to the emotions of others, INFJ Types are very sympathetic and considerate, as well as tolerant of peoples’ thoughts, opinions, and beliefs. They make a point to actively give their confidence to others, and to make others feel confident about themselves. (Pearman, 2002, CPP)

Problem Areas for INFJ’s

Although INFJ Types are generally pretty proficient at handling their emotions and those of others, they can sometimes be tense or overbearing in larger groups, not fully thinking of how they’re acting. They could also do with learning how to include themselves more in group situations, especially those involving work. It would also behoove MBTI Test INFJ Types to mature their conflict-resolution processes. (Pearman, 2002, CPP)

Furthermore, it would help INFJ Types to connect with more people if they were to provide direct reactions, advice and comments to those in group settings with them, instead of keeping to themselves. They need to understand that people want their feedback, and in giving their feedback, they can further their bond with that person. (Pearman, 2002, CPP)

By honing in on these strengths in their emotions and working towards opening up to more people and providing feedback, Myers-Briggs INFJ Types can work toward augmenting their emotional intelligence both in a positive and effective manner.

Discover how your personality best manages conflict, how the different parts of your personality work together to make decisions or gather information, how your personality type best communicates with others, and how you best deal with change in your life.

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  • MBTI® Communication Style Report

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Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence. (Pearman, R. CPP, 2002)

Learn More About the MBTI INFJ Personality Type

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