Celebrity MBTI® Test: Eminem Personality Type ISFP, Welcome to the Eminem Show

In MBTI, MBTI Celebrities, Personality Type by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

Eminem Personality Type

This week marks part five of our sixteen part series of blogs where I focus on a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® test type and examine a Celebrity throughout history that matches that preference.   Previously, I looked at Steve Jobs and the MBTI® test ISTP type.  Today I will look at the Myers-Briggs® test ISFP type, which includes Introversion + Sensing + Feeling + Perceiving, and Marshall Bruce Mathers III, better known as Eminem.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III, aka Eminem, has been heralded as one of the greatest rappers of all time, named the best selling artist of the 2000’s. He has been criticized for being overly vulgar while insulting fellow artists, movie stars, the President, and even his own family.  He is un-doubtfully one of the most polarizing musicians of this generation.

The Myers-Briggs test ISFP type prizes freedom. They also prefer to do things at their own pace, and follow their own course.  Eminem’s focus on his freedom of speech and artistic freedom is a great example how the MBTI test ISFP type can manifest itself (CPP, 2007).

Eminem is also a great example of what happens when a Myers-Briggs ISFP type doesn’t find a place where they can be appreciated for their contributions and fully utilize their gifts.  During the early years of his life, Eminem struggled in school and ended up dropping out of high school at 17 after repeating the 9th grade twice for truancy and having near failing grades.

ISFP types tend to learn best by doing rather than reading or through lectures so the combination of a traditional education combined with his external musical interests helped explain his resistance to structure and rules, leading to a withdrawal from his academic responsibilities.

Eminem is also a great example of what happens when an ISFP type puts their best foot forward.  Myers-Briggs test ISFP’s don’t enjoy routines, but they work with energy and dedication when dong something they believe in.  Eminem uses his rapping and songwriting as a way to express his feelings and his dedication to his profession is clear.

Another tendency of the Myers-Briggs test ISFP type is to underrate themselves while taking for granted what they do well . Eminem has made a living of expressing his feelings about his life and how he sees his experiential tribulations, singing of his direct and self-deprecating response to criticism.  MBTI test ISFP types really can be their own critics, but Eminem channeled that energy into artistic and financial success.

Eminem is truly a great success story of an individual that molded the best and worst of his development as a Myers-Briggs test ISFP type and channeled it into personal growth and achievement.

If you would like more in depth information on The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test ISFP type, or if you would like to find out what your Myers-Briggs Type is, then head over to the Assessments Page of Career Assessment Site, or choose one of the categories at the top of any page of the website and choose the MBTI Profile or MBTI Assessment , and take the MBTI Assessment for an analysis of your type.

Don’t forget to check out part six of our sixteen part series of Celebrity figures and the MBTI test types they personify.

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To find out more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test check out our informational section HERE.


Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)

To view more celebrity personality types visit celebritytypes.com