Celebrity MBTI Test: Augustus Caesar Personality Type INTJ, Rule Like The Romans

Augustus Caesar Personality Type
This blog marks part two of our sixteen part series of blog posts focusing on a different Myers-Briggs Personality Types and Celebrities throughout history who match those preferences. Last week we discussed George Washington and MBTI test ISTJs. Today we will look at the INTJ (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Judging) MBTI type.
INTJ Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Personality Types regard knowledge as extremely important and expect competence of themselves as well as those around them.
Augustus Caesar was a visionary Emperor of Rome who helped expand the Roman Empire to unprecedented size. His action-orientated rule lead to great structural growth within the Roman Empire and his political dealings lead to a 200 year Pax Romana (Roman Peace) Golden Age. Augustus also showcased some of the strongest qualities of the INTJ MBTI type.
Augustus, like a classical INTJ, abhorred inefficiency and put in place mass projects to improve the Roman Empire infrastructure. Augustus put it best in a famous quote: “I found Rome bricks and left it Marble.” Taking into consideration that this occurred around 40 BCE emphasizes an INTJ’s love for complex challenges and their uncanny ability to devise the correct strategies to achieve their goals.
Augustus Caesar, like other great INTJ’s, had a very clear vision for the Roman Empire and had the drive and organizational skills to implement his ideas. He managed an Empire sprawling multiple continents in a world that did not benefit from Facebook, Twitter, email, or phone communication. His ability to gather information and see things from a global perspective allowed him to make strategic decisions that laid out the foundation for prosperity and peace. It’s this ability to be an excellent long-range planner that helped him excel in his role and it is the same quality that leads many current-era INTJs to rise to positions of leadership in their related organizations.
Introverted Intuitive Thinkers (INTs) also trust their insightful connections regardless of popular opinion. This was never more apparent than when Augustus Caesar declined to take on the dictatorship like his adoptive father Julius Caesar, even when the populace cried out for him to do so. His ability to remain independent and trust his own perception of the situation allowed him to come to a politically strategic stance in order to avoid a fate similar to Julius Caesar’s.
INTJs often present themselves as very confident, calm, and decisive. This idea is illustrated in the famous sculpture titled August of Primaporta (pictured here). This outward presentation, like the sculpture, is a slight contrast to Introverted, Intutive, Thinking, and Judging Type’s (ISTJ’s) preference. In fact, many INTJs find it difficult to engage in social conversations and instead channel their creativity and insight into plans, opinions, and decisions, which they then communicate unmistakably. This contrast of public image versus internal preference is perfectly illustrated at the end of Augustus’s life when he famously states (on his deathbed): “Have I played the part well? Then applaud as I exit.”
If you would like more in-depth information on INTJs, or if you would like to find out what your Myers-Briggs test personality type is, then head over to the MBTI Assessment Page and take the MBTI Assessment for an analysis of your type. Don’t forget to check in next time for part three of our sixteen part series of Celebrity figures and the MBTI Personality Types they personify.
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Explore Other Celebrity Personality Types
To find out more about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test check out our informational section HERE.
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
To view more celebrity personality types visit celebritytypes.com