MBTI® Profile




  • Gain insight into your personality and uncover your potential 
  • Explore the motives behind your decisions, thoughts, and actions
  • Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
  • Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours

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With an MBTI® profile, your personality type is broken down into four dichotomies: Extraversion or Introversion, Sensing or Intuition, Thinking or Feeling, and Judging or Perceiving. Through these four categories, the MBTI test constructs your four-letter personality type that allows you to discover how you can best perform not only in your work life but also in your personal life.

The four letters of the MBTI assessment are dependent on which way you lean in the above areas. By learning about these components of your personality, you can choose the correct course of action whether in your career, in your home, in relationships, or in conflict resolution:

  • Introversion and Extraversion: Do you gain energy by being more reflective, relating to smaller groups of people and by being more of a private person? Or by interacting with larger groups of people and being more expressive?
  • Intuition and Sensing: Do you focus on how information fits into the big-picture instinctively or on real and tangible information that is focused in the present?
  • Feeling or Thinking: Do you base your decisions and actions on personal values or on logic?
  • Perceiving or Judging: Do you work and live best spontaneously or with structure and schedules?

The MBTI Profile also gives you customizable feedback, meaning that you can utilize the profile for specific goals:

  • Receive a user-friendly graph depicting a full break down of the personality components that make up your type, and how your answers correspond with your type
  • Decide how best to apply this information on your type, whether to your career path, work, relationships, home, or personal growth

What Happens After You Make a Purchase?

Once you make your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to complete your assessment(s) within 2-3 business hours. Assessments are completed online from any computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have purchased for “someone else,” we will email you to obtain basic information regarding your participant, including their first and last name and email address, to send them an email to complete their assessment(s).

Once an assessment is completed, you will receive your results as a PDF document in your email for you to save, share and do as you wish, along with a link to schedule your complimentary telephone or Zoom audio consultation with one of our certified/qualified interpreters to best understand your reports within 24 hours Monday-Friday. If you have completed a Myers-Briggs Assessment, your personality type will be verified for accuracy depending upon your clarity scores during your consultation appointment.

*Please note, The TKI Instrument, IStartStrong Assessment, and The MBTI Complete Assessment do not include consultations.

Bulk Purchases of 10 or more assessments include group consultations.

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