INFP Personality Types and Learning Styles
Different people often learn in vastly different ways. Some prefer reading quietly on their own, while others learn through interactive or exploratory group tasks. Some value information that has an immediate application in the real world, while others enjoy the thrill of exploring hypotheticals, even if they are physical and logical impossibilities. Knowing your MBTI® personality type can help you figure out how you learn best – what you value, how to stay motivated, and what kinds of environments will help you maximize your experience and your efficiency.
Hirsh and Hirsh (2007) note that INFP Personality Types’ learning is shaped above all by human relationships – they value content that can be applied to improve the lives of others, and they enjoy learning environments that allow them to build personal relationships with their mentors and peers. Impersonal or large-group situations may be stressful for them, inhibiting their ability to accomplish their goals. As such, they may need to find ways to bring personal interactions to impersonal contexts—for instance in getting to know students in a large lecture hall, or adding a column to notes specifically to reflect on how various bits of information can impact other people. With these and similar strategies, INFPs can stay motivated, and learn more effectively than ever.
Because of the value they put on relationships, INFP Personality Types benefit most from individualized of personalized learning environments. They enjoy having the opportunity to get to know their instructors and peers, and find it easier to engage in discussions or activities with people who they know and trust. They also benefit from having access to information before they are expected to apply it, so they have the time to reflect on it independently. For these reasons, INFPs tend to have a dis-preference for formal classroom settings, and instead prefer informal classroom environments in which they can engage with their peers and the content in flexible ways.

Learn about INFP Personality Types Learning Styles and Preferences
INFP Personality Types tend to seek instructors and trainers who are willing and able to treat them as individuals rather than merely as receptacles for information. They appreciate teachers who can establish mutual trust, and who are willing to take the time to build rapport with their students. In some ways, INFPs appreciate a coaching-style relationship, rather than a relationship that frames learning as a one-way transfer of information. Similarly, they enjoy hearing about their peers’ personal experiences, stories, and ideas. Unlike more extraverted people who may open up quickly to new groups, INFPs tend to observe and listen, testing the waters, before opening themselves up to group discussions. While they do not appreciate being “put on the spot”, they like knowing that their voice is being heard, and that they are able to provide a sounding board for others’ ideas as well. These strong personal relationships also help INFPs understand that corrective feedback is often well-intentioned, and that its purpose is to help them continue to grow and develop as learners, scholars, and professionals.
Learning to apply insights from your MBTI® results to streamlining and optimizing your learning strategies and environment can save you countless hours and endless frustration. Start learning more effectively and efficiently today with the help of your MBTI®!
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INFP Careers
Click on one of these corresponding popular INFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Audiovisual Specialist, Broadcast Technician, Craft Artist, Film or Video Editor, Fine Artist, Food Preparation Worker, Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners, Occupational Therapist, Proofreader or Copyeditor,Technical Writer.
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- Myers-Briggs test INFP Personality Type and Project Management Styles Blog
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- Myers-Briggs test INFP Personality Type and Leadership Blog
- Myers-Briggs test INFP Personality Type and Communication Blog
- Myers-Briggs test INFP Personality Type and Decision-Making Blog
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction To Type and Learning. (Dunning, D, 2008. CPP)