How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) ESTJ Personality Types Deal with Change? 

Responding to Organizational Changes as an ESTJ Personality Type

Individuals who assess with the ESTJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) Personality Type generally enjoy intervals of practical change, given that this will allow them to create new systems for them to organize. Additionally, this personality type may gain a new energy in an environment which may have become dull or mundane for them. The opportunity for arranging and scheduling accompanying an organizational change is often exciting for ESTJs. However, they have certain requirements in order to perform at optimal levels during these times as well. ESTJ Personality Types are often driven by logic, and they may want to have access to the reasons behind the proposed adaptation. They may want to have facts to support the need for the changes occurring. If their coworkers are involved with redesigning structures, ESTJs tend to take charge and may possibly demand others to take responsibility for their assigned portion of the proposed planning.

ESTJ Personality Types

Learn about ESTJ Personality Types and how they handle change.

If individuals with this personality type are not given the support they desire, they have known to become “critical and judgmental of others.” (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.40, 2004, CPP Inc) ESTJs have stated to have an aversion for being involved with changes encompassing wastefulness and may attempt to reorganize structures to instead build on what had functioned best in the past. This distaste for wastefulness often carries through to time as well, and ESTJs will generally want to implement changes as soon as possible. In doing so, they may have a tendency to organize tasks and even others’ responsibilities too quickly, resulting in missed steps or hurting the feelings of their coworkers whose needs are not being taken into consideration. However, when given the chance, an ESTJ will strategize and bring their plans to fruition.

ESTJs and Processing Adaptation
ESTJ Personality Types are known for assembling the specific information required during a time of organizational change. They are often skilled at managing pragmatic issues by producing realistically achievable results. This MBTI® personality type category generally consists of quick thinkers who focus on the bottom-line and are adept at directing others to follow their lead. ESTJs can sometimes generate their strategies with haste and should remember to try to keep their plans flexible in order to consider alternate solutions. However, it is best for individuals who assess with this personality type to actualize a plan to manage the adaptation, as not having one may cause them significant stress. ESTJs also may experience stress related to the change if they are required to “pick up slack” from their coworkers who may not be completing their associated tasks. This may be due to this personality type’s own innate behavior of dependability and them not understanding why others may not be as they are. The standard behavior for an ESTJ is for them to be straightforward and forthright, they may even be a bit assertive in order to motivate others. They may become irritated with coworkers who are unaccepting of an organizational change, as this attitude can delay the progression of steps to advance to the next action. Oftentimes, the most important factor for an ESTJ during these changes is to finalize and accomplish the task at hand. Furthermore, ESTJs generally do not have trouble moving on to new beginnings and are known for their capability of “accepting any losses as long as they are reasonable”. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.40, 2004, CPP Inc) During this transitional period, individuals with this personality type have been known to be valuable to their colleagues and organization by paying special attention to the specifics required for each step and ensuring their completion.

ESTJs and Progression Toward Innovation
It is common for ESTJs to be anxious for a change to commence. This enthusiasm may translate as a preference to jump from beginning to end, without a discussion or developmental stage. They may need to remember to have patience in order to allow their teammates a chance to make it to their position. In doing so, ESTJs should also make an effort to consider their coworkers emotional state during the changes. It may be difficult for ESTJs to deal with others who are blatantly ineffectual, unprofessional, or vague with their instruction. However, if ESTJ Personality Types keep their focus and tune into their innate skills, they often have little to no difficulty with organizational changes. If they understand where their contributions are best suited, often by assigning tasks or assisting others with organization, ESTJs will generally be able to gather the information required to progress toward the finished outcome.

ESTJ Personality Types

Learn about ESTJ Personality Types and how they handle change.

Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment has been developed and revised over decades to provide individuals and organizations with insight into their innate personality functions and behaviors they tend to display during specific times, such as those as a time of organizational adaptation. Utilizing this assessment can reduce stress, increase patience and understanding of others’ contrasting behaviors, and improve communication, resulting in effective team building processes and procedures. For example, an ESTJ may become irritated with their personality counterpart who may not adhere to deadlines that they have put into place. These contrasting personality types are known to prefer flexibility and may not understand why this behavior is irritating the ESTJ. If the two coworkers had taken the MBTI® assessment to understand these behavioral differences in advance, they would have had an opportunity to devise a plan to attend to both differing personality type’s needs and reduce any workplace conflict which may have occurred as a result of their differences. This example is one of many uses for the MBTI® assessment. The results can also differentiate why some individuals enjoy change, while others may find it to be stressful, why some tend to jump feet first with enthusiasm for innovation, and others ease into changes with hesitation and consideration of alternatives. Moreover, this assessment can produce information on innate behaviors for individuals to either succumb to their preferences for a discussion of how to interconnect differing methods or for adapting preferences in order to create a positive work environment.

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Learn More About the MBTI ESTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:

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Assessment Categories

Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)