Strong Interest Inventory ® Test General Occupational Themes (GOTs)
Strong Interest Inventory GOT’s Explained
The General Occupational Themes (GOT’s) were created to further clarify your high and low scores on the Strong Interest Inventory test Occupational Scales, which provide information about how an assessment taker’s answers match with people who work in and are satisfied with particular jobs.
There are six Strong Interest Inventory test General Occupational Themes (GOT’s), and these Themes play a precise and significant role in differentiating and interpreting Strong Interest Inventory results and scores. General Occupational Themes consist of six categories. These include:
- Realistic
- Investigative
- Artistic
- Social
- Enterprising
- Conventional

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Assessment takers are normally assigned three categories in the form of the first letter of each category, which help place you in occupations. For instance, a Strong Interest Inventory test CIR Theme Code would be Conventional, Investigative, and Realistic. A relation or correlation exists between the General Occupational Themes, and this is usually represented in what is referred to as the R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon. The closer the letter or category on the hexagon, the closer the relation is between two or three categories.
Each of the six categories which make up The Strong Interest Inventory GOT’s represents different behaviors, preferences and interests along with particular occupations that coincide with particular GOT’s. The following is a list of the definitions and Themes that correspond with each category on the General Occupational Theme Code R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon.
The Strong Interest Inventory Realistic Theme:
Those who score high on The Realistic Theme are known as “Doers”. They tend to be practical and straightforward, like activities, jobs, and co-workers in areas such as mechanical, construction, and repair activities. “Doers” enjoy working with computers, computer networks, tools and machinery. Typical work activities included in The Strong Interest Inventory Realistic Theme include doing jobs that produce tangible results, operating or designing heavy machinery, building, and repairing. High scorers in The Realistic Theme are generally emotionally stable and reliable, inclined to take physical risks, practical, thrifty, shy, and modest. The Realistic Theme is opposite The Social Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon (CPP, 2005).
Sample Realistic occupations include:
- Emergency Medical Technician
- Law Enforcement Officer
- Electrician
- Radiological Technologist
The Strong Interest Inventory Investigative Theme:
Those who score high on The Investigative Theme are known as “Thinkers”. They tend to be inquisitive, intellectual, and have a strong scientific orientation. They enjoy gathering information, uncovering new facts or theories, and interpreting data. They prefer academic or research environments, while often striving for advance degrees. Those that score high in The Strong Interest Inventory Investigative Theme dislike selling and repetitive activities. These people are generally independent, self-motivated, reserved, curious, and introspective (CPP, 2005). The Investigative Theme is opposite The Enterprising Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon.
Sample Investigative Theme occupations include:
- Dentist
- University Professor
- Physician
- Psychologist
The Strong Interest Inventory Artistic Theme:
Those who score high on The Artistic Theme are known as “Creators” and value aesthetic qualities while having a great need for self-expression. People who fall into this category are generally at ease in academic and intellectual environments. The Strong Interest Inventory Artistic Theme includes areas such as visual art and design, performing arts, culinary arts, writing, and mass communication. People who score in the Artistic Theme tend to be independent, nonconforming, Impulsive, expressive, romantic, sensitive, and free-spirited (CPP, 2005). The Artistic Theme is opposite The Conventional Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon.
Sample Artistic Theme occupations include:
- Graphic Designer
- Musician
- Reporter
- Broadcast Journalist
The Strong Interest Inventory Social Theme:
Those who score high on TheSocial Theme are known as “Helpers” and prefer to work with people in groups, sharing responsibilities, and being the center of attention. People who score high in The Social Theme prefer to help, nurture, care, teach, and instruct others. Individuals in The Social Theme GOT like to solve problems through discussing feelings and problems (CPP, 2005). The Social Theme is opposite The Realistic Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon.
Sample Social Theme occupations include:
- Social Worker
- School Counselor
- Elementary School Teacher
- Minister
The Strong Interest Inventory Enterprising Theme:
Those who score high on The Strong Interest Inventory Enterprising Theme are known as “Persuaders” and seek positions of leadership, power, and status. They enjoy working with other people and leading towards organizational goals and economic success. They enjoy working with people in general and dislike scientific activities or long periods of intellectual effort (CPP, 2005). The Enterprising Theme is opposite The Investigative Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon.
Sample Enterprising Theme occupations include:
- Realtor
- Investment Manager
- Marketing Manager
- Flight attendant
The Strong Interest Inventory Conventional Theme:
Those who score high on The Strong Interest inventory Conventional Theme are known as “Organizers” and enjoy activities that require attention to organization, data systems, detail, and accuracy. Accounting and financial management are two areas of further enjoyment for these people. They also do well in large organizations though do not necessarily prefer to work with people over ideas and data. The Conventional Theme is opposite The Artistic Theme on The R-I-A-S-E-C Hexagon (CPP, 2005).
Sample Conventional Theme occupations include:
- Banker
- Food Service Manager
- Accountant
- Paralegal
Plan your future career, based on your interests and preferences, leading you down the path to a successful work and personal life with the report below:
iStartStrong™ Report
- Plan your future career based on your interests and passion
- Start on the right path to finding a career that you’ll enjoy for years to come
- Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
- You will be able to self-download your report as a PDF document immediately following the completion of your assessment.
Delve deeper into what your interests, hobbies, favorite topics, and locations can mean for your career and personal life with the help of the extensive and personalized Strong profile below:
Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report
- This report starts with the same foundation as the Strong Interest Inventory Profile but goes even further into analyzing your likes and dislikes and how that can help you lead a more fulfilling, satisfied life
- Dive deeper into what your interests, hobbies, favorite topics, and vocations could mean for your career and personal life
- Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
- Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours
Download sample Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report
Explore Our Other More Focused Strong Interest Inventory Blog Pages:
- Career Counseling Preferences Blog
- Strong Interest Inventory Realistic Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Investigative Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Social Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Enterprising Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Conventional Theme Explained
Strong Interest Inventory Manual Revised Edition, Donnay et al., 2005, CPP}