How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) ESTP Personality Types Deal with Change? 

Responding to Organizational Changes as an ESTP Personality Type
Individuals who assess with the ESTP (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving) Personality Type tend to concentrate their awareness toward their current proximity, observing others and undertakings around them. It is common for them to display this behavior because they generally gain energy from their external environment, often being motivated by inclusion of activity especially when immersed with others. When dealing with change, ESTPs are known to encounter feelings of anticipation and enjoyment. They often appreciate the ability to use their systematic problem-solving skills for challenges associated with change. ESTP Personality Types generally find solutions by diving right into any issues that arise and by working side-by-side with others who share their visions. However, when presented with changes that involve other’s assumptions or that require strict deadlines, an ESTP may become less responsive or unmoved by the developments. Individuals with this personality type also generally prefer to engage in changes which are implemented for the short-term purpose and may feel withdrawn when presented with comprehensive plans. They are known to have a knack for troubleshooting, especially when handling changes responding to pragmatic issues. ESTPs are generally most comfortable with changes which fit into their vison for long-range goals and often prefer to physically view new environments before operating within them.

ESTP Personality Types

Learn about ESTP Personality Types and how they handle change.

ESTPs and Processing Adaptation
During the beginning phases of an introduced change, an ESTP Personality Type can be a considerable asset to an organization due to their innate behavior of motivating others to get on board with a new idea. They generally are effective communicators who inform others of the developments in the process. However, ESTPs are not typically the type of people who are known for providing emotional support to others who may be having a difficult experience related to adaptations, especially if the ESTP assessed individual finds the changes to be exciting. This personality type is often celebrated for their adaptation skills, but also may do so hastily without all the required facts to coincide with implementation. They are often masterful at managing unexpected occurrences and generally prefer to act spontaneously, as opposed to creating a detailed plan before taking action. ESTP Personality Types are also known to celebrate small victories and include others in their celebrations in order to intensify motivations.
ESTPs and Progression Toward Innovation
After a change has been introduced, ESTPs may want to enter a research and development phase of the implementation. This may include experimentation of many ideas while handling each complication assumed with solutions which have worked for them in the past. This personality type is known for their ingenuity, so during this phase they may tend to have less interaction with their teammates in order to find solutions on their own. However, they may also pursue the opinions of others who share their interest in the changes occurring to assist them with implementing the changes. This is especially true when the process has hit a standstill, as ESTPs will want to recruit others to assist with the progression. When gathering information on others who share common focuses, an individual with the ESTP Personality Type may find themselves leaning toward conversations which may be related to extracurricular activities instead of work-related needs if a project becomes stagnant. They generally will need the opportunity to take initiative and have responsibilities assigned to them in order to stay on task. They generally will not appreciate an environment where they are being micro-managed and may become incompliant if not given the freedom to develop their own procedures to handle the change on their own terms. It is common for ESTPs to “create variety and action, even if they’re inappropriate or disruptive” when doing so. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.36, 2004, CPP Inc)

ESTP Personality Types

Learn about ESTP Personality Types and how they handle change.

ESTPs have stated to feel less comfortable with change when they are being forced from their established situations and are much more likely to adapt with ease when adaptations are introduced in a fashion of amiability. However, they are also known for an enthusiastic attitude to dismiss processes and procedures which can be modified by rational adjustments. ESTP Personality Types generally are passionate communicators who will want to discuss particulars involved with each phase of implementing changes. They may become irritated with teammates who prolong the actions required for implementation or by those who feel intense analysis is necessary for actuating a change. Overall, ESTPs commonly are innate adaptors who find little to no difficulty carrying out even the most difficult developments which they may be affiliated with.
Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution
Each personality type associated with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® will respond to change in a different manner. Organizations have been using the knowledge gained from having participants complete this assessment prior to periods of adaptation to increase their communication, minimize conflict, and to build a stronger team. Understanding differing behavioral tendencies for interacting with coworkers, preferred work environments, and motivational strategies can assist with the organizational development needed to produce a positive work environment and strong company culture. For example, an ESTP can learn about their personality counterparts and become more empathetic to coworkers who may be struggling with an organizational adaptation. These individuals may not innately take other’s feelings into consideration, instead concentrating on the logical reasoning for their company to take on a change. However, this is contingent on the ESTP individual knowing their coworker’s preference for Feeling over Thinking. This is where the MBTI® assessment comes into play and can be very valuable to a group within an organization. When the members of a group know how to better communicate and interact with one another based on each other’s innate personality preferences they are able to build positive working relationships often resulting in reduced turnover and an increased work ethic. These communications can also assist with the preparation for expected issues and even for increasing employee concentration. When colleagues are able to engage in effective communicating strategies, it is more likely that they will have their needs addressed and an increased bottom line often follows.

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Learn More About the MBTI ESTP Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESTP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:

Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types


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Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)