How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) ENTP Personality Types Deal with Change? 

Responding to Organizational Changes as an ENTP Personality Type

ENTP (Extroverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving) Personality Types are generally individuals who utilize reason and rationale when making decisions, and this innate behavior often carries through to their position during a time of organizational adjustment. They generally are not the type of person who may be attached to one particular idea or theory, giving them the flexibility to adapt to their ever-changing environment. They are known to be innovative, inspiring individuals who are often motivated by problem solving. ENTPs may have difficulty contending with colleagues who prefer to have a structured, elaborate approach for implementing organizational change, instead they will prefer to broadcast each occurrence of the adaptation to others in order to stir up new ideas and to motivate others to proceed with the plan.

ENTP Personality Types

Learn about ENTP Personality Types and how they handle change.

They are known for their ability to promote an innovative solution, possibly due to their preference for needing others to interpret change in the same positive light that they view. ENTPs have stated to exhibit difficulty when dealing with coworkers who may not be on board with proposed changes, especially if the changes are logical means of increasing efficiency. This may be due to being known for responding to these same changes with flexibility and composure. ENTPs often find new goals to be exhilarating as long as they are given the appropriate tools to accomplish them. They may respond negatively when information which is pertinent to the proposed alteration is not released to them. However, they also are known for their ability to produce inventive solutions for any mishaps which arise along the way. This innate behavioral skill may be attributable to their appreciation for challenge. “They respond quickly, and, as far as they are concerned, no idea is too crazy to try out.” (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.39, 2004, CPP Inc)

ENTPs and Processing Adaptation
In conjunction with their heightened adaptation skills, ENTPs are also known for their innate ability to connect and interact with others. As a result, these individuals are often celebrated for their proficiency to stimulate and motivate their colleagues with their passion for innovation. They typically understand the emotions and thoughts of others and use the information, along with their innate optimism, to find opportunities to encourage positive changes. ENTPs prefer to “talk out” the possibilities by brainstorming with their colleagues to evaluate what may or may not be working for their organization. These individuals may want to discuss how the modifications can improve daily task efficiency, as well as how they will affect the overall company goals or bottom line. Having the most information to make educated decisions is commonly an important factor for ENTP Personality Types. However, ENTPs may implement changes “too quickly and too globally, ignoring the positive parts of the past and the needs of others,” and should be careful to take other’s pace and needs into consideration during these changes, especially when in a position of power. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.39, 2004, CPP Inc)

ENTP Personality Types

Learn about ENTP Personality Types and how they handle change.

ENTPs and Progression Toward Innovation
ENTP Personality Types are known for having a “go with the flow” attitude and prefer to not be hindered by rigid schedules. They may tend to disregard established strategies in order to keep their options open for adaptation. Instead, they generally have confidence in their ingenuity and feel minor details can be overlooked. Typically, an ENTP will want to complete one task, or make one decision and move on to the next. When doing so, these individuals may examine the repercussions of implementing each in order to adjust and move forward. They often will want to discuss the pros and cons of each step of the adaptation with colleagues to make decisions on which direction to move toward or which approach to use. ENTPs may have difficulty working with others who are unable to move forward with the new changes and those who may instead cling to what was previously used. This personality type typically must keep moving forward to gain momentum for what is ahead and focusing on the past will only tend to upset them. More so, ENTPs will prefer to move forward with modifications that they have created and may resist those implemented by others. This may be why individuals who assess with this personality type generally like to have the opportunity to be in a position of leadership or power. When placed in this position, they often will have the authority and freedom to make decisions regarding changes that are objective and will also allow for them to discuss their personal ideas with others. If they are not in a position of power, ENTPs will often try to find a way to partake in any discussions regarding the changes that may arise.
Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution
Managing organizational change is one of many uses for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment. This tool has been renovated and reconditioned over several generations for validity and reliability and is a valuable resource for both individuals and for companies. The knowledge gained from taking this assessment can assist with the administration of innovation, stress management, and much more! For example, when an ENTP Personality Type learns that his or her teammates assess with a contrasting dichotomy, it will allow them to establish patience with behaviors that may be unalike their own. ENTPs typically want to know the logical reasoning behind the changes being introduced instead of how the changes will impact themselves or others, so when these adaptations are introduced by a teammate or superior who assesses with a heightened Feeling Function, they may become irritated if their personal needs for logic are not being met. Alternatively, if the ENTP is the individual who is introducing the changes, they should learn to accommodate others behavioral needs of wanting this information. The MBTI® allows for learning all types of behavioral needs in order to produce an effective team. When actions are taken to cater each individual’s specific needs, a positive team culture can actualize and future successes can be anticipated.

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Learn More About the MBTI ENTP Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENTP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:

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Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)