Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Test (MBTI® Test) Personality Type Dichotomies

In MBTI, Personality Type, Resources by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

Explanation of the 16 MBTI test personality types and how they differ

The 16 personality types, of which the Myers-Briggs® test is based, include four pairs of opposite characteristics, including Introversion or Extroversion, thinking-feeling, Sensing or Intuition, and Perceiving or Judging.

An introverted person would usually have the tendency to prefer to learn from books and the written word as opposed to the extroverted type whom normally prefers lectures and larger group learning environments. The MBTI® test Extroverted Type would often have a larger group of casual friendships as opposed to the introverted type who keeps a smaller group of friends for a longer period of time.

The introvert points his or her energy towards his or her inner world of ideas and experiences. While the extroverted type points his or her energy toward the outer world and gains energy by taking part in more larger social and educational settings then that of the introverted type. The common introvert gains energy from spending some time to his or herself and uses this energy to adapt and partake in his or her less preferred area such as partaking in groups and such activities more usually suitable for the extroverted. The same holds true for the extrovert whom if left in an occupational setting whereas he or she finds too much time alone then preferred; tends to use group settings, either or perhaps both occupationally and/or personally to gain the energy and therefore stay more so at ease when in a more introverted setting.

The Sensing-Intuitive pole makes for an interesting opposite in individuals. Those that are of the Sensing Type tend to gather information through the five senses- hearing, sight, touch, smell and taste. The intuitive type takes in information by understanding patterns of behavior or otherwise, and from this focusing on future possibilities.

The Thinking-Feeling dichotomy also is interesting as one may collect data and research your Myers-Briggs Personality Type. “Feelers”, especially “intuitive feelers” have a way of reading between the lines. As they base their decisions on how these decisions might affect others more so then on logic as do the thinking types. Both have their strengths, as a thinking type makes decisions based on logic at such times where logic or a steady hand may be of use while the feeler may go the extra mile for the sake of a relationship and base a decision on the relationship aspect.

Lastly we have the Judging-Perceiving dichotomy. Often enough the judging pole takes some explanation. A judging type does not infer to being a judgmental person, nor does a perceiving type mean that a perceiver has an ability a judging type may not. The Myers-Briggs Personality Type indicates life preferences, how a person is most comfortable going through life in a functional manner that best suits an individual. When taking the assessment, one might find that he or she is less clear of type at which time some exercises and thought processes are used either by telephone or email with me to help a client decide for him or herself what type is best fit.

Complete The Official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Profile and Receive Your MBTI Personality Type

  • MBTI® Profile

    Uncover your potential with this profile, providing you with insight into your personality type.

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  • MBTI® Career Report

    Find your best occupational match with this ten-page Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career Report

    Choosing a career path can be difficult. The revised MBTI® Career Report helps point the way by showing you how your type affects your career exploration and discusses the benefits of choosing a job that is a good fit for your type. You will explore preferred work tasks and work environments as well as your most popular and least popular occupations and receive strategies for improving job satisfaction. This completely updated report includes expanded coverage of popular fields such as business, health care, computer technology, and high-level executive and management occupations. It is based on your four-letter MBTI Personality Type, which is additionally explained within The Career Report.

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Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)