Web Administrators are considered Conventional careers according to the Strong Interest Inventory®. This Inventory has been used for the better part of a century to help individuals find careers in which they will be successful, based on their own personal interests and workplace preferences, and the characteristics of the work environment typical for that career. The Strong Interest Inventory® is designed to gauge individuals’ level of interests in a wide range of jobs, skills, and activities, and compare their answers to those of successful professionals. Not only can this analysis recommend specific careers, but its analytical insight can be used to refer individuals to entire categories of careers which share similar characteristics. For example, the Conventional Theme Code Category contains careers which are driven by data analysis, structured implementation, and analytical thinking. Web Administration is one such career.
Web Administrators are responsible for managing multiple aspects of web design and maintenance, including updating web content, developing e-marketing campaigns, and managing large-scale projects. Web Administrators routinely monitor their systems for security breaches, ensuring that only those individuals with the proper permissions can access their website at any given time. In case of a problem, they determine the cause and work to rectify it. They confer or collaborate with development teams to analyze the issue and resolve issues relating to usability. Web Administrators always keep a backup of all data, so that it can be easily retrieved in case of an emergency.
They analyze salient metrics, including web traffic, conversion rates, and operability requirements, which quantify the success of their website or their business. This data serves as a starting point for any revisions or updates to their websites. They calculate and propose budgets, provide technical assistance to customers and internal clients, and make recommendations to their company or organization about new server hardware or software which meet their needs. Like many other professionals in the rapidly changing tech space, Web Administrators need to stay abreast of new innovations and trends by attending professional conferences or workshops.

Learn all about a career as a Web Administrator including career stats such as Median Salary, Daily Tasks, Required Education, Employment Growth and More!
Web Administrators are confident users of computers, servers, scanners, smartphones, and other office and technical equipment. They are comfortable with a broad range of software applications and have the foundation necessary to be able to learn new software quickly and efficiently. Examples of software used by Web Administrators include web analytics software (e.g., Google Analytics), database user interface and query software (e.g., Microsoft Access, Oracle JDBC, SQL), Enterprise application integration software (e.g., Extensible stylesheet language, IBM WebSphere), Graphics imaging software (e.g., Adobe PhotoShop, CorelDraw, etc.), Video creation software (e.g., Adobe Systems Adobe Director), and web page creation and editing software (e.g., Flash Player, Dreamweaver, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, etc.). In addition to these specific software applications, Web Administrators have a foundational understanding of computers, technology, and electronics, and have the ability to solve complex problems quickly and under pressure. Furthermore, they must communicate these problems and associated solutions to others who may not be as technologically knowledgeable as they are. Most Web Administrators hold either a Bachelor’s Degree or a post-secondary certificate (over 55%), though some hold a High School Diploma only, or have completed some college coursework.
Web Administrators employment is rising slowly nation-wide, with the greatest growth taking place in the large western states of Utah, Washington, Colorado, Arizona, and California. Collectively, these states are projected to add over 6,000 jobs to the U.S. economy before 2024. However, the growth in the majority of states is much slower, with the average growth rate just 3.3% and just 7,800 jobs projected to be added nationwide before 2024. Web Administrators’ salary also ranges widely across the country, with the Mid-Atlantic and New England regions boasting the highest median salaries. Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia are all well over $100,000 per year, with Connecticut and Massachusetts close behind but still over $90,000 per year.
Below are some employment trends for Web Administrators:
- Median Web Administrators Salary: $41.59 hourly; $86,510 annually
- Employment: 233,000 employees
- Projected growth (2014-2024): slower than average (2%-4%)
- Projected job openings (2014-2024): 37,700
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Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report
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Strong Interest Inventory® Profile
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Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile + Strong Interpretive Report
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iStartStrong™ Report
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- You will be able to self-download your report as a PDF document immediately following the completion of your assessment.
Explore our Strong Interest Inventory® Blog Pages:
- Strong Interest Inventory Realistic Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Artistic Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Investigative Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Social Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Enterprising Theme Explained
- Strong Interest Inventory Conventional Theme Explained
Assessment Categories
- Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.org