Click on your four letter MBTI type for in-depth information on each Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality type.
For full information on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, its history, and features, head on over to the Learn All About the MBTI page.


Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Thinking Individuals


( Introversion / Sensing / Thinking / Judging )

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Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Sensing


( Introversion / Sensing / Thinking / Perceiving )

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Introverted Sensing with Extraverted Feeling


( Introversion / Sensing / Feeling / Judging )

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Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Sensing


( Introversion / Sensing / Feeling / Perceiving )

Click Here


Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Feeling


( Introversion / Intuition / Feeling / Judging )

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Introverted Feeling with Extraverted Intution


( Introversion / Intuition / Feeling / Perceiving )

Click Here


Introverted Intution with Extraverted Thinking


( Introversion / Intuition / Thinking / Judging )

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Introverted Thinking with Extraverted Intution


( Introversion / Intuition / Thinking / Perceiving )

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Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Thinking


( Extraversion / Sensing / Thinking / Perceiving )

Click Here


Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Sensing


( Extraversion/ Sensing/ Thinking / Judging )

Click Here


Extraverted Sensing with Introverted Feeling


( Extraversion / Sensing / Feeling / Perceiving )

Click Here


Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Sensing


( Extraversion / Sensing / Feeling / Judging )

Click Here


Extraverted Intution with Introverted Feeling


( Extraversion / Intuition / Feeling / Perceiving )

Click Here


Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition


( Extraversion / Intuition / Feeling / Judging )

Click Here


Extraverted Intution with Introverted Thinking


( Extraversion / Intuition / Thinking/ Perceiving )

Click Here


Extraverted Thinking with Introverted Intuition


( Extraversion / Intuition / Thinking / Judging )

Click Here

Best Selling Assessments

  • MBTI® Career Report

    Find your best occupational match with this ten-page Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career Report

    Choosing a career path can be difficult. The revised MBTI® Career Report helps point the way by showing you how your type affects your career exploration and discusses the benefits of choosing a job that is a good fit for your type. You will explore preferred work tasks and work environments as well as your most popular and least popular occupations and receive strategies for improving job satisfaction. This completely updated report includes expanded coverage of popular fields such as business, health care, computer technology, and high-level executive and management occupations. It is based on your four-letter MBTI Personality Type, which is additionally explained within The Career Report.

    Download sample MBTI® Career Report

    Price: $62.50 Buy Now

  • MBTI® Step II™ Profile

    Further investigate the intricacies of your personality with this detailed report of your MBTI® type and its features.

    The MBTI® Step II™ Profile further dissects your MBTI® type, providing you with more in-depth information on your personality and preferences. Four pages of detailed graphs show why you received the Myers-Briggs® test four-letter type that you did (given at the beginning of the profile), and what it is about yourself that makes you that type (five detailed subcategories, or facets, for each letter). The information gained from the MBTI Step II Profile can be beneficial to your work life, your relationships, your home life, and your schooling.

    Download sample MBTI® Step II™ Profile

    Price: $82.95 Buy Now

  • Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report

    Delve deeper into what your interests, hobbies, favorite topics, and locations can mean for your career and personal life with the help of this extensive and personalized Strong profile.

    Your Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report starts with the same foundational information found in the Strong Interest Inventory Profile, but goes even further into analyzing your likes and dislikes by offering you a detailed look at how following your interests and preferences can help you lead a more fulfilling, satisfied life. The report presents you with the closest matched occupations for people with your interests, an in-depth breakdown of certain areas matched to your Strong Interest Inventory test results, and insight into your likes and dislikes.

    Download sample Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report

    Price: $62.95 Buy Now

  • Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile

    Discover which abilities and interests you feel best about so that you may apply them to your work and home life.

    Your preferences and skills are directly linked to your happiness—wouldn’t you like to know what they are, and how assured you are in your ability to perform them? The Strong Interest Inventory® Profile with Skills Confidence offers you a breakdown of your interests in work, play, academia, and communication styles, with the added bonus of showing you how confident you are in certain abilities and comparing them to your mapped-out interests and skills. The profile aids in understanding how this confidence is affecting your career and personal life, and whether you should seek new paths that align more with your beliefs in yourself—after all, success and satisfaction in a career is connected to one’s faith in their own abilities.

    Download sample Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile

    Price: $56.95 Buy Now