Career Tips for INFJ Personality Types (Introverted- Intuitive-Feeling-Judging).
Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs used Carl Jung’s psychological theories to develop the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) to assist with meaningful personal and professional growth. One of the uses of this tool is to provide helpful information regarding strengths and weaknesses to identify the best-fit careers, taking into consideration a person’s unique personality type. Jung’s psychological theories are based on his studies which categorized individuals into personality types based on specific attributes. This assessment is commonly used prior to the selection of occupation in order to find a position with like-minded colleagues. Following an occupation selection are four components of the career exploration process, with the first being goal setting, followed by gathering information, then networking, and finally, decision making. In accordance with one’s Myers-Briggs® Test result, individuals will approach these steps differently based on their natural personality function.
INFJ Personality Types (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging) and Career Choice.
Personalities who possess the INFJ functions most commonly pursue careers in four main occupational divisions medicine, science, the arts, and education. More specifically, when an INFJ chooses an occupation in medicine or science, they typically will be in a role allowing them to assist others due to their innate sense of responsibility and commitment. This strength can also play a contributing role in a career in Human Resources or Psychology. INFJs are commonly found in a wide range of occupations, such as Clinical Psychologist, Curator, Dentist, Desktop Publisher, Editor, Educational/Guidance Counselor, Fashion Designer, Graphic Designer, Healthcare Social Worker, and Pediatrician.
INFJ personality types are quick learners who aspire for meaning and association in ideas, relationships, and material possessions. Patience with difficult situations is also a strength this personality dichotomy holds. They are conscientious and dependable and inspire others to view relationships with empathy and kindness. Having a vivid imagination and finding innovation to be a natural process, they use these skills to find impactful change for themselves and for others. Some other occupational trends for this personality type include positions where they are able to encourage emotional, intellectual, or spiritual development, such as with religion, counseling, or teaching. This personality type will respond best to monetary rewards, and because financial security is an important value to them, promotions and salary are top considerations when choosing a career. INFJs also possess the skill of organization, which will allow them to stay focused during the following steps in the career exploration process.
INFJ Personality Types Goal Setting and Gathering Information.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test INFJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
Goal setting is the first step in the career exploration process. This step will be enjoyable for this personality type. An INFJ will tend to make several noble-minded long-term goals as well as have a strategy to achieve their plans but may often experience difficulty taking advantage of unpredicted opportunities. A helpful tool for this personality type is to develop a variety of goals with specific results expected instead of one goal with several courses of action. This allows for an alternative option if a plan does not materialize. Creating these intermediate benchmarks can also assist with tracking successes during their progress. INFJs should also allow time for the consideration of occupations they hadn’t borne in mind. Thinking outside of the box to find careers within their already prospective industries can open previously unrevealed possibilities. Their Intuitive mind will enjoy focusing on the future and may find themselves getting stuck in the goal-setting phase of their career exploration. An important tip for INFJ personality types to remember is to limit expectations to realistic goals and continue with forward thinking.
Once an INFJ has set goals, it will be in their character to investigate methods for personal development. Gathering information will be a comfortable step for INFJ personality types. They will often find opportunities for educating themselves while finding reading material about innovative movements within their prospective occupational goals. During this information-gathering phase, an INFJ may be susceptible to disregarding significant actualities concerning the sought-out position. Narrowing priorities and formulating a limited list of top occupations can be a means for INFJs to combat this innate behavior. They should also widen their search to include a spectrum of resources instead of referring to limited sources. This will include reaching out to professionals in their desired fields.
INFJ Personality Types and Networking.
Networking for introverted personality types can pose a challenge as their disinclination to reach out to professionals is innate to them. This natural behavior may result in lost opportunities. However, when INFJ personality types do begin to network, this type of person will find it easy to accentuate their potential benefit to prospective employers. It will be common for INFJs only to contact mindfully selected professionals or to not reach out to experts at all. For a person with hesitance, it can be helpful to begin a networking campaign with close friends and family who can introduce new connections. These people can also help an INFJ practice interview questions prior to life-changing career turning points. Practicing with others can help this personality type gain confidence, raise their voice, and help them realize their strengths. This self-awareness can be encouraging for INFJs, allowing them to emphasize their abilities and knowledge related to instant contribution to a team. INFJs tend to focus on the potentiality of performance and participation and can forget to reiterate how significant their skills and education can be applied in immediacy.
Emphasis on people skills when discussing strengths during this interview process can be the tipping point for a prospective employer when a choice must be made between two candidates. Also, remembering the interviewer may be of a different personality dichotomy can also be useful. For example, INFJs should highlight their ability to carry out specific tasks and produce tangible results when speaking to a Thinking interviewer and not confound a Sensing interviewer with too many eventualities. Finding information related to how different personalities react is a helpful tool when interviewing and during pre-interview network endeavors and can lead to a multitude of offers.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test INFJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
INFJ Personality Types and Decision-Making.
The final step in the career exploration process is decision-making. An INFJ will approach this step with the consideration of not only themselves but also of the people who are most important to them. When taking into account how their decision will impact their family and close friends, they may miss opportunities due to being overly persuaded by others’ wants and needs. This person-centered approach can force an INFJ to make rash and impulsive career choices and overlook the implications of alternative options. Having a system to consider all possible opportunities, as well as the consequences of each decision, can help INFJ to reduce their options to suit their own future better and still be able to include their loved one’s wants and needs. This system can be as simple as a pros and cons list or a decision tree to an even more complex system like a decision matrix analysis. Having the information presented in any form can help an INFJ narrow possible career options and clear their mind. For the same reason, this personality type should also consider a period of rest prior to a final decision. This time of rested reflection will aid in prudent judgment and sensible decision-making.
INFJ personality types will want nothing more than to have the career process complete but should remember not to skip steps. Patience with the process will produce a result that creates longevity and can improve the chances an INFJ will not need to repeat steps along the way. An INFJ typically will be most satisfied in an environment that has a wide array of tasks, with an orderly approach. They also enjoy the ability to be independent and trusted. Loyalty and job security are important to INFJs and should be taken into account when making a career decision. A quiet environment, with minimal interruption, will increase productivity and happiness for INFJs. Lastly, at times an INFJ may tend to ignore the distressful details and base their decisions on incomplete data. As an INFJ, knowing this could be an idiosyncrasy possessed ahead of time is the first step to avoiding this behavior. Instead of blocking the unwanted facts which cause stress, simply finding a way to manage the feeling should be encouraged. Having a little alone time to recharge and minimize sensory stimulation can be beneficial to INFJ personalities. Speaking to a professional regarding job-related stress is also a healthy outlet. Beginning the process knowing stress will occur can allow preparation on how to address the feeling. Taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Assessment to discover your personality dichotomy can allow for growth in personal development and the ability to realize how to adjust temperament to benefit the career exploration process. Using this guide will increase interest in communicating with colleagues as they often will be like-minded personalities. Happiness and the ability to communicate in an occupation will lead to productivity, a mental state of peace, and career longevity in a career.
Learn More About the MBTI INFJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the INFJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI INFJ Type relates to Decision Making
- INFJ Personality Type Career Resource
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type and Careers (Allen L. Hammer, 2007, CPP Inc.)