Boost Employee Efficiency With The FIRO-B® Interpretive Report For Organizations

In Business and Leadership, FIRO by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

improving your work efficiency with the FIRO-B test Interpretive Report for OrganizationsDo you want to know which of your employees are more effective team members and which are more efficient working alone? Do you wonder, as a manager, which employees to place on organized teams and which employees to assign independent tasks? Do you want to know which employees function more efficiently with more control over their workplace and which seem to function better with more direction? This knowledge is included in The FIRO-B® Interpretive Report For Organizations and can greatly boost your employee knowledge, performance, and sales quotas.

            So what does this report include?

It begins with a summary of your basic FIRO-B® results, which are an employee’s interpersonal need for Inclusion, Control and Affection from co-workers.


For explanation purposes, some related words in regards to Inclusion are an employee’s need for:

  • Belonging
  • Recognition
  • Involvement
  • Distinction
  • Participation

Related words in regards to Control are:

  • Power
  • Responsibility
  • Authority
  • Consistency
  • Influence

Related words in regards to Affection are:

  • Personal Ties
  • Support
  • Consensus
  • Openness
  • Sensitivity

            So why is this important to corporate success?

 This is important because the more you know about your employees, the more accurately they can be placed in good occupational-fit positions throughout your corporation leading to more corporate effectiveness and success. For example, if you know that one or more employees place a higher importance on Inclusion over Control, he or she would most likely be more agreeable in team situations, making him or her a better team member, unlike an employee who places Control over Inclusion who would most likely be more effective in an assistant manger or managerial position. Going further into the realm of these interpersonal needs, the FIRO-B assesses how employees express or want these needs. So, for instance, an expressed need would be; “the extent to which one will initiate a behavior”, while a wanted need would be; “the extent to which one would want or will accept that behavior from others” (Hammer,A et al. CPP, 2007).

            So why is it important to test employees for expressed and wanted needs and behavior?

 It is important to do so for several reasons. Firstly, if an employee is more likely to prefer to initiate behavior, you can better place him or her in an initiating employee position at your organization, such as a sales position. The Initiating Behavior can also be seen within The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step II™ Interpretive Report Facet of Initiating and Receiving whereas those that tend to prefer to initiate (extraversion) tend to make better sales people or fit better in other occupations that require more extraversion-based characteristics.

 So, by knowing who your employees are, from the inside out, can make you a better manager, and make your business more effective and more profitable. There is nothing more daunting for a manager than misplaced employees who don’t fit their job description. Assessing your employee’s strengths, weaknesses, and characteristics can not only place them in more suitable organizational departments, but can also lead to better employee retention and less employee turnover, which can lead to promoting from within. This can be quite valuable as your company grows and gains a moral reputation, attracting more educated and functional employees. Do not underestimate the power of assessment; it cannot be denied.

 For more information regarding FIRO-B Assessments please check out our two previous blogs below:

 “The FIRO® Assessments: Honing In On Your Interpersonal Wants and Needs”

 “The FIRO-B Test and The FIRO-Business® Test: How Your Best-Fit Needs Preference Equate To On-The-Job and Personal Success”

 To purchase The FIRO-B® Interpretive Report For Organizations visit our Corporate and Business Assessments section .