The Myers Briggs® INTJ Personality Type Leadership Preference

In Business and Leadership, INTJ, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

Being a strong, confident, and above all, an effective leader is important and vital in the fast-paced 21st century workplace. Thanks to technology-facilitated instant communication, companies and clients are expecting their teams to complete projects quickly and accurately. The best way to ensure that the teams you lead are functioning optimally is to be aware of your and their MBTI® … Read More

The Myers-Briggs® INFP Personality Type Leadership Preference

In Business and Leadership, INFP, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

INFP Personality Type Leadership Preferences This week’s post focuses on Introverted-Intuition-Feeling-Perceiving (INFP) personality types and how they can effectively adapt to today’s fast-paced, complex working environment. People are often told to capitalize on their strengths to maximize their achievements, both in and out of the workplace. Before modern leadership development strategies were prominent, people would try dozens of strategies and … Read More

MBTI® ENTP Personality Types and Communication in The Workplace

In Communication and Type, ENTP, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

Different people with varying personality types communicate in different ways. Developing a nuanced understanding of your, your spouse’s, children or your employees’ or colleagues’ MBTI® type can help you communicate and understand them more effectively and efficiently. Knowing others’ MBTI test personality types can additionally help you work better as a team, and ultimately be able to complement one and … Read More

Myers-Briggs® Test ENFP Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ENFP, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

Being aware of your Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality type as well as those of your peers and employees can help you build stronger teams and committees. In the long run, this will help to increase the efficiency of your organization. In this blog, we focus on how Myers-Briggs test ENFP’s, who are Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving types, can … Read More

Myers Briggs® INTP MBTI® Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, INTP, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

Testing yours and others’ Myers-Briggs® personality types can help you develop valuable insights into how to optimize your workflow. When time is short and demands are high, efficiency and quality are of the utmost importance. This week’s blog explores The Myers-Briggs® Introverted- Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving (INTP) personality type, with a focus on how they can increase their productivity while still effectively supporting … Read More

Myers Briggs ENTJ MBTI® Personality Types’ Leadership Style

In Business and Leadership, ENTJ, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

Being aware of your Myers-Briggs® personality type can help you motivate others, and give you a framework for your leadership preferences so that you may work on becoming a more efficient leader. In many ways, your personality type mirrors your leadership qualities and challenges, so knowing it can help you optimize your performance. This week, we will learn about how … Read More

Myers-Briggs® (MBTI® Test) ENFJ Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ENFJ, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

Today’s fast-paced working environment is more complex and more challenging than it has ever been in the past, and it’s only getting faster (Richmond, 2008). The more aware leaders are of their strengths, the more effectively and efficiently they can guide their teams to success. This week’s blog explores Extroverted-Intuition with Feeling-Judging or more simply put the MBTI® ENFJ personality … Read More

Myers-Briggs® ENTP MBTI® Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ENTP, Leadership, MBTI by Geeta Aneja

People differ with respect to their leadership strengths and challenges. Developing a more nuanced understanding of your and your employees’ Myers-Briggs® personality types can help you increase your efficiency to meet the demands of today’s fast-paced business environment. This week’s blog takes a closer look at the Extroverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving (ENTP) personality type and how these types can capitalize on their strengths … Read More

Myers Briggs® MBTI® INFJ Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, INFJ Personality Type Blogs, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

INFJ Personality Types and Leadership Different people have different gifts as leaders. Use the knowledge of your Myers-Briggs® personality type to develop insights into how you and your team can function optimally in today’s fast-paced business environment. This week’s blog explores The Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging (INFJ) personality types and how they can maximize their own productivity and more effectively support their teams … Read More

Myers-Briggs® MBTI® Test ESFJ Personality Types and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ESFJ, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

Knowing your Myers-Briggs® personality type can help you be an efficient, self reflective and effective leader. This week’s blog post is focused on Extraverted- Sensing-Feeling-Judging personality types (ESFJ) and how they can capitalize on their own strengths and work to maximize the productivity of their teams. Leaders today face increasing challenges in a global environment (Richmond, 2008). That means that … Read More

Myers-Briggs® test ESFP Personality Type and Leadership

In Business and Leadership, ESFP Personality Type blogs, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

Have you ever wanted to be a more efficient leader or manager? Have you wondered how you can best lead a corporate team or group? Learning about The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, your Myers-Briggs® personality type, and the array of tools available, can greatly improve your understanding of yourself and those around you. Additionally, this awareness can aid you in becoming a more efficient … Read More

Myers Briggs® ISFP Personality Types and Leadership Style

In Business and Leadership, ISFP, Leadership, MBTI, Personality Type by Geeta Aneja

ISFP Personality Types and Leadership Style Knowing your Myers Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI® test) personality type can help you lead more effectively. Knowing the personality types of your peers and employees can also help you build stronger teams and committees, in the long run increasing your organization’s efficiency. In this blog, we describe how ISFP’s, who are Introverted-Sensing-Feeling-Perceptive types, can … Read More