How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) ESFJ Personality Types Deal with Change? 

Responding to Organizational Changes as an ESFJ Personality Type

ESFJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Feeling-Judging) Personality Types are known to be sociable and dependable individuals who strive to keep an amiable environment. Their gregarious demeanor generally will carry through during a time of organization adaptation by their preference for the inclusion of others involvement. “Their great strength in a time of change is in processing people’s feelings, supporting others, and providing celebrations and rituals.” (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.40, 2004, CPP Inc) ESFJs are often caring individuals who take notice to other’s emotional state, often with the attempt to ensure everyone else’s happiness. They may also search for methods to enhance their organizational environment and culture for efficiency and amicability. During a time of organizational changes, an ESFJ may find themselves feeling unstable or insecure when they have not been given appropriate instructions of their duties. Due to their often-empathetic nature, ESFJs may also feel uneasy when their coworkers are distressed by the occurring changes. Individuals who assess with this personality type are commonly branded as “team players”, who reinforce decisions made by their supervisors without question so long as they do not create conflict with their own or others’ values. ESFJs tend to prefer to keep constant communication with others in order to manage their own sentiments and to take others’ dispositions in mind. They typically are the type of person that others can rely on and may become stressed when their colleagues’ needs are being dismissed.

ESFJ Personality Types

Learn about ESFJ Personality Types and how they handle change.

ESFJs and Processing Adaptation
When an organizational alteration is being introduced, ESFJs will generally thrive in environments that are orderly and coordinated. If they are given comprehensible instruction for how the changes will affect their daily routine, they may not exhibit as much anxiety as they would if being excluded from these particulars. This personality type has been known to prefer to have reports on their ongoing developments as well. They may worry about what may lie ahead for them if not supplied with this information. ESFJ Personality Types may struggle to see how an organizational change relates to the established big picture plans for the company, resulting in them to experience contradictory feelings. This can be especially true when the individual does not feel they have been given the reinforcement they are deserving of. ESFJs are known to be especially supportive of others, and when the support is not reciprocated, they may be confused by others’ differing behavior. However, this personality type is also generally able recognize when their innate ability to keep a harmonious environment is needed and will serve as an intermediary for any conflicts that arise. This may also include the attempt of reducing any steps others may want to include following a change implementation so as to move to finalizing the process. ESFJs most commonly will also want to aspire for a harmonious environment in order to catalyze for building a strong framework to support the change.
ESFJs and Progression Toward Innovation
ESFJs can be valuable assets to their organization as they generally contribute to occurring changes by “taking good things from the old procedures and bringing them into the new.” (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.40, 2004, CPP Inc) They also are known for showing appreciation to their coworkers for their influences during the change. If there are policies and procedures being considered which are taking a lengthy period of time to finalize, ESFJs are often skilled at finding a resolution for them. This may be due to their innate behavior of appreciating conclusion. However, they may also have a difficult time moving forward from relationships they have established and if the change requires them to leave people behind, they may experience feelings of negativity toward the future outlook.

ESFJ Personality Types

Learn about ESFJ Personality Types and how they handle change.

ESFJs should be cautious to not make these decisions too hastily to simply acquire closure, as they have been known to make impulse decisions without considering alternate possibilities. During times of organizational change, ESFJs generally will find a way to adjust to the adaptations, but in order for them to perform at optimal levels it is best for them to be allowed the time to determine where their assistance is required. They often will want to discuss ways to ensure others are having their needs met and the company environment is staying tranquil. If these behavioral needs are not met, ESFJs may become controlling by structuring other’s tasks so to insist their method for organization is best. However, they typically only do so in order to keep a resolute, encouraging, constructive work environment.
Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution
Utilizing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment for individual and company development has measureless advantages. When using for company changes, communication of one’s needs can be brought to light. In order to feel successful and happy in the workplace these needs should be acknowledged and discussed. There are many behavioral differences associated with MBTI® Personality Type when responding to a period of organizational adaptation. There are individuals who may react positively toward the change and others who tend to resist any alterations to their established comfort zone. However, using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment to identify these innate behaviors can assist with the creation of a plan to address any issues or conflicts which may arise as a result of individual mentalities during these adaptations. The mental processes of each team member involved is subject to feel some anxiety and or anticipation for the changes and the key is to manage both by acknowledging and using each personality type’s strengths. An ESFJs preference for employing a strict schedule to follow when implementing the changes is just as important as their counterpart’s preference for flexibility. Finding the appropriate balance to accommodate each personality type’s needs is one of the greatest achievements a company can effectuate. In doing so, a positive company culture is fabricated, often resulting in elevated employee satisfaction, reduced turnover ratios, increased customer attainment, and an overall inflated bottom line.

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Learn More About the MBTI ESFJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESFJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:

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Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)