Strong Interest Inventory® High School Edition Profile




  • Help your high school level child prepare for their future and get a head start on career and higher education exploration
  • Go a step further than the 10-page Strong Profile with additional feedback specifically for teens to consider educational programs, volunteer, and summer job possibilities
  • Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
  • Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours


Please note: A minimum age of 14 and a 9th grade reading level is recommended for this report. See “More Details” for additional technical information.

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The 12 page Strong High School Edition report includes five sections that work together to provide a full spectrum of feedback to help your child.

Section Breakdown

General Occupational Themes (GOTs)

The 6 General Occupational Themes provide a birds-eye view of your child’s interests. Each of the six themes (Enterprising, Conventional, Social, Investigative, Artistic, and Realistic) also provide related information on potential skills, values, and work activities.

Basic Interest Scales

The 30 Basic Interest Scales are introduced to provide a more focused perspective of your child’s likes and dislikes. They cover the full spectrum of interests including areas such as Sales, Visual Arts & Design, Protective Services, Research, Office Management, Teaching & Education and many others.

Occupational Scales

The 130 gender specific Occupational Scales provide a unique perspective comparing your child’s interest patterns to those who report being happy in their line of work. This list of job categories covers a large variety of job types including Restaurant Manager, Life Insurance Agent, Accountant, Business Education Teacher, Career Counselor, Athletic Trainer, Chiropractor, Veterinarian, Interior Designer, Attorney, Radiologic Technologist, and Electrician among many others. This perspective provides a unique approach to identifying new career exploration options for your child.

Personal Style Scales

The 5 Personal Style Scales help identify your child’s preferred working style, team orientation, and learning environment. It also identifies their preferred leadership style as well as their comfort level with taking risk.

Beyond High School exploration

The Beyond High School exploration section offers personalized feedback on matching educational programs, volunteering avenues, and work environments your child may wish to explore. It also analyzes your child’s interests in order to provide additional feedback on how they might prefer to spend their work time and what they value in a job.

Technical Specifications:

Age Recommendation: 14 and up
Minimum Reading Level Requirement: 9th grade
Number of items: 291
Average online assessment time: 30 minutes

What Happens After You Make a Purchase?

Once you make your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to complete your assessment(s) within 2-3 business hours. Assessments are completed online from any computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have purchased for “someone else,” we will email you to obtain basic information regarding your participant, including their first and last name and email address, to send them an email to complete their assessment(s).

Once an assessment is completed, you will receive your results as a PDF document in your email for you to save, share and do as you wish, along with a link to schedule your complimentary telephone or Zoom audio consultation with one of our certified/qualified interpreters to best understand your reports within 24 hours Monday-Friday. If you have completed a Myers-Briggs Assessment, your personality type will be verified for accuracy depending upon your clarity scores during your consultation appointment.

*Please note, The TKI Instrument, IStartStrong Assessment, and The MBTI Complete Assessment do not include consultations.

Bulk Purchases of 10 or more assessments include group consultations.

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