Ultimate College Package



This ultimate college package is an exclusive Career Assessment Site offering with reports chosen by our senior staff. Identify your core personality traits and connect them to goals for college study and future career paths.

  • Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
  • Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours

Includes The Following Five Reports:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Career Report
  • Strong Interest Inventory® and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Combined Career Report College Edition
  • Strong Interest Inventory® College Edition Profile
  • Skills Confidence Profile
  • Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report

Download sample MBTI® Career Report
Download sample Strong Interest Inventory®  and MBTI® Combined Career Report College Edition
Download sample Strong Interest Inventory® College Edition & Skills Confidence Profile + Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report




Learn More About the Ultimate College Package

Find success organizing your occupational exploration with this comprehensive package. These college-focused career reports can help enhance your collegiate decisions, creating a path for an optimal educational outcome.

Choosing your college major and career path can be difficult; Knowing which occupations match your interests and innate personality function may actually be the encouragement you need to advance toward the next step in your decision-making process. This package includes five unparalleled reports that are useful for weighing your options.

This extensive package will create a foundation for making the difficult decisions related to choosing your future academic and occupational endeavors. Having an organized approach during your college selection process will help you not only find a career which provides you with the best chance of happiness and success, but also assist with managing your stress levels. You will receive five of our top-rated college focused reports and the data produced uses two assessments known for validity and reliability, having been updated and improved upon for nearly 100 years. The information you will be provided with is a sure-fire way to launch your college major selection and career exploration into a progressive path to finding occupational happiness. This combination package is optimal for both individuals who are currently in college, and those who are preparing to begin their collegiate journey.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Career Report

  • Includes 10 pages of information explaining your innate personality and the relation to occupational choice
  • Identifies your preferred work tasks and your preferred work environments
  • Suggests possible challenges and how you can use your strengths to overcome likely trials and tribulations
  • Introduces your MBTI® personality type as an easy to read bar chart modeling your clarity index scores
  • Ranks job families into three tiers; Most Attractive, Moderately Attractive, and Least Attractive
  • Provides you with information on how your personality type affects career choices, the career exploration process, and career development

The Strong Interest Inventory® College Edition and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Combined Career Report

  • Uses data from both the Strong Interest Inventory® and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessments to combine information into one powerful report
  • Includes 27 pages to help you understand yourself and your career options
  • Helps you to explore what you like to do, where you like to work, and how you like to learn
  • Includes information on your preferences for working and studying with a team as well as your leadership style
  • Provides links to the O*Net database and other resources for further information on your top suggested occupations and lists O*Net codes for your top four job families
  • Includes Career Development Strategies with interactive exercises

The Strong Interest Inventory® College Edition Profile

  • Provides a list of the top college majors related to your top three General Occupational Themes
  • Includes 10-page Strong Profile and 4-page College Profile
  • Lists Campus Activities, Organizations, and Internships that you may find interesting based on your submissions
  • Identifies specific College Courses related to your top five interest areas
  • Reports your Personal Style Scales in relation to a school setting, in addition to work settings
  • Includes a hotlink to a free PDF with guidance for researching and deciding on an academic major

The Skills Confidence Profile

  • Compares your self-assessed confidence levels with your interest levels to identify discrepancies between the two
  • Includes one page of Skills Confidence information in relation to the General Occupational Themes
  • Includes a hotlink to a PDF explaining each portion of the report in detail and how to apply the results for personal and career development
  • Prioritizes confidence level comparisons to interest patterns for further focus
  • Assists with career, educational, and leisure activity exploration

The Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report

  • Builds on the Strong® College Edition Profile by adding additional information from your results on the four core Strong® Profile sections
  • Expands on the Theme descriptions and gives a closer look at your top General Occupational Themes
  • Includes 10-page Strong Profile and 9-page Strong Interpretive Report
  • Provides Action Steps for you to assess which occupations may be most appealing to you and for you to expand your college selection exploration
  • Allows for brainstorming of volunteer and leisure activities you may enjoy
  • Summarizes your interest patterns and your similarity to those who enjoy their current chosen fields

What Happens After You Make a Purchase?

Once you make your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to complete your assessment(s) within 2-3 business hours. Assessments are completed online from any computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have purchased for “someone else,” we will email you to obtain basic information regarding your participant, including their first and last name and email address, to send them an email to complete their assessment(s).

Once an assessment is completed, you will receive your results as a PDF document in your email for you to save, share and do as you wish, along with a link to schedule your complimentary telephone or Zoom audio consultation with one of our certified/qualified interpreters to best understand your reports within 24 hours Monday-Friday. If you have completed a Myers-Briggs Assessment, your personality type will be verified for accuracy depending upon your clarity scores during your consultation appointment.

*Please note, The TKI Instrument, IStartStrong Assessment, and The MBTI Complete Assessment do not include consultations.

Bulk Purchases of 10 or more assessments include group consultations.

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