MBTI® STEP II™ Interpretive Report Part 1: Overview

In Careers, MBTI, Personality Type, Resources by Jonathan Bollag, Owner and Founder

If all of our in-depth natural personality type data was gathered into a giant book, then the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Step II ™ Interpretive Report would be the ultimate Cliff Notes to our personality.  The MBTI® Step II Interpretive Report includes all of the data of the MBTI Interpretive Report and then goes a step further by breaking down each of the four MBTI dichotomies into facets.  Over a multiple blog series we will discuss the general additions of the MBTI Step II, as well as go over the five facets of Business people diiscussing the MBTI Step II testeach MBTI Step II dichotomy.  For clarity, we will also list some of the ways that the different preferences can manifest in our everyday lives.

If your MBTI Interpretive Report results showed one or more “slight” preferences and required in-depth analysis in order to figure out your verified type, then the MBTI Step II Interpretive Report might be the perfect test for you.  It is also a wonderful test for anyone that enjoys in-depth data on their personality type results.

A major difference with the facets, compared to the base MBTI Type dichotomies, is that a “slight” preference toward either pole on a facet now falls into a new category called the “Midzone”, which has a separate list of descriptors.  It is quite common to have one or more out of preference facets when your results signal “slight” or “moderate” preference clarity.  In the case of a “slight” preference for Extraversion, finding one or more facets in the introverted direction can help explain the initial lack of clear preference for Extraversion.  Your certified MBTI Step II Interpreter can verify your reported type so don’t hesitate to ask questions if you feel unsure if your results match your personality type.

Another great set of additions to the MBTI Step II Interpretive Report are the sections that apply your results to Communicating, Making Decisions, Managing Change, and Managing Conflict. (Donnay,D et al. CPP, 2005) These sections can provide great insight on practical application of your results.  We’ll cover them in detail in a future blog.

 It is import to remember that with the MBTI Step II, your results, similar to your MBTI Step I results, focus on positive or neutral terms relating to your “preference” of one facet over another.  It does not rate “lack of preference”, nor does it quantify how much of one preference or the other you exhibit.  It only rates clarity of preference.  In other words, it can’t predict how good or bad you are at something or how efficient you are at absorbing and communicating information.  It simply lists your preferred methods of communication and information absorption.  It can also be used in conjunction with the Strong Interest Inventory as a test to determine career.

The additions made by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II Interpretive Report combine to form the best personality test in the MBTI Family.  In part two of this blog series we will discuss the facets of the first MBTI Step II Dichotomy, Entraversion and Introversion.   

If you would like to see what a sample MBTI Step II Interpretive report looks like, or for further details, you can Click Here.