MBTI® ISTJ Career: Accountants

Strong Interest Inventory® General Occupational Theme Code: Conventional, Enterprising (CE) (GOT)

A career in accounting requires several personality qualities that aid with the mental processes and focus that the occupation demands. A person’s Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® personality type can often match up well with specific careers due to the qualities associated with them. In this way, the Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging (ISTJ) penchant for logic, facts, and objectivity often lead them to excel in accounting careers.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Even with computer programs advancing as monumentally as they are, there will always be a need for financially savvy individuals who can balance detailed numeric entries and bigger-picture budget planning. Economic, non-profit, technology, marketing, and numerous other companies are highly dependent on their accountants, and this occupation is just as important today as it has ever been. Accountants hold a number of roles in corporate and private settings, with most of their time spent analyzing financial data, keeping track of finances, and reporting on the present economic climate. They work with assets, profit and loss, taxes, liabilities, liens, payments, budgets, and audits in a variety of capacities, including maintaining and examining government records, developing systems of account keeping, providing and evaluating auditing services, appraising property, and more

A normal day for an accountant could involve anything from inputting financial data into spreadsheets, developing relationships with potential and current clients, or meeting with various employees to discuss financial planning options. Accountants usually inhabit certain specialized skills, as well as overall broader characteristics. These skills include mathematical reasoning; complex problem solving; sound and quick judgment; inductive and deductive reasoning; and proficient writing, reading and oral skills, among others. Accounting occupations are also prone to managerial duties, such as supervising or overseeing the work of others, so the ability to effectively manage others is fairly important.

In addition, accountants use many different tools and technologies in addition to computers (including laptops, desktops, tablets, and smartphones). In terms of office hardware, telephone lines, scanners, photocopiers, and often complex filing systems are necessary to organize the large amounts of paperwork they must handle. These days, much organization is done digitally in the form of accounting software or database reporting software, like ADP Super Report Writer. Compliance software and customer relationship software also help accountants maintain relationships with their clients and ensure that work is completed accurately in a timely fashion.

Working in accounting usually requires a Bachelor’s degree in a mathematical or economic field, but there are always exceptions. Work experience is often extremely important for this profession, as the economic landscape can differ between the working world and the academic world, so the sooner an accountant can place themselves on their career path, the more their time will be spent benefitting their future.

Below are some employment trends for Accountants:

  • Median wage: $34.40 hourly, $71,550 annually
  • Employment: 1,424,000 employees
  • Projected growth (2018-2028): Average (4%-6%)
  • Projected job openings (2018-2028): 146,000

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Visit Our Strong Interest Inventory® Resource Page To Learn About The Conventional Enterprising GOT

ISTJ Careers

Click on one of these corresponding popular ISTJ Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education:  Accountant, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Mechanic / Service Technician, Civil Engineer, Environmental Science & Protection Tech, Nuclear Power Reactor Operator, Security Guard, Supervisor of Correctional Officers, Tax Examiner / Collector / Revenue Agent, and Transportation Inspector.

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  1. Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.org
  2. MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition. Schaubhut, N. & Thompson, R. (CPP, 2008)