ENFJ Personality Type – Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition
The ENFJ personality type (as outlined by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Assessment, or MBTI® Test) is the Extraverted Feeling with Introverted Intuition type. Individuals with the ENFJ Type preference are amorous, benevolent, helpful, and dependable, making great friends and excellent coworkers. Myers-Briggs® ENFJ personality types bring an atmosphere of tenderness and zeal to any room they enter, and find happiness in the support of others and those peoples’ admiration towards the ENFJ Type. They are sympathetic, enterprising, and visionary, with unique minds and big hearts. MBTI Test assessed ENFJ Types are often successful in the workplace because of several beneficial qualities:
- Have a unique ability of working a group into a consensus, even if the participants weren’t in agreement in any way at the beginning of the discussion
- Work towards cheering on others and helping them work toward becoming better people
- Work well in both authoritative and submissive positions, as they desire to make everyone around them happy
- Operate as channels for bringing out the most desirable qualities in their peers, and therefore create an efficient and pleasant environment where everyone is utilizing their best skills toward a common goal
- Find underlying patterns that others may not be able to see, and can use those patterns to the advantage of the present situation
- Enjoy diversity and conquering new obstacles
MBTI Test assessed ENFJ Types search for the most prized qualities in others, and work towards aiding them in becoming successful, making them excellent motivators and team members. They are incredibly receptive to new designs and plans, and have a quick creative turn-around. Those exhibiting the ENFJ Type preference are also very perceptive, always aware of what is happening with others around them, comprehending their feelings and values. Overall, the Myers-Briggs ENFJ Personality Type looks toward the future of the world, hoping to make it a better place with their actions.
The People-Loving Life of the Party
Those with a preference for the ENFJ Type are huge people-persons. They enjoy coordinating events and activities for people in their personal and professional lives were everyone could relax and have a good time. They are vivacious and zealous, often the life of the party. ENFJ personality types have a special knack for getting people to open up, even if they are notoriously introverted. They find pleasure in being an “open ear” or a “shoulder to cry on” for others.
This all stems from their desire for real relationships, not just those created out of proximity or mutual acquaintances. The ENFJ Type uses a great deal of their energy on the relationships that they value, and will even go so far as to end a relationship or friendship that isn’t fulfilling for them.
Others describe the Myers-Briggs test assessed ENFJ Type as approachable, accessible, and accommodating. They are open and clear about their own beliefs, and use these beliefs as a ground for helping them make decisions. They place peace and support on a high pedestal, and expect the same from others.
A Little Thin-Skinned
Unfortunately, their belief in the power of support can make the ENFJ Type thin-skinned when it comes to disapproval. MBTI test assessed ENFJ Types may lack the self confidence to believe in themselves if they are not given ample praise and appreciation, or they may take actual or invented disapproval too much to heart, allowing it to completely bring them down. Because of this, the ENFJ Personality Type can have a hard time taking responsibility to those that are close to them for wrong actions, for fear of disapproval.
The ENFJ Personality Types desire for happiness, peace, and approval can also lead them to some extreme behavior, such as becoming bossy when trying to pacify situations and people who seem to be on the verge of conflict.
Because of their strong beliefs, those with the preference for the Myers-Briggs ENFJ Personality Type may make a bad habit of coming to conclusions without surveying other options or facts that aren’t just their beliefs and opinions. This can lead to hastily formed choices and uninformed decisions. The ENFJ Type may also fail to see important elements in times of decision making, allowing their beliefs to overshadow empirical data. If the ENFJ Type works on incorporating reasonable data into their decision making, and on thinking about their well beings over the well beings of others, they can avoid these sorts of issues and become a more confident and respected coworker.
[All personality type information was referenced from the following publication- (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)]
ENFJ Types Just Want Us All to Get Along
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator ENFJ Personality Type desires to make others happy and to aid them in becoming better people makes them exceptional in careers that directly affect another. Individuals with the ENFJ Type, therefore, often find themselves excelling at positions such as veterinary assistant, elementary school teacher, career counselor, home health aide, industrial/organizational psychologist. Their innovation and visionary ideas also set them up to succeed in careers involving the arts, such as interior designer and craft artist. The desire to be around people makes business a common area of interest among the Myers-Briggs ENFJ Personality Type as well, so titles such as meeting/convention planner, broadcast technician, and public relations specialist are also common (Allen L. Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.).
To best excel in these positions, the Myers Briggs Test -assessed ENFJ individual must work on creating specific goals for themselves and themselves only. If those with the ENFJ Type are planning their futures with others in mind, they may miss exceptional chances for growth. By focusing on their personal goals instead of those of others, the ENFJ Type can work toward becoming exceptional in their current (or a future) position.
Individuals that have the ENFJ Type preference also must use reason and analysis when making their decisions, both in the workplace and in their personal lives. By slowing down their decision making process and making sure to focus on the information available to them, as well as their own personal beliefs (and not those of others), ENFJ Types will learn to make much more informed, well thought out decisions. With working on these skills and, at the same time, keeping their love for their fellow human, individuals who exhibit the ENFJ Type will find success in whatever career they choose.
Click on one of these corresponding popular ENFJ Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Child Care Worker, Clergy, Customer Service Representative , Dental Assistant, Executive Secretary or Administrative Assistant, Health Educator, Host or Hostess, Instructional Coordinators, Interior Designers, Loan Counselors.
Further Understanding ENFJs
ENFJs tend to be empathetic, emotional individuals who have a proclivity for drawing out the best in others. Their decisions are deeply grounded in their personal values, which include harmony, trust, and cooperation, moving towards a more equitable and supportive world for all. They appreciate approval and positive attention, though they can be sensitive to criticism or tension. Myers-Briggs® ENFJs are also imaginative, creative individuals, who are curious about new ideas and are motivated by the hope of contributing to humanity. They feel an inherent need to invest in others and to help others achieve their goals, also while having fun! Other individuals tend to see ENFJs as energetic, social, and responsive, though they may not always be aware of ENFJs’ need for strong personal relationships.
Like all individuals, ENFJ Personality Types should make an effort to develop well-rounded personalities. They need to be able to look beyond their own personal values to practical considerations, and they should be cautious about moving too quickly to accept the judgments of others uncritically. Otherwise, they may become impulsive or irrational, making large investments without carefully considering their possible consequences. In severe cases, ENFJs may even become insistent in their desire for harmony. Nonetheless, by striking a balance between their emotional sensitivity, need for justice and companionship, and the practicalities of the real world, ENFJs can achieve a great deal for themselves as individuals, as well as for any team of which they are a part.
ENFJs’ Learning Style: Communicative and Cooperative
ENFJs learn by engaging in cooperative learning. This means that they make an effort to work in harmony with others and develop strategies that will be successful for many different members of their groups. A positive work environment is of the utmost importance for ENFJs, since they find it difficult to focus when members of their groups have tension with one another. For them, learning is an inherently collaborative process. As such, they prefer learning environments in which group work, discussion, and participation is encouraged. They enjoy finding common group among perspectives, and value being able to explore multiple possibilities before completing a task collaboratively. That said, it should be noted that ENFJs do not enjoy group work for its own sake, nor do they work well in highly competitive environments. Non-collaborative group work, such as debates or critiques, are in many cases counterproductive for ENFJs, discouraging rather than motivating them.

Read about The ENFJ Personality Type and their learning, leadership, emotional outlook tendencies & more.
ENFJs prefer similar dynamics when associating with instructors; they benefit from instructors who are supportive and encouraging, who play the role of facilitators rather than unidirectional dispensers of information. They enjoy cultivating personal relationships with their instructors, and encourage instructors to get to know them as individuals rather than as students. Knowing that their instructors or coaches are personally interested in their well-being is a great motivation for ENFJs, who otherwise can feel detached when material is presented in a purely objective manner. In the same way, they enjoy being able to explore differences in opinion without feeling as though such differences are overly judgmental or critical. Supportiveness, camaraderie, and collaboration are of the utmost importance in ENFJs’ learning environments.
As a result, giving feedback to ENFJs can be tricky, since they are comfortable with and motivated by positive feedback, but can become discouraged easily by being criticized, especially if they feel it is in an unsupportive way. However, if feedback is given with the orientation of being encouraging and helping them to improve, especially if it comes from an individual with whom ENFJs already have an established relationship, they can become greatly invested and motivated by it.
ENFJs’ Leadership Style: Engaging and Motivational
Because ENFJs, more than most personality types, are able to motivate others around shared values and a shared purpose, they tend to be the lynch pins of the organizations with which they work. They are highly decisive and action-oriented, but still keep their eye on the end goal, their vision for the organization. Of course, because of the importance they place on interpersonal relationships and individuals, their vision always includes the best possible outcomes for staff members, customers, and all those whom their institution’s policy affects. However, because of their zeal, they may at times have a tendency to gloss over empirical data that may actually support their vision or give it direction. They also risk reacting to others’ concerns as if they were challenges. This level of dogmatism should be regarded with caution, and ENFJs should make an effort to fully trust their peers and co-workers, just as they expect themselves to be trusted as well.
ENFJs are highly motivational leaders, and inspire other to accomplish sometimes more than they had ever dreamed possible. They are generally welcoming of those from diverse backgrounds, and make an effort to notice and appreciate the individual and particular contributions of others. They know that a little targeted praise can go a long way, and they gain a great deal of fulfillment from knowing that others on their teams feel included and supported. However, ENFJs may get too emotionally close to their peers or co-workers, and may take on their problems as their own. In other cases, they may become discouraged or frustrated if they do not develop or progress as quickly as they would have liked. Nonetheless, with a little bit of self-control and emotional awareness, ENFJs can become more productive, stronger leaders than ever.
Those who have the opportunity to work under ENFJs see them as being reliable leaders who deliver their promises. They are well-supported, and understand that ENFJs will do their best to capitalize on and effectively utilize their strengths, while helping them bolster their challenges. On the other hand, they also realize that ENFJs make an effort to be as positive and optimistic as possible. As a result, they may avoid conflict, even when some level of criticism is actually necessary in order to improve the organization’s performance or bottom line. Nonetheless, ENFJs do have their organization’s best interest at heart, and are dedicated to doing everything in their control to improve contribute as much as possible.
ENFJs and Emotional Outlook: Warm and Supportive
ENFJs are extremely expressive, inclusive individuals, who have strong core values. They are confident and self-aware of their own imagination and creativity, and are also conscious of their own approval or disapproval of others. While they may not necessarily be willing to articulate these feelings, they are more often than not keenly aware of them nonetheless. They are highly organized individuals, and because of their self-awareness of their own impulses are often able to redirect their impulses to productive and creative outlets. However, their normally considerable emotional self-control may waver when they are confronted with those who refuse to engage with dialogue, or if they are intentionally disrespectful of others.

Read about The MBTI® ENFJ Personality Type’s Emotional Intelligence/Outlook. Strategies and tips for ENFJ’s and their peers.
ENFJs tend to be highly flexible, enjoying variety and change provided that the plan being implemented aligns with the team and organization’s overall mission and larger goals. They are open to adaptation based on changing circumstances, but are fiercely loyal to maintaining larger objectives regardless of mitigating circumstances. This may be in part due to ENFJs’ motivation by symbolic information or ideals. While they are also engaged by complexity and enjoy understanding the multiple and related parts of a given context, they still value having a unified direction, defined criteria, and some rules of performance. In their view, some level of structure allows individuals to operate in an organized fashion. This predictability creates a more comfortable, wholesome environment, in their view.
ENFJs are highly resourceful and well-informed. They often glean information from their wide networks, and also use these networks and relationships to help them overcome difficulties, including managing stress. They are equally supportive of others, often exhibiting astonishing insights into others’ feelings or needs, and responding easily to social nuances. They are relatively dominant in social situations, and are natural leaders, eager to take on responsibilities and helping the group achieve their goals. They are also highly vocal, conveying respect and enjoyment openly, and also being overtly supportive and understanding of others’ beliefs and values. Respecting and being respected by others is a core value of ENFJs, and they make a concerted effort to make a good impression on others by demonstrating an awareness of their emotional and psychological needs. They also make an effort to solicit their ideas and points of view, and to solve problems creatively in conjunction with other individuals.
As ENFJs continue to grow and develop as individuals and as leaders, they should make an effort to establish clear emotional boundaries between themselves and their co-workers, and, especially when they are in leadership positions, ask for specific actions or improvements in others’ behavior. Without specific feedback, many individuals will find making improvements difficult if not impossible to make. Along the same lines, ENFJs need to realize the not all conflict is bad; sometimes, the greatest progress is made as a result of the resolution of a disagreement.
ENFJ Personality Types in The Workplace
Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging (ENFJ) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Personality Types are highly in touch with their emotions. They are empathetic and closely feel the emotions, motivations, concerns and experiences of others. Both in and out of the workplace, they focus on supporting others in their personal and professional development, and they feel most fulfilled when they are able to cultivate others’ growth. ENFJs are instrumental in strengthening teams and often serve as the social glue that make their offices warm, supportive places to work. They go above and beyond professional demands to organize birthday events and holiday parties, and even in just checking in with their co-workers.
ENFJs are also talented in building consensus and forging independent, discrete individuals into collaborative teams. ENFJs are almost always focused on the common good, rather than the development or recognition of any one individual. They often act as catalysts, drawing out the best in others. They are inspiring leaders and dedicated team members and followers.
ENFJs and Communication in The Workplace: Cooperative and Polite
ENFJs goal during almost all communications is to build consensus. They solicit every person’s opinion and take the time to show appreciation for their participation. For ENFJs, the objective is not only to reach a conclusion and implement a plan of action, but also to ensure that every person feels welcome, valued, and fulfilled. They genuinely enjoy collaborating and cooperating to reach a common goal, but at the same time they recognize that the journey is as important as the destination.
While their personal approach may appeal to some of their peers, others may become irritated by ENFJs as they almost always focus on the common good, rather than the development or recognition of any one individual. They may feel that too much time is spent focused on low priority issues or on making small talk, both of which may seem like wastes of time. That said, ENFJs may themselves become irritated when others focus too narrowly on the task at hand, without recognizing that it is human beings who are completing it. People who are overly skeptical or critical can frustrate ENFJs, especially if they fail to acknowledge the importance of social niceties in the communication process—or, as ENFJs might call them—manners.
To become even stronger communicators, ENFJs may need to learn that disagreement does not necessarily signify disrespect or disdain. In fact, for many more analytical personality types, being comfortable enough to express disagreement is actually a sign of respect and trust—they would not take the time to correct someone who they did not think could improve. ENFJs should also make an effort to focus narrowly on the task at hand, especially in groups. Others may feel disrespected or may feel like their time is not valued when ENFJs spend too much time discussing tangential or unimportant issues. A little focus can go a long way.
ENFJs and Workplace Contributions: Caring and Clarifying
ENFJs contribute to the workplace primarily in interpersonal, emotional ways. They have strong opinions and ideals of how organizations should treat their people, and they work hard to make their organizations one that they can be proud to work for. They take pride in communicating their organizational values to external stakeholders as well as to others within their organizations. For this reason, ENFJs are often involved in the onboarding process for new hires, especially when it comes to introducing new hires to the company culture or to other team members. ENFJs also enjoy leading teams, facilitating group conversations, and generally encouraging cooperation among various team members to reach a common solution or to achieve a common goal. To them, bringing complex matters to fruitful conclusions is fulfilling, especially when the journey brings their team members closer to one another as well.
ENFJs also contribute by providing support for others. For example, ENFJs might make time to have a conversation or grab a longer-then-usual lunch with a coworker who might need someone to talk to. While some team members may become irritated by their tendency to rush to the rescue without considering the actual problem in detail, their general intent is good. However, ENFJs may need to take a step back to analyze the situation and determine what steps they can take that would actually mitigate the problem. Furthermore, ENFJs may need to realize that help may not be wanted—sometimes people just need some space. Someone withdrawing or disconnecting from them is not necessarily a personal affront. Instead, ENFJs can offer support to such individuals from afar, and reinforce the fact that the door is open when they want to talk.
ENFJs efforts are particularly stress-relieving in times of flux or change, which can stress out their coworkers or friends. Their calming presence is often appreciated and can make change a more positive experience. While ENFJs can frustrate or irritate their team members, for instance by ignoring problems or being overly idealistic, they themselves may become irritated by others who focus too narrowly on the logistics and specifics of implementation without paying enough attention to the concerns of the people involved. Being a bit more realistic and accurately evaluating others’ capabilities can help ENFJs work more efficiently and avoid wasting time on those who are beyond help or who do not want to help themselves.
ENFJs and Workplace Culture: Collaborative and Supportive
ENFJs are energetic, enthusiastic individuals with a passion for others. At the same time, they are able to maintain their autonomy and stay true to their own personality, values, and opinions. They thrive in workplaces where they can interact with others who are socially adept, who share their need for authentic, intimate relationships, and who are focused on changing the world for the betterment of others. ENFJs find it difficult to work in contexts where they are isolated or have too much independence. On the other hand, they enjoy social, collaborative environments that encourage support, appreciation, and empathy. They need to feel appreciated and like part of a team. At the same time, ENFJs need a flexible environment—they need to be able to express themselves in terms of their clothing, work hours, and other aspects of work culture. They are focused and dedicated workers but need a level of flexibility to stretch their skills as much as possible.
ENTJs are willing to put in the time and energy necessary to build collaborative, energizing teams, but they need to be in a work environment where their efforts are recognized and rewarded. More independent team members may think they are being unreasonable in expecting everyone to get along. Others may think they are overly involved in issues that do not concerned them, even to the point of being bossy or paternalistic. On the other hand, they may find people who are competitive or uncooperative equally frustrating to work with. The key in these situations is to recognize that sometimes accomplishing a goal is enough. People don’t need to be close or be friends in order to do great things together.
ENFJs and Leadership in The Workplace: Interpersonal and Harmonious
ENFJs leadership style is strongly interpersonal. They generally start by evaluating the skills and resources of each of their team members, and then create a clear organizational structure that utilizes each individual effectively and in ways that they will find fulfilling. From there, ENFJs provide direction and guidance. They do their best to be supportive and responsive, while still participating fully in the tasks at hand. While some more independent direct reports may find them overly involved or even pushy, ENFJs may feel this level of involvement is necessary, especially when team members are unprepared or uncommitted in any way. For example, ENTJs may need to be more involved when others question the team’s ideals, values, plans, or structures. ENFJs may also become frustrated as leaders when team members place too much importance on expediency or efficiency. While these values are important to ENFJs also, they value cooperation and harmony above all.
ENFJ leaders are also very good at inspiring others to follow them. They notice and appreciate others’ contributions and work hard to create a supportive team environment. They encourage every individual to play their own part and are able to delegate tasks so that each individual can contribute in ways that they are best suited to. In short, ENFJs see others’ potential and do everything possible to help them realize their potential and use their gifts to make a difference.
If you are mentoring or coaching an ENFJ leader, offer to help them become aware of when they are pushing others too hard. Encourage them to give specific constructive feedback and become aware of the implications of their expectations. You can also help them take criticism less personally. ENFJs’ greatest shortcoming is undermining their own success. Help them see the value in others’ opinions, even if they are negative, and help them give others the space and independence to solve their own problems.
ENFJs and Problem Solving in The Workplace: Group-Oriented and Emotional
ENFJs generally base decisions on their personal values. They see meanings and interpersonal connections acutely and are generally curious people who ask questions about new ideas and look for creative solutions to problems. When they reach a roadblock in the workplace, ENFJs often solicit the opinions of others in a sensitive and responsive way. They are dedicated to reaching unanimous decisions with groups of people, and value building relationships and consensus even more than deciding on the best course of action. This overly interpersonal approach can frustrate more analytical peers, who focus more on the practical, logical aspects of a decision. Similarly, those who are comfortable and even thrive in a lively debate may find ENFJs frustrating, since they may try to control or stifle discussion and disagreement, since they perceive it as hostile.
As ENFJs become even more effective problem solvers, they may need to find balance between interpersonal and analytical approaches. Discussion and debate can facilitate the exchange of ideas and can sharpen undefined ideas into a concrete plan that can be carefully implemented. In the same way, an optimal approach may be a balance between the big picture and the specifics of implementation. One specific fact or targeted question can entirely change a team’s approach to a problem, and ENFJs should try to see these changes in direction as valuable and productive rather than taking them as personal affronts. Instead, ENFJs may be able to use their interpersonal skills and values to cultivate an environment in which each of their team members or peers can contribute their strengths.
ENFJs and Areas of Growth in The Workplace:
While ENFJs are strong individuals, leaders, and communicators, all of us have areas of improvement. Small changes can make an enormous difference in the impact that ENFJs can have on their organizations as well as how others perceive them.
First, while discussion and debate are not always comfortable for ENFJs, they should set aside time during or after each meeting to weigh different options. ENFJs should trust and rely on their collaborative, friendly style to help their groups reach consensus. If you are an ENFJ and find yourself getting uncomfortable during a more heated discussion, resist the urge to close off the discussion. Instead, try to ask targeted questions that help others clarify and see the value in each other’s positions.
Second, try to communicate more openly, even about stressful topics. Try not to stew on conflicts overnight. Instead, raise your concern immediately but calmly, even if you do not yet have a specific solution in mind. Others may be willing to begin the discussion and work with you to find a solution. You might be surprised at how much closer these kinds of discussions can bring two individuals.
Finally, ENFJs may need to be realistic about cutting their losses. Not everyone is worthy of their loyalty or time, and not everyone can be coached. Sometimes, the best option, even though it may not always seem so, is to move on.
Learn More About the MBTI ENFJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENFJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI ENFJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ENFJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ENFJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ENFJ Type relates to Project Management
- The ENFJ Celebrity Personality Types
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type and Careers (Allen L. Hammer, 2007, CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type and Leadership (Richmond, S. CPP. 2008)
Introduction to Type and Learning (Dunning, D. CPP. 2008)
Introduction To Type® and Emotional Intelligence. (Pearman, R. CPP, 2002)
Introduction To Type in Organizations (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J. CPP Inc., 1998)