MBTI® Test ENFJ Interior Designers
Strong Interest Inventory® General Occupational Theme Code: Artistic, Enterprising (AE) (GOT)
Hammer (1996) writes that Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging (ENFJ) Myers-Briggs Test Personality Types do their best when they work closely with other people to accomplish a common goal, while still having an opportunity to express their artistic aspirations. These characterizations, among others, often equate MBTI test ENFJ’s as being well suited in careers as interior designers.
Image courtesy of nokhoog_buchachon at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Interior designers are in charge of the planning, designing, and furnishing of the interiors of a variety of different buildings, including commercial, industrial, and residential building types. They work together with clients and contractors to determine the factors that will influence the final design, including budget, purpose, function, and the clients’ own preferences. They then coordinate with other professionals, like architects, plumbers, engineers, and contractors, to ensure that a successful and realistic plan can be presented to the client. In many cases, this design is presented digitally using computer-aided drafting software. Once the plan is approved, they coordinate the subcontracting of installation of various fixtures, accessories, furnishings, and so on, and, on occasion, facilitate the design of individual pieces by working with other designers or carpenters.
Successful interior designers have mastered the use of many different kinds of computing and communications hardware, such as desktop and notebook computers, smart phones, tablets, and scanners. They also need to use construction hardware, like tape measures, triangles, levels, and scales. They also can confidently and efficiently use computer assisted design software like Google Sketch Up, Vector Works Designer, and others, as well as graphics or photo imaging software like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator. In addition, video editing software like Autodesk 3ds Max and others come in handy. Of course, staples like email, spreadsheet, and word processing software are almost a given.
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Over 75% of interior designers have earned bachelor’s degrees, and the remaining 25% hold an associate’s degree. However, it is nearly impossible to become an interior designer without some form of higher education. A high school diploma is generally not sufficient. This additional schooling helps interior designers develop the strong oral and written comprehension and expression skills they need, as well as the familiarity with particular techniques for color matching and the techniques for drafting. Once they have developed these skills, they have the ability to complete daily demands a relatively short time. This amount of schooling also helps them develop a familiarity with tools and technical skills they need to excel in their positions and to train others to do the same.
Below are some employment trends for Interior Designers:
- Median wage: $26.94 hourly, $56,040 annually
- Employment: 75,400 employees
- Projected growth (2018-2028): Average (4% to 6%)
- Projected job openings (2018-2028): 8,000
Visit Our MBTI® About Page and Our ENFJ Personality Type Page for Detailed Information on the ENFJ Personality Type
Visit Our Strong Interest Inventory® Resource Page To Learn About The (AE) GOT
Click on one of these corresponding popular ENFJ Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Child Care Worker, Clergy, Customer Service Representative, Dental Assistant, Executive Secretary or Administrative Assistant, Health Educator, Host or Hostess, Instructional Coordinators, Interior Designers, Loan Counselors.
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENFJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- Myers-Briggs Test ENFJ Personality Type and Innovation Blog
- Myers-Briggs Test ENFJ Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence Blog
- Myers-Briggs Test ENFJ Personality Type and Project Management Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFJ Personality Type and Leadership Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ENFJ Personality Type and Communication Blog
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
1. Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.org
2. MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition. Schaubhut, N. & Thompson, R. (CPP, 2008)
3. Introduction To Type and Careers, Hammer, A. (CPP, 1996)