Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile + Strong College Edition Profile + Strong Interpretive Report




  • Get a complete picture of your perceived skills and interests
  • Connect your college major and future career path to what aligns with your true self
  • Links to complete assessments are sent digitally via email within 2-3 business hours of purchase
  • Results sent in PDF form via email within 6-8 business hours


Download sample Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile + Strong College Profile + Strong Interpretive Report


Learn More About the Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile + Strong College Edition Profile + Strong Interpretive Report

Get a complete picture of your perceived skills and interests, evaluate majors and identify career options, and see a greatly expanded view of your potential occupations with these package profiles and report.

This custom package includes three separate instruments: the Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile, the Strong Interest Inventory College Profile, and the Strong Interpretive Report.

Strong Interest Inventory® & Skills Confidence Profile

This profile combines the features of a Strong Interest Inventory® Profile—an in-depth look at your interests and preferences—with a detailed depiction of how you feel about these categories. Discovering your confidence in certain areas can help you decide whether or not to pursue a career in that field, whether or not you should continue on the career path you are on, or whether or not you should work towards certain skills that will aid you in your career path.

After learning about yourself in terms of your interests and potential satisfying occupations, take a look at how confident you are in your abilities and skills that coincide with these interests. The Skills Confidence charts depict:

  • A map of six occupational areas and your self-assuredness in your abilities that relate to each area
  • A list of typical skills that these occupational areas are known for
  • A match-up of your confidence levels in these occupational areas AND your interest levels in them as established by the Strong Interest Inventory Profile

Strong College Profile

The Strong College Profile is a beneficial tool for those just about to enter college and those who aren’t seeing fulfillment in their current college experience. With its in-depth analysis of your preferences and interests, as well as its extensive report detailing many areas of your life, the Strong Interest Inventory College Edition Profile helps students forge the right path for their future in the working world and their personal lives. The College Edition Profile doesn’t just stop at majors, either. College course descriptions, extracurricular suggestions, favored style of work and environment to work in, and career guidance are also uncovered, allowing you to mold your entire college experience (and future employment after graduation) around what makes you happy.

In the Strong Interest Inventory College Edition Profile, you’ll find:

  • A list of six broad occupational areas and your interests’ emphasis in each (social, artistic, enterprising, conventional, investigative, and realistic)
  • Thirty areas of interest and your preferences in them, providing you with more information on what these interests mean to you
  • A top-ten list of your matched occupations
  • Five personalized scales depicting your favored ways of learning, managing, working alone and in groups, and taking chances in the workplace

Strong Interest Inventory® Profile

With the Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report, those with questions about their futures are given a step-by-step breakdown of their interests, preferences, and motives for happiness, as well as “action steps” which instruct them on how to use this information to better themselves.

Whether you’re looking for a career move or just starting out in the working world, the Strong Interpretive Report can guide you toward occupations and styles of work that are shown to work best with your interests, hobbies, preferences, favorite subjects, and more. The Strong Interpretive Report can be used to gain some insight into whether or not you’d be happy in a career that you are thinking of, whether or not you’ll be happy in a career move that you make, and whether or not your current career is going to make you happy in the long run.

Along with the elements of the Strong Interest Inventory Profile (such as your most popular careers, most popular occupational areas, and your break-down of how you best work), the Interpretive Report provides:

  • A detailed description of the top ten potential careers for those with your likes and dislikes, including duties and specific skills necessary
  • Leisure activities associated with your top interests
  • Your top career motivators: what makes you want to do these types of jobs

What Happens After You Make a Purchase?

Once you make your purchase, you will receive an email with a link to complete your assessment(s) within 2-3 business hours. Assessments are completed online from any computer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. If you have purchased for “someone else,” we will email you to obtain basic information regarding your participant, including their first and last name and email address, to send them an email to complete their assessment(s).

Once an assessment is completed, you will receive your results as a PDF document in your email for you to save, share and do as you wish, along with a link to schedule your complimentary telephone or Zoom audio consultation with one of our certified/qualified interpreters to best understand your reports within 24 hours Monday-Friday. If you have completed a Myers-Briggs Assessment, your personality type will be verified for accuracy depending upon your clarity scores during your consultation appointment.

*Please note, The TKI Instrument, IStartStrong Assessment, and The MBTI Complete Assessment do not include consultations.

Bulk Purchases of 10 or more assessments include group consultations.

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