ISFP Personality Types Learning Styles
Understanding your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type can provide you with invaluable insights into your decision making and leadership style, as we’ve shown in other blog posts, and it can additionally provide you with insight in how you process information, learn and decipher data. In this blog post, we focus on how an ISFP can leverage insights about their MBTI® personality type; helping you to learn more efficiently and process information accurately.
ISFPs are motivated to learn through relationships—understanding the potential impact their new-found knowledge can have on other people, developing powerful personal relationships with their instructors, and building relationships with their peers, both in and out of academic settings. Abstract or impersonal situations, such as being asked to present or learn information in a large group lecture-style class, can be stressful for an ISFP. If you find yourself in this situation, either as a learner or instructor, look for ways to build interpersonal relationships and connections between yourself, peers, instructors, the content, and potential stakeholders.
One strategy is to create spaces in the classroom in which these relationships can be developed. This can take the form of a pair or small-group work, or through discussion boards and online forums. If you are an instructor or student in a large lecture-style setting, consider adding a column to your notes in which you can make connections between the material and potential applications or beneficiaries. In this way, you can find spaces, even in relatively impersonal settings, you can keep yourself motivated.
Learn about The Myers-Briggs ISFP Personality Type’s Learning Style. Gain tips and strategies on how to best learn and function as and with an ISFP.
A related strategy is to make an effort to build relationships with your instructors or mentors. As an instructor, try to provide opportunities for students to get to know you as a person rather than merely a conveyor of information. This could take the form of telling anecdotes as appropriate, arranging a less-structured break or dinner, or having set “office hours” in which students can come to ask questions. MBTI® ISFPs tend to respect instructors with whom they are able to build this kind of personal rapport, and may also be more likely to seek out feedback, which they may otherwise find intimidating.
While ISFPs may find large-group interactions to be stressful, they often benefit greatly from one-on-one interactions with other learners. They enjoy listening to others’ experiences and ideas, and often find that reflecting on information with another person gives them twice the opportunity to understand the interpersonal impact of the information with which they are presented, increasing their motivation even more.
Building relationships with peers and instructors is also important because it makes it easier for an ISFP to accept and integrate corrective feedback. They can get uncomfortable or even defensive if they feel they are being unfairly evaluated, or if their evaluator doesn’t understand where they are coming from. However, feeling like the feedback is coming from a friend or mentor helps ISFPs understand that the intent is compassionate and collaborative rather than judgmental.
As you continue to progress in your career and education, take the time to think about your learning style and the preferences of those with whom you work. A few minor changes can go a long way!
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Discover occupations that work with what you like and enjoy, and learn how your personality influences your mental processes and preferences with the combination test below:
Visit Our ISFP Personality Type Information Page to Learn More About The ISFP Personality Type
Click on one of these corresponding popular ISFP Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Bill and Account Collector, Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks, Cashier,Medical Transcriptionist, Nursing Assistant, Packaging & Filling Machine Operators, Pharmacy Technician, Physical Therapy Aide, Procurement Clerk, and Team Assembler.
Learn More About the MBTI ISFP Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ISFP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI ISFP Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ISFP Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ISFP Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ISFP Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ISFP Type relates to Communication
- How the Myers-Briggs test ISFP Personality Type relates to Decision-Making
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction To Type and Learning. (Dunning, D, 2008. CPP)