Career Tips for ISTJ Personality Types (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging).
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) can assist in the organization of a new career search by providing direction during the exploration process. This assessment was developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, inspired by Carl Jung’s theory of psychological personality types. It classifies individuals into 16 different personality types based on characteristics of their identity. The Myers-Briggs® Test can identify connections between personality features and those of occupations. There are four main components of the career exploration process with the first being goal setting, followed by gathering information, then networking, and finally decision making. In accordance to MBTI® type, each will approach these steps differently based on their natural personality function.
ISTJ Personality Types (Introverted-Sensing- Thinking-Judging) and Career Choice.
As an introvert, an ISTJ will tend to focus their energy in the direction of internal experience and concepts. This personality type will typically base their knowledge on their senses and their observations on logic. Most often they are happiest when a decision is final. An ISTJ is characteristically organized and task-oriented, finding satisfaction in the ability to control their environment. They are often quiet, composed, sensible, and procure accomplishment by integrity and dependability. ISTJ personality types generally have little difficulty handling distractions and are found to be methodical and organized.
There are two distinct but interrelated trends in careers that are usually enticing to ISTJs. First, ISTJs tend to excel in careers related to engineering. This is due to their incredible ability to understand and organize complex tasks and separate them into manageable segments that are easily tracked and completed. The second trend embodies ISTJs’ passion for occupying management or supervisory positions. These occupational consistencies are salient for the same reasons—ISTJs are most often able to develop and maintain systems for achieving concrete goals, and are able to maintain and preserve strategies that work well while developing new approaches to replace those which are unsuccessful. Some other popular occupations among ISTJ personality types are: Accountant, Air Traffic Controller, Aircraft Mechanic / Service Technician, Civil Engineer, Environmental Science & Protection Tech, Nuclear Power Reactor Operator, Security Guard, Supervisor of Correctional Officers, Tax Examiner / Collector / Revenue Agent, Transportation Inspector, Building/Grounds Manager or Pilot. This personality type generally prefers an independent work environment which requires them to be liable for their decisions. When choosing a career, colleague competence and responsibility are usual characteristics ISTJs should surround themselves with. They are often resourceful learners who can adapt to different environments, as long as factual data supports a modification to be of logic with an established order of procedure. In addition, ISTJs may dislike to interrupt a project they are working on for a more urgent venture. Taking these personality behaviors in mind when selecting a career, will help shape the following steps in the career exploration process to be more effective.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test ISTJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
ISTJ Personality Types Goal Setting and Gathering Information.
ISTJs generally approach career changes by establishing forthwith, verifiable goals. Often starting with specific parameters for their prospective position, including a target compensation package and benefits, an ISTJ will generally begin this process with ease. This personality type tends to prioritize these customary goals over progressive ambitions, such as workplace culture and flexibility. One reason for ISTJs’ traditional tendencies is their innate proclivity for concrete, quantitative factors and variables rather than more subjective characteristics. A potential obstacle for an ISTJ could be a disinclination to capitalize on unanticipated possibilities. These potentialities could cause an ISTJ stress, as this personality type ordinarily does not like to be blindsided with unscheduled uncertainties. ISTJ personality types should consider setting aside time to prepare for these chance events by generating creative ideas for new professions and having short-term goals to reach those as well. Although, this personality type has a tendency to concentrate mostly on the short-term potential of a job. Recognizing long-term benefits as well may increase their likelihood of longevity in their occupational choices.
Once goals have been established, gathering information will follow. A method for gathering information on the long-term benefits of a career, is to speak with professionals within the sought-out industry to find what could be appealing or distasteful in the desired occupation. This gathering information stage of the career exploration process follows the identification of short-term, as well as long-term goals. It is in an ISTJs nature to have a strategy to obtain their ambitions and they will often begin with a simple web search on a database of job-related facts and statistics, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data on these websites contain statistics corresponding to the average salary listed by career and job title, as well as geographic distinctions. An ISTJ typically compiles just enough facts to narrow the search and should take into consideration alternative information which may not be inherently disciplined. For example, an ISTJ may place too much concentration on a position’s actuality, and not on its vivacity, and in modifying this innate behavior, they could open doors to opportunities they had not considered.
ISTJ Personality Types and Networking.
As an introvert, this personality type at times can run into slight issues with networking, but recognizes the fact that it is an invaluable step. Although, knowing it is important to balance independent research with real-life insights by building these relationships, will not ensure all networking steps are met. Meeting experts is an opportunity to receive feedback on a resume to identify any additional levels of education which should be developed, and to validate that the occupation may be a suitable personality fit before committing fully to a decision. When speaking with these professionals, the often-preferred approach for an ISTJ is to reveal a thorough explanation of their experience in specified aspects needed for the position to prospective employers. They often connect with only carefully selected experts and may pass up on an opportunity due to their selective resistance to networking. For a person with this reluctance to meet these individuals, it can be helpful for them to begin a networking campaign with close friends and family who can introduce contacts built over the course of their careers. These people can also help an ISTJ practice interview questions prior to an important employment meeting. Practicing with others can help this personality type to gain confidence, raise their voice, and make a realization for themselves what their strengths are. ISTJs are prone to only present facts during interviews and should also remember to build a personal rapport when possible with employers. Remembering that the interviewer may fall into a different personality dichotomy would also be advantageous. For example, ISTJs should try not to confound an Intuitive interviewer with too much factual information. Finding information related to how different personalities react, prior to these meetings, can generate positive results following an interview or pre-interview network endeavors.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test ISTJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
ISTJ Personality Types and Decision-Making.
Before making a decision on a new occupation, an ISTJ may find it wise to perform a plausible analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of each of the prospective options. At times this personality type may overlook aspects of a career choice such as work-life balance, workplace culture, geographical location, and required commutes, which are important factors when making a momentous career choice and should therefore be considered. However, ISTJs often have the ability to make decisions with ease, owing to the fact that they generally prefer to sustain and preserve traditional ideals. ISTJ personality types typically reach conclusions by using a step-by-step technique, and this career exploration process will often be a very good fit for ISTJs.
ISTJs are known to be patient with monotonous details and seldom make errors. It is, however, common for this personality type to make expeditious decisions based exclusively on facts and what the logical option may be. In doing so, they may abandon their personal values and desires. Knowing this personality type typically behaves in this fashion, before making a final decision, it can be helpful for them to evaluate career options by creating multiple pros and cons lists or other means of comparing options: one list to weigh the logical advantages and disadvantages, and another to measure values. For example, the “logical list” may suggest wages, benefits, hours, and even proximity to home, while the “value list” can be the ability to make a difference, and whether the company shows tolerance and is multi-cultural and gender or non-gender diversified. The longevity of a career will be determined by one’s happiness, and for an ISTJ who innately ignores their wants and values, looking only toward the logical decision, can find themselves often feeling defeated by their career. This personality type should consider a period of rest prior to a final decision. This time can be used to reflect on measures gathered during the entire career exploration process and will aid in prudent judgment and sensible decision-making. Taking the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) Assessment and knowing personality commonalities within particular dichotomies can help an ISTJ guide the career exploration process by combating inherent behaviors which may lead to potential obstacles, allowing for the modification of these behaviors to secure occupational happiness and longevity.
Learn More About the MBTI ISTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ISTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Communication
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Decision Making
- ISTJ Personality Type Career Resource
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type and Careers (Allen L. Hammer, 2007, CPP Inc.)