The MBTI® ISTJ and College
The ISTJ Personality Type (Introverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) has a reputation for being both reliable and dependable during the duration of their college experience and beyond. Those sharing this personality type tend to strive for accuracy and generally like to focus their energy toward presenting information to others, which they may find useful for their everyday lives. However, they may keep this information stored internally as well due to their Introverted preference. Students with a preference towards Introversion commonly will place their concentration inward, paying most attention to their personal findings, emotions, and appreciation of the material they are learning. Doing so will generally feed their energy levels and allow them to exhaust more energy by repeating this inward cycle.
Learning Styles and Being Studious
Customarily, the best learning strategy for an ISTJ is to follow a designated plan. Most college professors will provide students with a syllabus for the class, which an individual with this personality type can use as an overall strategy for the semester. However, if the professor does not provide students with this representation of their instruction, then it is in an ISTJs best interest to devise one for themselves. Individuals with this personality type generally enjoy having a conventional direction for problem-solving and often learn best when they are set up initially to sequentially achieve by applying endurance and hard work. Lacking a thorough plan can lead to frustration and inefficiency. Using proper study habits is also vital for an ISTJs college experience. This personality type often will absorb the most information when in a quiet environment where they can focus on one project at a time. Studying alone may come naturally to an ISTJ, and doing so allows them to minimize any distractions.
Learn about ISTJ Personality Types and how they function in College settings. Including an ISTJs major choice, how they handle stress and learning tactics.
They also are known to exceed when they are given an opportunity to reflect on the information which was presented to them, as opposed to having exams directly after being taught something new. ISTJ Personality Types often look for details within the facts and generally are able to memorize specific information with ease. When learning new concepts, an ISTJ may enjoy having the ability to challenge both their peers and their professor. It is common for this personality type to be able to find any irregularities in their assignments. Due to their elevated Judging Preference, an ISTJ will often plan out their assignments, day, semester, year, or even the entirety of their college experience and may have goals accomplished well in advance of their plan. They commonly will work progressively toward their intended accomplishments, always striving for closure. Once an assignment is complete, an ISTJ may feel a sense of relief and fulfillment. When it comes to college exams, an ISTJ may excel on “tests that allow them to demonstrate their mastery of the facts or their sound understanding of how ideas can be applied to real situations.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, P.10, CPP Inc.) However, when this personality type is given a multiple-choice test, they have a tendency to get hung up on certain questions, overthink them and not listen to their initial premonition.
Most ISTJs have stated to prefer to have a college professor who assigns work which is straightforward and well-defined. They typically will prefer educational material which allows for open-minded exploration. Often, reason and logical thought will influence an ISTJs learning experience. This personality type has stated to prefer a hands-on environment for their studies and are able to maximize their learning potential by being allowed to challenge and debate not only their peers but also their instructors. However, ISTJs are known for their ability to follow complex instructions and generally will trust their educational material as it is presented to them. Because of this innate behavior, it is best for ISTJs to have instructors who are dependable, organized, and present material logically through demonstrations and debate.
Reading and Writing
One of the strengths of the ISTJ Personality Type is their innate behavioral trait of excellent time management skills. They also tend to be avid readers, which in a college setting will assist them with the assimilation of facts. When writing, this personality type also tends to follow a strict plan. For example, an ISTJ is more apt to write a first draft from an outline of factual data using a format that has worked for them previously. Additionally, ISTJs often spend extra time reviewing their initial drafts in order to add conceptual overviews to their papers. When doing so, an ISTJ may want to determine and exclude any extraneous details that may make their paper feel crammed with information. Due to an ISTJs heightened Sensing Function, these students often use their five senses to understand not only reality but also to describe their environment. This often will reflect in their writing, making it overly descriptive. They also tend to concentrate on realistic information, which is happening in their present environment, and can improve their writing skills by thinking of possibilities and elevating their use of imagination.
The typical writing approach which ISTJs have reported to assist with combating writer’s block are to:
Write from ideas Strive for objectivity
Jot down ideas before writing Provide reader with logical organization
Pause to think ahead while writing Critically analyze an argument
Find quiet to concentrate without interruptions Writing guided by “competent” product
Report factual information Narrow options, decide topic quickly
Follow a format that worked before Follow a set schedule to completion
Attend to instructions and mechanics Work on one project at a time
Say it clearly, simply, and directly Work from present materials
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.8)
College Direction and Major Choice
ISTJs tend to follow a method to pick their college major that closely mirrors their learning style; to gather plenty of facts before deciding on a major. Due to their increased Thinking Preference, they generally prefer to make decisions “objectively, based on their analysis of the logical consequences of alternatives.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, P. 3, CPP Inc.) They often will do so by evaluating their options and the consequences to each decision separately. For example, they may consider one college major and explore the pros and cons of choosing this major before moving to consider another major. ISTJs also have an elevated Judging Preference and typically like to make this decision and then move on to what may follow. They generally do not like to have things up in the air. However, as an Introverted-Judging Personality Type, an ISTJ will probably spend a lot of time researching and reflecting before reaching a final decision. This may be due to the reality that they often stick with a decision once it’s been made. However, generally, an ISTJ will weigh these alternative options on their own and may surprise their close friends and family when they choose to make the information public.
Taking a college major assessment can help with the process greatly. ISTJs often have a strong preference for fields where their attention to detail is appreciated, and they are less likely to choose majors that focus on conceptual fields or areas that lack routine and focus. An ISTJ is likely to choose a major such as:
- Management/Business
- Accounting/Banking
- Law Enforcement
- Engineering
- Skilled Trades
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.5)
ISTJs are also commonly found in fields such as Finance, Civil Engineering, and Construction.
Stress Management
Stress management is an important skill for all personality types, and individuals who report as ISTJ Personality Types generally have very specific areas they may focus on in order to reduce their stress levels. One of the initial problems an ISTJ student may have entering college is realizing that the studying techniques they used in high school may no longer work in college. This can be a big stressor as it is in an ISTJs nature to seek solutions to problems from past successes. Taking a class on college studying skills or reaching out to a tutor can be of great assistance during the first year at college for this personality type. ISTJs may also need to learn how to skim their required material and reduce their often perfectionist behavior when in regard to having details in order to avoid getting behind on the extra workload that comes along with a collegiate schedule. It is also important that an ISTJ plans time for relaxation and fun in order to avoid overworking. This personality type has a tendency to take on more than they are able to accomplish, which could lead to stress and possible health issues. Some other common stressors for ISTJs are those which relate to group projects. For example, an ISTJ may become stressed when other members of their group submit incomplete or sloppy work, which affects the quality of the group project. This personality type also does not respond well to others who complete their assignments in an inefficient or counterproductive manner.
For having an outlet for stress, Introverted Judging types generally have stated to rely predominately on optimism, positivity, and their personal religious or spiritual value disciplines. It can also be helpful for ISTJs to remove themselves from their current task to find some alone time, especially in a pleasant environment such as the outdoors. This personality type will often have less stress if they are given tangible validation for their efforts. For example, if they have a class where they are given progress reports along the way to their mid-quarter grade, they will feel less stress than in a class where they must wait until the end of the semester for their grade. ISTJs can also find stress relief from finishing small projects or completing personal priorities. In order to do these two things quickly for stress relief, an ISTJ may want to ask friends or family for assistance.
Learn More About the MBTI ISTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ISTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Communication
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ISTJ Type relates to Decision Making
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
All College-based information was taken from the following publication: (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.)
In the Grip. Understanding Type, Stress, and The Inferior Function (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP)