MBTI® ISFJ Personalities and Decision Making

In ISFJ, MBTI, Type and Decision-Making by Geeta Aneja

How and why individuals make decisions are often influenced by their Myers-Briggs Personality Types (MBTI® Types). More specifically, MBTI® Types can affect what factors different people consider important in a decision, whether decisions are “in stone” or flexible, and how people determine whether or not a decision was optimal or successful. Differences in decision making style can cause tension in … Read More

MBTI® ISTP Personalities and Decision Making

In ISTP, MBTI, Type and Decision-Making by Geeta Aneja

Developing a deeper understanding of your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Personality Type (MBTI®) can offer insights into the nuances of decision making. In particular, what factors are considered in the decision itself, how different individuals prefer to approach implementation, and how they tend to evaluate the success of the initiative. Such insights can help you reduce conflict and make more effective, … Read More

MBTI® ISTJ Personalities and Decision Making

In ISTJ Personality Type Blogs, MBTI, Type and Decision-Making by Geeta Aneja

You and your co-workers’ Myers-Briggs® Personality Type (MBTI®) can affect how decisions are made, both as individuals and as a group or team. Not only can your MBTI personality type influence final agreements that are reached, but it can also affect the process, including what information is considered important by different individuals, how negotiations take place, and what final outcomes … Read More

MBTI® Personality Types and Your Decision Making Process

In MBTI, Type and Decision-Making by Geeta Aneja

MBTI ® Personality Types influence many aspects of behavior, including leadership tendencies and communication style, as we’ve discussed in previous blogs. In this next series of blogs, we will explore how MBTI Personality Types can affect corporate team members’ decision making, including what factors they consider and what outcomes they value. Being aware of employees, managers and even CEO’s and … Read More