Defining Your Purpose

Having purpose and knowing which direction to go in to achieve that purpose are two different subjects. Sometimes we take on careers or activities, in a pursuit to meet someone else’s expectations. After a while, it turns out that these paths do not actually complement who we are.

Completing an interest inventory provides valuable tools that a person can use to reconnect with themselves as personal goals, self-discovery and direction are all highlighted in the results. Specifically, investing in The Strong Interest Inventory® can empower you to be a more active participant in everyday life for several main purposes.

There are several interest inventories available on the market. Aside from the Strong Interest Inventory some of these alternate assessments include The MAPP Career Test, The O*Net Interest Profiler and The Holland Code Career Test.

However, the Strong Interest Inventory is the most reliable and accurate career inventory used by universities, career coaches, counselors, and online administrators domestically and internationally.

The Strong Interest Inventory relates an individual’s top Occupational Theme, for instance, the Artistic Theme, which represents Visual Art & Design, Performing Arts, Culinary Arts, and Writing and Mass Communication, among many other expressions and career-focused Artistic subjects.

An important item included as a complimentary service with a Strong Interest Inventory administration at Career Assessment Site, which cannot be often found with other career inventories, is a Zoom Audio, telephone or conference call interpretation that compliments the assessment that is usually provided after the assessment is completed and the report is generated by a certified professional.

This interpretation session should always be complimentary and be performed by a certified Strong Interest Inventory Interpreter, psychologist or educationally qualified individual with a background in psychometric testing and a master’s or PhD degree in psychology or a related field. This is a vital part of the assessment process and finding a true occupation that suits you best and gives you the best chance at happiness within your assessed career.

With many career assessments only having one single report available, The Strong Interest Inventory is available in over 16 variations of reports, ranging from career, college, skills confidence, High School, personality, interest inventory and Personality combination reports such as The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Strong Interest Inventory Combined Career Report. These assessments are presented in mix and match forms to address just about any situation individuals find themselves in. Such as someone searching for a career straight out of college, an individual at a career crossroads, a person looking for a career change when not being fulfilled by their current career or even a High School student who might want to have an early start on career research and evaluation.

Additionally, there are free career interest inventories available, though these are free for a reason: they simply do not compare to the likes of The Strong Interest Test, which has been modified and retested for accuracy for over 70 years using large sample sizes in the tens of thousands.

The main purpose of completing and receiving the results of an interest inventory is to find the career in which you would be most content. With this said, being content and pleased with your career can and usually will mean that you are more likely to stay in one career for a longer tenure as well as be more productive in the workplace as your work output generally relies on whether you are doing something you gain satisfaction from.

Results Delivering Clarity and Confidence

A diverse audience can benefit from the results of an interest inventory. Whether you are a student in high school needing more clarity or an adult yearning for a change in career paths. This assessment tool can guide you toward the next best thing in life, bringing your unique personality, passions, and preferences to the forefront of your career and college pursuits. Notable tests such as The Strong Interest Inventory®, provides an

in-depth breakdown based on four themes and scales. The scores are organized in specified areas or ratings, which include The General Occupational Themes, Basic Interest Scales, Occupational Scales and Personal Style Scales. The Strong Interest Inventory® provides valuable data, enabling more concise action to be taken from an aligned perspective.

If you are someone who has a history of jumping from career to career, unsure of your place in the occupational landscape, then an interest inventory focusing on careers is the invitation to gain clarity and most of all stability. The results of this assessment can support and guide you while boosting your confidence as you navigate prospective careers. Another advantage of taking  The Strong Interest Inventory®, is the time you save by completing a 45-minute question and answer assessment that provides you with the framework to tackle your career, college major, college curriculum and career indecisiveness challenges. The feedback provided is significant and supported by decades of longitudinal research.

The Strong Interest Inventory has been carefully developed over the past 70 years. They are not just questionnaires. They are formatted and designed to give insights into a person’s intrinsic motivators. The purpose of an interest inventory is to save time by avoiding jobs and activities that don’t align with your natural inclinations. You will discover while taking tests like The Strong Interest Inventory®, that you gain the confidence in the abilities you already possess.

Empowering Your Decision-Making

The purpose of an interest inventory is to help someone feel empowered by making informed decisions. The test yields awareness of strengths and weaknesses, which can later aid in effective goal setting and targeting. For example, you may be questioning:   Is A Creative Career Right For You?  This is primarily because we naturally feel drawn to certain areas. The purpose of taking an interest inventory is to provide you with the information necessary to rationalize why that is.

A freshman or sophomore in high school may benefit from taking one of the Strong Interest Inventory High School Tests as these assessments are specifically designed to help students in their first two years  of high school channel their strengths and goals in an encouraging and supportive manner. Those students in their last two years of High School, are encouraged to complete a college based Strong assessment if they plan to attend college or a streamlined career-based assessment if they do not plan on attending college. The most complete and thorough college assessment available in the marketplace would be The Ultimate College Package, the most robust and complete set of assessments includes five official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®, Strong Interest Inventory®, and Skills Confidence reports that guide an individual on a career and college path toward success.

The Strong Interest Inventory® Interpretive Report dissects The Strong Interest Inventory® on a deeper level, and it is popular amongst individuals who are motivated in finding careers that fulfill personal and professional growth. This SII Interpretive Report takes The Strong Interest Inventory® profile and expands the profile by adding nine additional pages of data and information, providing an exceptional view of one’s interest patterns, likes and dislikes, areas of least and most interest

The newly created interest inventory, The Strong Interest Inventory 244 Career Satisfaction Report, is the first official gender-neutral assessment which connects interest patterns to possible job options along with choices of college academic majors for those seeking a college endeavor. This test also features the latest updates making it more relevant to you during our current times.

Another upside to an interest inventory is to find a community in which you may feel aligned. When we are able to secure a life endeavor in something we love, we can easily find connection and, subsequently, the value of life increases. Work doesn’t feel like work, when we have like-minded others to share experiences. The purpose of an interest inventory is to validate your calling and illuminate your path so it’s easier to make decisions that serve you.

Harnessing Values and Providing a Framework for Self-Discovery

Your values are a reflection of who you are. Motivation is closely tied to values and utilizing tools like The Strong Interest Inventory® can assist you in finding that motivation to develop professionally. Here are 7 Top Tips For Career Growth that include The Strong Interest Inventory® being an integral piece in transforming your professional development. Since experiences can shape who we are, it is important to recognize that we can alter ourselves in this process. Interest inventories are not only used for professional pathways or fostering education but can also be used for deeper reflections as self-discovery is ongoing.

Current skills could call on us to work or co-create in specific fields and environments. An interest inventory solidifies a framework and provides a portrait in pursuing short- and long-term goals. The aim of an interest inventory is to transfer a framework that you can enthusiastically revisit.