INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment) is the Rarest Personality Type.
If personality types were evenly distributed throughout the population, we would expect each type to represent 6.25% of the population. However, some personality types are more common than others. For example, as the most common personality type ISFJs are estimated to comprise 13.8% of the population—more than twice the expected 6.25%. On the other extreme are INFJs (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment) – the rarest personality type, making up just 1.5% of the population.
Why are INFJs the Rarest Personality Type?
INFJs are rare because their personality seems to have contradictions. They are introverts, which means they recharge by focusing inward and spending time alone. At the same time, they are intuitive, meaning that they relate to others and the world around them less through the semantic content of conversations and more through facial expressions and overall attitude. As feelers, they value emotions while making decisions, but their judgment tendencies mean they typically do not change their mind once a decision is made. In other words, INFJs are emotional introverts who are decisive and yet tuned in to others’ needs. It takes time to get to know them, but INFJs have incredibly deep personalities and are usually a very interesting company. These apparent paradoxes are why INFJs are the rarest personality type.
Learn why the INFJ personality type is considered the rarest of all personality types.
The characteristics of INFJs and what makes them so unique.
Understanding INFJs
INFJ personality types have several different dyads that seem to oppose each other. Here, we will examine a few of these more closely to better understand the INFJ personality type.
INFJs like to know all of their options, but they also make decisions quickly (N vs. J)
Intuitive individuals tend to focus on possibilities. They like to brainstorm new options that push creative boundaries. At the same time, INFJs’ judgment drives them to make decisions and move on to the next task. Learning to leverage both tendencies—creativity and execution—can have enormous benefits. However, getting a sense of when it is time to switch from “option generation mode” to “decision-making mode” can take some practice and conscientiousness.
INFJs are introverts who crave interpersonal relationships (I vs. F)
While INFJs, like other introverts, recharge through solitude and introspection, they are drawn toward careers and relationships where they can become close to other people. Careers as therapists, counselors, or teachers may be particularly fulfilling since INFJs are keenly observant of others and enjoy helping others realize their potential. At the same time, INFJs need to refresh themselves alone after interacting with others, no matter how much they love them.
INFJs are simultaneously rational and creative (I vs. F vs. J)
INFJs naturally absorb and process enormous volumes of information from the people and environments that surround them. They may spot patterns or identify ways to improve their space that others may not be aware of. Once they decide to undertake a project, they commit to it wholeheartedly. For example, an INFJ might see the potential of a pile of worn-out clothes to become a beautiful wall-hanging to brighten a room and add joy to their living space. Unlike others, they typically follow through until their project is complete and their vision has become a reality.
INFJs can see details as well as the big picture (N vs. J)
INFJs’ intuition gives them a sense of the global context while their judgment sensitizes them to minor details and nuances. Moving between these perspectives can take some practice, but INFJs can develop these skills to their fullest potential if they put in the effort.
INFJs value routine as well as novelty (N vs. J)
Stability, tradition, and routine are all important to INFJs. For example, they will often start each day in a similar way, such as having breakfast or reading the news, often in the same place or at the same time. Similarly, INFJs often value holiday rituals and other practices that organize their lives. In many ways, this predictability provides organization and limits distractions from their introspective tendencies. At the same time, INFJs also find ways to infuse this structure with creative embellishments. For example, they might enjoy spicing their morning coffee or tea differently each day, wearing statement jewelry to accent a basic outfit, or inventing new dishes to serve at their holiday gatherings.
How can INFJs reconcile conflicting tendencies?
If they do not take the time to understand themselves and their proclivities, people with INFJ personality types can experience social anxiety or personal stress. They may overthink their actions or decisions and even worry that their behavior or comments have an unintentional negative impact on people who are close to them. Understanding and introspection are key for INFJs to reconcile seemingly contradictory personality traits. However, they should know that feeling uncertain is normal and that there is always the chance that their perceptions of others’ feelings might be inaccurate. One strategy for avoiding social anxiety is to ask others how they feel or for clarification. In doing so, INFJs can stop the “broken record” of self-talk and overthinking interactions and instead hear others’ interpretations and experiences first-hand.