Career Tips for ESTJ (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging).
The hardest part of choosing a career, or making any other major life change, is getting started. Taking the first step can be overwhelming, both having had years of experience as a contributor to the workforce or just beginning. Thinking about a desired lifestyle and asking questions regarding schedule, vacation, and home and work balance can help direct a search for a fulfilling and satisfying career. Another great resource is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®). This assessment was developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, inspired by Carl Jung’s theory of psychological type. The MBTI® can generally be categorized into 16 different personality types based on specific characteristics, for instance, how they make decisions, whether and how much they enjoy socializing with others, and more. The Myers-Briggs® Test can be a powerful tool for narrowing down career options based on personality trends. Following an occupation selection are four components of the career exploration process, with the first being goal setting, followed by gathering information, then networking, and finally, decision making. In accordance with the MBTI® type, each will approach these steps differently based on their natural personality function.
ESTJ Personality Types (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging) and Career Choice.
ESTJs are practical and realistic people who make and implement decisions quickly. They sometimes may even leap to conclusions or action without waiting for new information to become available. They are highly motivated and organized in all aspects of their life and dislike wasting time, energy, resources, or unproductive activities. They work with speed and efficiency and take pride in maximizing results with the resources at their disposal. For example, if they have six people on their team, they often solicit projects until they have just enough for six team members to work on simultaneously so no one is idle at any time. As such, routine and organization are key in their workflow. ESTJs generally have a clear set of procedures and standards which they systematically follow in order to ensure their success. ESTJ personality types also tend to impose their established processes on others since they have been proven to work and can sometimes be assertive or even forceful in their implementation.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test ESTJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
People with ESTJ preferences genuinely enjoy organizing projects and people. They value team members who not only work hard but also work efficiently and deliver results. To ESTJs, effort is rarely valued or respected in and of itself. Instead, the fruit of one’s labor indicates the quality and value of one’s effort. They would rather have a team member who can deliver a high-quality product quickly than one who works slowly and painstakingly on a project that misses key deadlines or performance indicators.
When managing an ESTJ, make sure they always have a concrete target at which to aim. Avoid general or vague directions, and instead, give them tasks with clear objectives and, ideally, a specific approach to achieve them. ESTJs are brilliant and effective if they are focused but can quickly lose motivation and personal investment if they are given vague instructions or if the target is adjusted too frequently. ESTJs tend to deliver exactly what they are asked for but are quickly frustrated if their clients or stakeholders change their minds or do not recognize their efforts. Along the same lines, ESTJs believe that any job worth doing is worth doing well. They dislike halfway measures and quick fixes since often such initiatives need to be reimplemented later. Because they can quickly and intuitively understand complex systems and logistics, ESTJs often make excellent administrators and leaders. Others often rely on ESTJs to take charge because they naturally develop systems and procedures for getting things done. ESTJs tend to have strong opinions about how projects should be run and why such approaches are ideal. That said, one risk of having strong opinions is that ESTJs may make decisions too quickly. Their decisions may reflect preexisting opinions or biases, especially if they are made before sufficient information is available. Furthermore, ESTJs may come across as being detached or lacking empathy, especially if they are so focused on their goals that they fail to respond to others’ needs for intimate connection or overlook the interpersonal, human impact of their decisions. For example, if under pressure to meet a deadline, an ESTJ leader may expect team members to work nights and weekends until the project is done to his or her satisfaction. However, team members who value interpersonal relationships may become resentful of their lack of time with friends and family during this time. If ESTJs find themselves pushing people too hard or becoming overly focused on results and milestones, remembering to consider the impact of decisions on others will benefit their outcomes.
ESTJ personality types excel in careers that involve leadership or managerial positions, such as supervisors, executives, and judges. They have exceptional organizational and problem-solving skills, are able to act quickly and decisively, and are skilled investigators. These proclivities span a wide range of careers and fields. For example, ESTJs can be good fits for careers as varied as executive chefs at large or high-end restaurants to sales managers at retail outlets to, industrial production managers or engineers. Each of these careers involves attention to detail, the ability to work closely with and lead teams, and the ability to make informed decisions quickly. Some occupations in which ESTJ personality types have been known to show happiness are Auditor, Commercial Pilot, Computer-ATM-Office Machine Repairer, Construction Manager, Correctional Officer & Jailer, Criminal Investigator, Home Health Aide, Personal Financial Advisor, Police & Fire & Ambulance Dispatcher, Sheriff & Deputy Sheriff.
ESTJ Personality Types Goal Setting and Gathering Information.
ESTJs are effective, practical goal-setters who tend to be fairly conventional. For instance, as they begin a job search, they may focus on concrete factors like hours, salary, compensation package, and location while overlooking lifestyle considerations such as their supervisor’s management style and their team’s culture. ESTJs also tend to develop a concrete course of action for achieving their goals. If they want to achieve a specific salary range, for example, they will bolster their experience and resume, and even earn additional qualifications as needed in order to achieve those goals. However, because of their linear, traditional approach, they may have trouble taking advantage of unforeseen possibilities or adapting to schedule changes or other chance events. For example, an ESTJ may have difficulty adapting to new responsibilities at work or a change in a project’s expected completion date, while someone with a more flexible personality may find it easier to adapt to these or similar changes.

Read about The Myers-Briggs® Test ESTJ Personality Type Career Tips and other Occupational Information
Once goals have been established, the next step is to gather information. Most ESTJs start with a simple web search, for example, drawing on data from university websites or the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They should also reach out to any contacts within their fields of interest. ESTJs may benefit from considering longer-term goals, for instance, by creating a five-year or ten-year plan, and should set aside time to imagine positions that they have not in the past. When gathering information, these will increase the odds for an ESTJ to find a suitable career that they are more likely to retain.
ESTJ Personality Types and Networking.
Most extroverted individuals have an extended network of contacts and should reach out to those who have successfully made similar decisions or changes in the past. As these conversations develop, ESTJs should get to the point as quickly as possible – explaining who they are, what goals they have, and how the person contacted can assist with their action plan. Plan specific questions or topics to discuss and schedule a block of time that works for both parties. Having established goals and an endpoint for the discussion will assist this personality type in making a timely decision.
Often, ESTJ personality types will spend too much time with unproductive networking by discussing information that is irrelevant to the discussion. It is, however, important to establish a connection with networking prospects in order not to appear too task oriented. An ESTJ should gather as much information as possible before contacting potential employers or when submitting applications and prepare for questions regarding possibilities and hypotheticals. The application process can vary widely. Some careers, such as data analysts or executive positions, rely on recruiters to identify and hire potential candidates. Others have more traditional job search and application procedures, including websites like LinkedIn and Indeed or even postings in school papers or websites. When invited to interview, ESTJs should plan to ask a few questions but also remember to pause and give the interviewer time to respond. When an ESTJ is in an interview, they should not hesitate to ask questions about performance evaluations, the general workplace culture, and environment, or anything else that might affect whether or not to accept the position. ESTJs have a tendency to neglect these personal values to focus on what may be a logical decision for the immediate future. For instance, if having flexible hours is important, knowing expectations are met in advance will assist the decision.
ESTJ Personality Types and Decision-Making.
As an ESTJ receives offers and considers the alternatives, they innately will take the time to consider each path logically, often by creating a simple “pros and cons” chart. Once an ESTJ has narrowed options to two or three potential positions, they should start thinking about the details and logistics of each opportunity. For example, if one position requires relocation, consideration of differences in the cost of living, as well as how the move will affect a spouse or family. This personality type should also consider any added expenses to visit friends or family, as well as any time spent away from work, instead of ignoring any facts that may be uncomfortable. ESTJ personality types are known for making quick decisions, so they should be sure to weigh all information prior to important occupational choices. Taking a period of reflection to rest and repose will help clear an ESTJ’s mind. Most importantly, individuals who begin with the utilization of the MBTI® as a guide to assist this career exploration process, from learning about themselves to setting goals and gathering information, meeting valuable connections, and making a decision, will have an opportunity to find a rewarding career and benefit their future. The MBTI® is a powerful tool for guiding and focusing this career search.
Learn More About the MBTI ESTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ESTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ESTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ESTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ESTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ESTJ relates to Communication
- How the MBTI ESTJ Type relates to Decision Making
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Introduction to Type (Isabel Briggs Myers, 1998, CPP Inc.)
Introduction to Type and Careers (Allen L. Hammer, 2007, CPP Inc.)