The MBTI® INTJ and College
It is common for INTJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging) Personality Types to lead with their most influential function of cognitive perceptibility. These individuals have been known to be visionaries of their class and often appear to others as influential enthusiasts. INTJs tend to have a formula to illustrate not only provisions in their studies but also in their personal lives. Most INTJs have stated to prefer innovative solutions over established rules and regulations and may view any difficulties they encounter from what others may view as an unusual perspective. This personality type has been known to make observant interpretations of their assigned material and matter-of-fact judgments about their professors and peers. Due to their Introverted function, students who report as INTJ tend to place their concentration on their own internal thoughts, sentiments, and influence. They often have self-supporting, innovative conceptualizations and have been known to find their college experience rewarding and enjoyable. As such, it is common for INTJs to prefer a roommate who finds cleanliness and organization of high importance and is equally as committed to academics as they are. They have been known to favor intellectual discussions over small talk and having a college roommate who shares their values will often create a more enjoyable environment for this personality type.
Learning Styles and Being Studious

Learn about INTJ Personality Types and how they function in College settings. Including an INTJs major choice, how they handle stress and learning tactics.
INTJs have been found to be happy in environments where they are given the opportunity to use their Intuitive Function in a comprehensive selection of assignments given in a clearly structured and organized fashion. This personality type has shown a preference for studying independently in order to conclude better, analyze, and interpret information in innovative methods. They have been known to absorb a greater amount of material by being allowed time to reflect on what they have been told or have read. INTJs typically prefer a classroom environment that advocates individual initiative and independent achievement over team projects and grades. They generally require quiet time for concentration and may find group study sessions stressful. Most INTJs aspire to find a swift understanding of their material and, in doing so, may create their own directions. However, it is common for this personality type to be partial to having fact-based material to study. When studying, INTJs have been known to enjoy examining innovative solutions and innately have the ability to recognize irregularities in a debate. They also may have a tendency to organize their study time and assignments far in advance of a deadline and also work persistently toward their goals. Due to their Judging Preference, an INTJ may strive for closure. Once an assignment has been completed, they may feel a sense of relief or contentment. “It is common for INTJs to study up to thirty hours each week.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.)
Most individuals who report an INTJ Personality Type have shown a preference to faculty who give well-defined, comprehensible lectures. However, they have also communicated to favor theoretical material to offer them perspective. As such, INTJs may prefer a professor who encourages unconventional cognitive behavior. INTJ Personality Types have been known to value dependability and most often will prefer their professor to be on time and prepared. Opportunely, they commonly will be able to relate to professors due to the fact that many may share their Intuitive Judging Preferences of having a structured environment augmented by theoretical material. “However, INTJs are found to often learn best by challenging authority and popular beliefs.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.) Also, they commonly want their education to apply to a larger purpose.
Reading and Writing
Students who prefer their Intuition Function generally are acquainted with the significance and relationships that surpass their required reading. It is common for INTJs to place a high value on reading and education. They also have been known to value what is original and then use their keen imagination to go beyond facts. Others may state that INTJs are able to “read between the lines” with ease. However, when writing it will be important for INTJs to not only investigate the underlying meaning of things, but also pay attention to the reality and details. In order to revise first drafts to become successful works, an INTJ may want to do so by softening overly firm statements, filling in missing facts, and by providing real-life examples.
The typical writing approach which INTJs have reported to assist with combating writer’s block are to:
Write from ideas Strive for objectivity
Jot down ideas before writing Provide reader with logical organization
Pause to think ahead while writing Critically analyze an argument
Find quiet to concentrate without interruptions Writing guided criteria for a “competent” product
Discuss concepts and implications Narrow options, decide topic quickly
Try out new approaches Follow a set schedule to completion
Attend to interesting complexities Work on one project at a time
Say it with a flourish and with subtlety Work from present materials
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.8)
College Direction and Major Choice
INTJs tend to want their proficiency to be recognized and their expertise to be needed in important decision-making situations. When choosing a college major, they generally focus on possibilities for their future and want to make their decision based on both expertise they have learned and how it can be applied to their sought occupation. Due to an INTJs Thinking function, they often like to decide using an open mind and on the basis of their personal analysis of the logical consequences of each alternative. This personality type has a tendency to measure the evidence of their analysis in an unbiased manner. However, due to their Judging Function, INTJs commonly prefer to make decisions and then move on. They usually like to have things established and defined. “The IJ types are the computers of career decision making—all relevant data (including their values!) go in, are processed carefully, and a decision comes out.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.) INTJs often prefer careers that allow them independence in a spontaneous environment. It may be common for this personality type to attempt to master a multitude of subjects.
Taking a college major assessment can greatly help an INTJ figure out which occupation may best suit not only their interests but also their innate personality function.
INTJs are frequently found focusing on:
- Law
- Physical Science
- Computers
- Management
- Research
INTJs are also commonly found in occupations related to engineering, philosophy, and collegiate-level education.
Stress Management
“INTJs are likely to experience stress in settings that are disorganized, where roles and responsibilities are ill-defined, that force them to deal with many details, and where there are frequent changes of focus and unpredictable demands on their time.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP). When INTJ Personality Types are experiencing excessive stress for extended periods of time, they may develop acute anger, agitation, irritability, or fatigue. Additionally, INTJs have been known to exaggerate sensory activities such as eating, cleaning, repairing, or exercising. They may also experience physical stress symptoms such as muscle tension or sleeplessness due to the persistent review of stress-related problems. INTJs may see external specific details as critical obstructions that disrupt their progress. They may give obsessive attention to their perceived sources of stress. This personality type may also have difficulty refocusing attention on something positive. In order to find stress relief, INTJs may want to seek quiet time to reenergize their inner vitality. It may be helpful for them to withdraw from their current situation and refocus their downtime to involve more hobbies or recreational activities. It will be helpful for individuals with the INTJ Personality Type to make room for unscheduled time off to engage in activities that have little to no pressure involved. For example, an INTJ can schedule a time to take a walk or exercise. Another stress-relieving idea for INTJs is for them to make a change to their work, school, or study schedule. They should learn to accept help with details and to be able to receive charity from others. It is helpful for INTJs to try to set less ambitious goals in order to keep their stress levels controlled. This personality type may have trouble putting schoolwork aside to relax and may get so caught up in organizing their work that they don’t actually do it. It is important for INTJs to find an outlet for stress relief so they do not fall into these stress-related behaviors. It is common for INTJs to depend predominately on keeping encouraging thoughts, and an optimistic outlook or use philosophical and spiritual value methods and resources for their stress management approaches.
Learn More About the MBTI INTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI INTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI INTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI INTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI INTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI INTJ relates to Communication
- How the MBTI INTJ Type relates to Decision Making
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
All College-based information was taken from the following publication: (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.)
In the Grip. Understanding Type, Stress, and The Inferior Function (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP)