The MBTI® ENTP and College
ENTP (Extraverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving) Personality Types typically enjoy variety and fluctuation in their lives. They bring excitement, imagination, and innovation to assignments but have been found to have an indifference to tedious coursework. Many ENTPs are confident in the value of their inspirations, and any issues which may arise are stimulating challenges to them. Students who prefer Extraversion functionality tend to focus on the perceptible world, so they often concentrate on individuals and circumstances in their outer environment. Due to their Perceiving function, they will also want to adapt to the external world as well. It is common for ENTP Personality Types to enjoy debating simply for the discussion. This personality type usually seeks social groups, participates in athletic events, and may be involved with the student council. However, they may complain about inflexible roommates who “get in their way.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.) ENTPs may state that their roommate’s necessity for entertainment may interfere with their studies.
Learning Styles and Being Studious
ENTPs have been known to absorb the greatest amount of information when physical activity is incorporated into their studies. Having an opportunity for an apprenticeship can significantly improve an ENTPs knowledge base. They often enjoy learning in a group setting where collaboration is encouraged. Some ENTPs have stated that having background sounds reinforces their concentration. It is common for this personality type to look for an immediate understanding of their assigned material and may use imagination to find meaning behind facts. This behavior may include the attempt to find information within the text or “between the lines.” Many ENTPs have been known to generate their own guidelines and prefer theories to give them perspective when doing so. However, it is also common for ENTPs to prefer verifiable educational materials. Due to their Thinking preference, logic and reason navigates their learning. ENTPs may appreciate the ability to explore innovation and are commonly skilled in debate. Additionally, this personality type has been known to enjoy informal problem-solving techniques. They have been known to value constant change and the ability to act spontaneously.

Learn about ENTP Personality Types and how they function in College settings. Including an ENTPs major choice, how they handle stress and learning tactics.
It is common for ENTPs to work impulsively with eruptions of vivacity. This personality type is most often adaptable and open to new information. For Intuitive Personality Types, studying generally is a system of understanding concepts by grasping the essential point or overall meaning of the material. They tend to focus on wide-range ideas while relating each to the other. When studying, it can be helpful for this personality type to remember to take notice of small details. “The truer the facts, the better the fiction. -Virginia Wolf”. (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.) Additionally, Intuitive Personality Types may benefit from paying attention to the reality within the material; as opposed to the possibilities. When test-taking, Intuitive Personality Types often find success with multiple choice optioned exams because they commonly will act upon their initial instinct. However, it can be beneficial for ENTPs to review their submissions for specifics they may have overlooked in order to increase their score.
Concerning faculty, individuals who assess as ENTPs often prefer an instructor who advocates class discussion. Also, they usually want their professors to encourage independent thinking. ENTPs have stated to prefer faculty members who make objective presentations but are also entertaining and inspiring. This personality type may find it easy to relate to instructors, as many are facilitating an Intuitive environment. Additionally, ENTPs are known to enjoy intellectual challenges. An ENTP can excel best in an environment where they have the opportunity to formulate their own conceptualizations.
Reading and Writing
Students who assess with an Intuition preference often discover the connotations and associations that go beyond the information that is given. Because of this, they often are skilled readers and writers. They commonly use an approach that is “Active, Imaginative, Analytical, and Inclusive.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.) This common behavior can have its downfalls only when ENTPs are required to apply themselves in the specifics. ENTPs have been found to regularly read serious, non-required material, which can inadvertently assist them with their studies. They have been known to write best when they can talk out their first drafts with peers, but when revising their writing, they may need to fill in missing facts and eliminate highly complex and rambling concepts.
The typical writing approach which ENTPs have reported to assist with combating writer’s block are to:
Write from experience Strive for objectivity
Talk about the theme before writing Provide reader with logical organization
Leap into writing; outline later Critically analyze an argument
Take breaks for outer Stimulation Guided by criteria for a “Competent” product
Discuss concepts and implications Keep topic options open and flexible
Try out new approaches Let deadlines motivate completion
Attend to interesting complexities Let multiple projects overlap
Say it with a flourish and with subtlety Extensive search for related facts or ideas
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.8)
College Direction and Major Choice
Choosing a college major is typically an enjoyable experience for ENTPs who will tend to focus on possibilities for the future. In addition, students who prefer their Thinking function typically like to make decisions with impartiality, with the basis of their analysis of the logical consequences of alternatives. It is common for them to consider their options in an objective manner. Furthermore, students who prefer their Perceiving function generally prefer to keep their options open to each and every new experience which may arise. More specifically, for EP types, decision-making tends to be a progressing journey by means of trial and error. It may be common for ENTPs to aspire to partake in every course, major, and even extracurricular activity. Because of this, they may have the perception that they have been given an excess quantity of options and may not know how to choose between them. In the same manner, many ENTPs have been known to show interest in so many things choosing one major may be difficult for them.
ENTPs may presume that their ideal career will be one which allows for creativity and originality. It is common for them to choose majors or careers in the sciences, journalism, marketing, promotion, invention, troubleshooting, or computers. They have been known to flourish and even be energized in environments that many other personality types may find considerably stressful. When searching for occupations, many ENTPs search for careers that allow them the ability to influence and supervise others, especially in the opportune moments when projects have both concrete accomplishments and the prospective for economic performance.
Taking a college major assessment can greatly help an ENTP figure out which occupation will best suit their personality type.
ENTPs are frequently found focusing on:
- Law
- Physical Science
- Computers
- Management
- Research
Stress Management
While in college, ENTPs have been known to naturally be one of the most strong-willed of the sixteen MBTI® Personality Types. It is common for them to have unrepressed energy which can be appropriated to sort out challenges. It is important for this personality type to attend to their own physical needs in order to avoid stress. Also, learning to decide the difference between what is truly important and what they can pay less attention to. ENTPs may have a tendency to begin multiple projects, leaving them unfinished, and become stressed about the number of tasks they need to finish. Learning to follow through on projects will assist stress levels associated with this innate behavior. Most ENTPs have stated the desire to be recognized and rewarded for a job well done, and creating an environment for themselves which supports these commonalities will also reduce their stress levels. “However, ENTPs typically report less difficulty balancing their work and home lives, perhaps because of their natural ability to keep different parts of their lives separate from one another.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP) Some common stressors for Extraverted Intuitive types are being rushed to make conclusions, being disrespected, having their talents discredited, being overwhelmed with specific information, being too closely supervised, and having minimal stimulation. This personality type does not like to have regulations that inhibit their creative process, as it seems to exhaust their energy. When these common stressors persist over long periods, ENTPs can become sensitive about specifics, lacking the ability to envision possibilities like they typically do, and fixated on their own and others’ well-being. It is common for ENTPs to approach their issues in order to evaluate alternative solutions. Most often, this personality type has an innate ability to relieve chronic stress by reframing the problem and speaking with friends and family, who often assist them in preserving an unbiased position. “ENTPs have been known to report being better able to maintain a more balanced perspective regarding their often overly ambitions expectation of themselves, and try to include quiet time or formal meditation in their lives.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP).
Learn More About the MBTI ENTP Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENTP Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ENTP Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ENTP Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ENTP Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ENTP Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ENTP Type Communicates
- How the MBTI ENTP Type relates to Decision Making
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
All College-based information was taken from the following publication: (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.)
In the Grip. Understanding Type, Stress, and The Inferior Function (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP)