The MBTI® ENTJ and College
ENTJ Personality Types are known to be the front runners of their peers. Their Extraverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging personalities are commonly both direct and well-informed. They take on projects which tend to make their own lives and other’s lives more productive. ENTJs can sometimes appear more assured than their experience can support, but often can quickly learn in order to live up to their confidence. This personality type has been known to prioritize what they can accomplish in order to produce long-term goals. In an ENTJs personal life, they often enjoy attending athletic events and taking part in campus groups. It is common for ENTJs to lead campus activities and is known to naturally be one of the most self-assertive of the personality types in college. They are known to be competitive, convincing, and have a strong sense of purpose. Students who prefer Extraversion tend to focus their energy on the outer world while recharging their internal battery in doing so.
ENTJs are also energized by both hard work and the opportunity to achieve in a well-defined, structured environment. ENTJs most often like to have control and are found to enjoy overseeing events and group projects. An individual with this personality type tends to be good at establishing limitations for themselves, however, it has been known not always to respect others’ boundaries. Some key values which ENTJs typically find important are competence, efficiency, and effectiveness.
Learning Styles and Being Studious

Learn about ENTJ Personality Types and how they function in College settings. Including an ENTJs major choice, how they handle stress and learning tactics.
ENTJ Personality Types are known to learn best by being challenged and having the opportunity for debate. They are commonly interested in representations of methods and resources and inspired by complex material. This personality type has been known to have the ability to see opportunities beyond their immediate studies and use their current knowledge to make things happen. Their Judging function is prominent during college activities and may be found to establish a study schedule that they will follow relentlessly. ENTJs have been known to arrange study groups and keep everyone on task. Students who favor the Intuition function become familiar with meanings and relationships that go beyond the facts that are given. These individuals tend to focus on the big picture and aim to comprehend the essential patterns which make up a final product.
ENTJs often use creative thought to go beyond the facts. This personality type has been known to appreciate what is original but also create its own direction. Many ENTJs like speculations to allow for interpretation on a larger scale. They commonly concentrate on the potential possibilities for the future. Most ENTJs learn best when in action and may state that they learn by “doing” and not by being told. They also have reported value in physical activity and may incorporate movement into a study group. For example, an ENTJ may visit a Museum to learn about history instead of reading material from the assigned text. This personality type often enjoys studying with others and may invite their classmates to join them. Many ENTJs report confidence in verbal and interpersonal skills. Additionally, they commonly state that background sounds help them study.
ENTJs typically want faculty who encourage class discussion, as it is common for this personality type to explore quick understanding. They also have reported to want faculty who encourage independent thinking. Most ENTJs want unbiased material to study and prefer rationally directed learning. It is common for ENTJs to enjoy critiquing new ideas as they innately can easily find flaws, especially in an argument. Additionally, they often want faculty who make logical presentations and for the material to be exhibited in a distinct fashion. ENTJs have been known to like a formal setting with instructions clearly defined. Most individuals with this personality type value dependability and often plan their work far prior to its due date. Having instructors who are organized will be beneficial for this personality type. However, many ENTJs find it easy to follow most instructors, as often the instructors are promoting an Intuitive environment. Intuitive types comprehend concepts. They try to understand the overall meaning of the material and focus on broad ideas, relating one idea to another. The possible drawback of this style is that they often have a more challenging time complementing their conclusions with facts or tangible representations. A tip for Intuitive types, such as ENTJs, is for them to pay close attention to details. “Even tasks that seem to require imagination only, such as writing fiction, can be improved by attention to detail.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP, P.9). Judging types, like ENTJs, often have great time management abilities, structuring their time as soon as they receive an assignment and making constant advancement toward its completion.
Reading and Writing
ENTJs are usually knowledgeable, and studious, and enjoy augmenting their skills and passing them on to others. Many individuals with this personality type tend to read material for all practical purposes in order to educate themselves on how to be more efficient and productive. It is common for ENTJs to write their first drafts with ease from a condensed outline. It will be beneficial for ENTJs to revise their final drafts by amplifying ideas which may have been constructed quickly and providing details and facts to, especially blunt statements. It may be common for ENTJs to state they need training in reading and writing papers, however, most Intuitive Personality Types tend to excel on exams with essay questions, which provide them with the opportunity to discuss figurative ideas. This personality type often has the innate ability to “read between the lines.” (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc., P. 6). However, they may stray so far away when constructing their answer that they could forget the question.
The typical writing approach which ENTJs have reported to assist with combating writer’s block are to:
Write from experience Strive for objectivity
Talk about the theme before writing Provide reader with logical organization
Leap into writing; outline later Critically analyze an argument
Take breaks for outer Stimulation Writing guided criteria for a “competent” product
Discuss concepts and implications Narrow options, decide topic quickly
Try out new approaches Follow a set schedule to completion
Attend to interesting complexities Work on one project at a time
Say it with a flourish and with subtlety Work from present materials
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.8)
College Direction and Major Choice start here
Many ENTJs tend to decide on their college major selection early and persevere with confidence in their choice. This personality type often will enjoy competitive challenges. Due to this innate behavior, many individuals with this personality type are found in management positions. ENTJs are known to put choosing a major on their “to-do” list and may even pursue career counseling early. Typically, an ENTJ will choose a major before the first semester ends. Students who prefer the Thinking Function often base their analysis on the logical consequences of alternatives. For example, an ENTJ may weigh their options by listing each in a cause-and-effect model. This personality type may like to make decisions and then move on to the next task. They often don’t want to waste any time and work steadily toward their goals, always with a drive toward closure. It is common for this personality type to have taken a college major assessment to narrow their career options prior to acceptance to college.
ENTJs are frequently found focusing on:
- Law
- Physical science
- Computers
- Management
- Research
*Abstracted from Introduction to Type in College (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc. P.5)
ENTJs may want to consider an occupation that requires taking charge and implementing independent thought. Many others who share this personality type have reported to enjoy not only working in defined organizational structures, but also having the ability to develop processes and procedures for efficiency. They have also started to enjoy complex organizations where the emphasis is on accomplishing goals. ENTJs are often seen excelling in organizational work and frequently receive recognition for this often-innate behavior.
Stress Management
In order for ENTJs to manage their stress levels, it is important for them to know the cause of their tension. Many ENTJs prefer to have an organized, responsible, hard-working roommate. Additionally, this personality type may become frustrated by others who have trouble fulfilling deadlines. ENTJs may become impatient with those not willing to follow their well-made plans. Being self-aware of these innate behaviors prior to selecting a college roommate can help alleviate stress-related environments. This personality type has been known to put significant pressure on themselves to perform well and expect others to do the same. ENTJs may make expeditious decisions, often before enough information has been gathered, and should be willing to revise their thought process in order to gather more information. Often, ENTJs will want to be acknowledged for their achievements, and if recognition is not received, they may feel unappreciated. However, most ENTJs value being respected more than being liked. “This personality type is known to focus on truth, accuracy, and productivity.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP, P.12) ENTJs will also often strive for a work environment that is predictable and a setting in which a steady work pace can be facilitated. On the contrary, ENTJs have also been known to favor variety in their tasks, as well as the opportunity to use their diverse talents and skills.
ENTJs can find a cause of stress to be working in an environment in which their values are disregarded due to their selectivity in their choice of areas in which they invest their Feeling function. They may stress by having a lack of control over time or tasks, poorly defined work tasks, disorganization, frequent interruptions, illogical behavior, or by incompetence. ENTJs can become hypersensitive to their own and others’ emotions and can often misinterpret comments from others as personal criticism. This can make an ENTJ feel like a victim, leaving them feeling oppressed and unappreciated. An ENTJ may react by becoming defensive, often followed by an outburst of emotion. “Some ENTJs have said to feel tearful for no reason and worry about losing control in public.” (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP. P. 13) It is important for individuals with the ENTJ Personality Type to plan some time for recreational activity to help relieve stress. As an Extroverted Judging type, these individuals are known to use many outlets for stress management including encouraging thoughts, a hopeful perspective, exercise, community reinforcements, and expressing their feelings.
Learn More About the MBTI ENTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ENTJ relates to Communication
Click on the link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
All College-based information was taken from the following publication: (Ditiberio and Hammer, 1993, CPP Inc.)
In the Grip. Understanding Type, Stress, and The Inferior Function (Quenk, N. 2000. CPP)