MBTI® ESTP and Workplace Behavior – There are many different behaviors which are attributed to innate personality functions. The Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment can assist with helping an individual understand not only their own behaviors, but also those of their colleagues in order to better create a positive work environment. An ESTP (Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Perceiving) Personality Type adds to this company culture by innately behaving as “action-oriented, pragmatic, resourceful, and realistic individuals who prefer to take the most efficient route”. (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J., p12, CPP Inc., 1998) It is common for individuals who assess with this personality type to memorize facts; therefore, they do not have errors often. However, because they tend to focus on data, they may overlook an innovative solution to the trials and tribulations of an organization. ESTPs generally like instant gratification and may be proficient in completing tasks for the immediate gain, typically by tapping into their past experience to find solutions. ESTPs are known to be direct individuals who generally like to be involved with firsthand experiences.
Learn about ESTP Personality Type behavior in organizations
They may be better suited to work in organizations which have an established structure which they play an active role in refining. This personality type has an innate talent for problem-solving and resolving challenging circumstances. Even though they have a heightened Perceiving Function, they also use skills which are typically considered to be out of favored behavior for this personality type. For example, an ESTP commonly will work on projects in an incremental fashion, ensuring to plan enough time for each step, which may be considered a behavior displayed by individuals who assess with a heightened Judging Function. However, when doing so, they also may want to have an allowance for flexibility in each step due to their preferential Perceiving Function. They may also prefer to begin each step of a process and leave them for another team member to complete, or to return to at a later date. ESTPs may display this behavior because they innately feel the need to incorporate as much information as possible in their projects and decision-making processes. They typically want to keep an open mind, which may come off to others as procrastinating a final product, however for ESTPs this is simply a means of ensuring they do not overlook any possibilities. Additionally, during a decision-making process, this personality type will often want to relay all the specific details leading up to a determination prior to actually suggesting the final action. Moreover, ESTPs can try to incorporate the usage of creating lists, which may be outside of their comfort zone, but will only assist them with workplace organization and productivity.
Organizational Climate and ESTP Disposition
Every company is composed of many different personality types which must work together to create a positive work environment in order to be productive. Each personality type brings different innate behavioral functions and knowing how each type acknowledges this environment can be beneficial for overall team operations. An ESTP generally will be happiest in a dynamic workplace filled with others who are focused on accomplishment and results. They often have no trouble working, even when disrupted multiple times. This personality type also will find work environments allowing hands-on experience to be appealing. They often will prefer a company culture that includes flexibility, comfort, and fun, allowing for variance for improvement in the set rules and regulations. However, this personality type also prefers to support change and workplace liability in a purposeful manner. ESTPs are also generally technically savvy and prefer a workplace with “all the latest equipment” and innovative possibilities for growth. (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J., p.12, CPP Inc., 1998) Additionally, individuals who assess as ESTPs generally have a preference for variety in their work tasks and may become anxious or restless in a position which is overly monotonous or slow-paced. However, this behavior sometimes leads to these individuals to make snap judgements that are not given an appropriate amount of consideration. This is where it is good for ESTPs to be a part of team projects so other personality types can slow them down to discuss and develop ideas. Also, being a part of a team is generally preferential for them.
Workplace Association and Interaction
When it comes to communication in the workplace, each MBTI® Personality Type will behave differently, based on their innate preferred methods. This can be both helpful or harmful to an organization, dependent on how each individual reacts to these differences. ESTPs will typically want their team to view them as innovative and adventurous. They may display behaviors pushing for resolution by accommodation in order to speed decision-making processes. In doing so, they may appear “demanding, blunt, or insensitive” to others, however, this communication error can be easily remedied if an ESTP is willing to look beyond an immediate solution and instead place their focus toward long term goals. (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J., p.12, CPP Inc., 1998) However, ESTPs generally have the ability to communicate with their team with both a liveliness and enthusiastic approach which can be contagious. They commonly prefer face-to-face communication and are outspoken during team meetings. During company meetings, ESTPs have said to enjoy the ability to bounce ideas off of colleagues in order to expand on their potential. However, during company meetings or even during one-on-one communications, ESTPs have a tendency to become preoccupied with topics which are not work related. Individuals who assess as this personality type should remember to separate work from play in order to avoid conflict with other personality types such as ISTJs who may want to keep on task. Additionally, ESTPs have been known to have miscommunications with Feeling types and may need to remember to take into consideration the impact of their decisions on others. This innate behavior typically is derived from an ESTPs preference of making decisions based on logic and using it to comprise the steps to reach the task or goal at hand. When an ESTP feels they have gone above and beyond what has been expected of them, they will respond well to positive reinforcement. Simple gestures (such as a thank you or a high five) from an ESTP’s team will go a long way for this personality type.
Learn about ESTP Personality Type behavior in organizations
During company meetings, ESTPs generally prefer to follow a prearranged schedule and have been known to want to know how they personally are affiliated with the topic being discussed. They also may want to know the correlation of how each idea may relate to their daily duties. ESTPs commonly will use past experiences to build a foundation for innovation and may prefer new ideas to relate to their established knowledge. However, they may also be persuaded by a new unbiased idea especially from a self-composed colleague. ESTPs are known to pay close attention during meetings and take note of the procession of the itinerary. They may do this based on their innate behavior of wanting meetings to be swift and to the point. They generally want ideas to be presented in a direct manner and for others to make reference to defined examples of how the ideas will be implemented. They commonly will want this evidence to be presented first, followed by how the idea relates to what is already established, and finally how it will impact the company bottom line. ESTPs may also want to have the pros and cons of each idea presented in order to weigh out alternative solutions. When evaluating the possibilities, this personality type generally makes decisions based on logic and will commonly use their personal sentiment as inessential. However, they also often “enjoy surprises” and during the decision-making process they may prefer to have an open-ended discussion as opposed to a finality. (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J., p.4, CPP Inc., 1998) In the same respect, ESTPs are generally open to discussing deadlines for new ideas to be implemented but would prefer to have flexibility allowed in the schedule to do so. Individuals who assess with this personality type are often skilled at adapting to changes which may occur at the last minute. They may want to know that any new ideas are flexible and malleable so that they are able to use and be known for this heightened skill. As such, they may even be prone to workplace conflict if rigid structures and timelines are established. Additionally, an ESTP can become upset when work is not completed correctly and may argue that they were not, or their coworkers were not, given enough time to complete it properly.
ESTPs and Operational Efficiency
The main goal of most companies is to produce a profit, and the efficiency and teamwork of the members involved can either attribute or hinder that overall bottom line. Each part of the MBTI® Personality spectrum contributes to this efficiency in a different manner. An ESTP is known for their involvement in creating, modifying, and implementing the company processes and procedures. This personality type typically has the common goal of productivity by means of talent, ability and speed. They often welcome change, especially if it is backed by tangible information of improving current processes and policies. When unanticipated events arise in the workplace, ESTPs are generally the ones who step in and manage the situation quickly and masterfully. However, ESTPs perform their best work when given the freedom to complete their work as they choose, and to not be micromanaged on every detail. They have been known to learn best by experimentation. They may do so by implementing a new policy or procedure and assessing its efficiency. ESTPs generally play an active role in this research and development, ensuring the ongoing and future needs of their organization are being met by its induction. They often will attend to immediate functionality needs with an actionable spirit, focusing on how they can improve the most urgent matters. This innate behavior can sometimes cause an ESTP to neglect long term complications. They generally will want to know the relevance of how a new approach will “help them to their job better now”. (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J., p.6, CPP Inc., 1998) When an ESTP Personality Type is in a position to lead others, they generally will do so by influencing them to view the methods the ESTP has created to be considered as the most efficient. Due to the often-innate behavior of preferring accelerated results, this personality type often will seek out the timeliest course of action. This delivery can be useful in positions where an ESTPs can lead their subordinates or even colleagues by using a straightforward and confident approach. They have been known to be valuable when put in situations of emergency.
Using the MBTI® in the Workplace
Organizations use the Myers Briggs Type Indicator® assessment as a development tool for many different reasons. As discussed, understanding one’s innate personality function, as well as those of team members, can produce an appreciation for each other’s actions and behaviors in the workplace. This knowledge can also help organizations build a healthy work culture and allow for innovative solutions for current obstacles. It can also assist with finding unique strengths among staff, in order to capitalize on individual talents among these team members. Having this innate personality behavior knowledge can also help an organization with their training programs, conflict management strategies, and recognition procedures. The MBTI® is a powerful tool that can help an organization develop their overall company culture by determining how employees focus their attention, how they gain energy, take in information, make decisions, and interact with others. Most importantly, once this information has been determined, it can be used to modify and develop behaviors for heightened overall company performance.
Learn More About the MBTI ESTP Personality Types
- Learn How Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® ESTP Personality Types Deal with Change
- Learn More About Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® ESTP Personality Types in College
- Career Tips for Myers-Briggs® Test ESTP Personality Types
- ESTP Career Resource
Introduction To Type in Organizations (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J. CPP Inc., 1998)