How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) INTP Personality Types Deal with Change?
Responding to Organizational Changes as an INTP Personality Type
Individuals who assess with the MBTI® INTP(Introverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Perceiving) Personality Type are known to enjoy innovation, as they are typically the type of people who find routine mundane. It is common for INTPs to be the individuals within an organization who develop new ideas for implementation, often creating a plan for rolling out the changes for their coworkers. They generally will accept change in a positive manner as long as it follows their personal order of events. When an INTP is forced to follow a schedule created by someone else, they may respond with resistance.

Learn about INTP Personality Types and how they handle change.
Regardless, individuals who assess with this personality type are known for accommodating organizational changes and doing so in a steadfast fashion. They generally are able to view the transition as a positive outlook for the bigger picture pertaining to long term company goals. They also commonly are able to leave previous policies, procedures, and environments behind with a keen focus on the future. This personality type is known for thinking outside of the box, finding solutions to any challenges to be energizing and exciting for them. When finding solutions for dealing with change, INTPs generally will collect a multitude of facts and determine the logical choice by deconstructing possibilities in order to find a straightforward resolution. “However, they are often satisfied when they complete this internal process and may not then take action to implement its structure.” (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.35, 2004, CPP Inc.) Additionally, it may be common for INTPs to pay little attention to required specifics or functional design when developing ideas.

Learn about INTP Personality Types and how they handle change.
INTPs have stated to prefer to implement change unaccompanied by others within their organization. They have been known to enter a stage of isolation during a time of transition so they can process their adaptation needs internally. During this time, individuals who assess with this personality type may visualize their revised future by observing present and past circumstances. They are known for creating an abundance of possible outcomes for what may come to them. When in a transitional phase, an INTP may attempt to solve questions such as, “How did we get here?”, “What is happening?”, or “What is next?”. They may have a tendency to become detached, uninterested in moving forward, or isolated, yet still maintain compliant and worry-free for their shifting future. During this phase of transition, it will be helpful for INTPs to be given freedom to “evaluate the situation by their own standards”. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.35, 2004, CPP Inc.) For the most part, INTP Personality Types will want to be a part of the planning process corresponding with implementing the change. They are generally known for providing a planning committee with a wealth of information which coincides with an overall view of the transition and how it will progress. In order for an INTP to demonstrate their master plan, they will generally prefer to have an undetermined timeframe as to when the transition will conclude and will also prefer to not have strict timelines in place. If they are not given these preferential conditions, they may tend to oppose developments and resent members of their organization who come off as too assertive. Additionally, INTPs may experience difficulty concentrating, commonly losing the ability to apply themselves at their full potential if pushed to strenuously. They have even been known to display behaviors of pessimism and sarcasm when strained to their limits.
Nonetheless, INTPs are typically considerably adaptable individuals who may view any losses experienced during a time of change as opportunities for growth. They are often flexible individuals who have no trouble moving to the next chapter of their organizational expansion. This may be due to their innate behavioral ability to remain disconnected to situations, policies, procedures, and environments, making it easy for them to grow and change. Their logical demeanor provides them with a concise rationale to welcome organizational adaptations as long as their needs are addressed during all phases of its implementation. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.35, 2004, CPP Inc.) This personality type may have trouble deciphering when to end using previously exhausted affairs in order to move on to the new adaptations and may utilize both methods for an extended period of time until they can accept the actuality of the changes. INTPs may need assistance from others when implementing the specifics which coincide with the changes as well. However, both of these behaviors should not be viewed as downfalls, but instead in ways to enhance the forthcoming developments.
Learn More About the MBTI® INTP Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the INTP Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- How the MBTI INTP Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI INTP Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI INTP Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI INTP Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI INTP Type relates to Decision Making
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Assessment Categories
Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)