How Do Myers-Briggs (MBTI Test) ENTJ Personality Types Deal with Change?
Responding to Organizational Changes as an ENTJ Personality Type
ENTJ (Extroverted-Intuitive-Thinking-Judging) Personality Types are known to be analytical decision-makers who use methodical systems to increase productivity in order to achieve results. These individuals eagerly reciprocate organizational change as they are inclined to introduce necessary adaptations required for success. Once an ENTJ has an innovative solution in mind, their implementation is often assertive and persuasive. Individuals who assess with this personality type are communicative planners who are generally comfortable in an influential role within their organization.

Learn about ENTJ Personality Types and how they handle change.
They often have an innate ability to outline new processes and procedures all the while configuring a plan for others to carry out the changes. Commonly, their only curtailment will involve the consideration of others’ emotions during each phase of an idea’s implementation. Also, they often have an overall picture of how an implemented result will look but may lack the specifics that atone for their vision. However, ENTJs are often innately skilled with their powers of persuasion, with the intention of advancing their coworkers forward while maintaining a positive outlook. During the planning stages of organizational changes, ENTJs will prevail when allowed the opportunity to draw on materials they can use as tools for building innovation solutions. These may include “technical, financial, and human resources” and any other sources they are allowed access to. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.43, 2004, CPP Inc) Additionally, when an ENTJ is allowed these resources and also has an opportunity to be in a position of power they will most often lead others in a successful and painless transition process. These individuals generally enjoy having the center of attention as well as deserved recognition for their inventive calculations.
ENTJs and Processing Adaptation
ENTJ Personality Types are often optimistic individuals who do not generally hold on to the past, especially if they have been introduced to an idea which improves efficiency. If a coworker of an ENTJ is struggling with an organizational change, ENTJs are generally able to convince the struggling individual of the rationale leading to the adaptation. Individuals who assess with this personality type are known to have the ability to produce solutions to challenging circumstances with ease. They often view change as an advantageous opportunity for building a more efficient outlook for their organization. Additionally, ENTJs often enjoy decision making and leading others to follow them in the implementation of newfound systems. When doing so, they often will “capitalize on people’s talents and ideas” in order to supplement their predisposed plans. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.43, 2004, CPP Inc) It is rare to find an ENTJ with a negative attitude during a time of organizational change, even when they are required to leave previous methods behind. These individuals are generally the type to “reach out and grab it” with an attitude that is contagiously optimistic. However, when they are not given the opportunity for involvement with the change, they may become unsympathetic if the change is not functioning the way it had been intended. This may cause them to criticize those who may be in charge of the change. They may also respond to these types of situations by attempting to overthrow whomever may be in charge in order to include their own opinions for how the malfunction can be ramified. When doing so, an ENTJ may make decisions without considering all alternatives and hastily make choices as well. Additionally, they may grow impatient with others who are experiencing negative feelings and are not “jumping on board” to their ongoing exerted positivity.

Learn about ENTJ Personality Types and how they handle change.
ENTJs and Progression Toward Innovation
ENTJ Personality Types often have difficulty when decisions are in limbo. They generally will prefer to move on with organizational changes and deal with the details after implementation. This is often due to their innate behavior of seeing the overall view of their company vision and not understanding why others may not see their own work in this fashion. ENTJs are often ready for changes before they even are introduced and may become annoyed with coworkers who are experiencing trouble with starting up the changes. Additionally, these individuals are often not fond of relishing in the past and may become frustrated by others who concentrate on their losses. This is generally due to an ENTJs preference for innovation and positivity. Most importantly, ENTJs are typically looking for an increase in efficiency, so changes introducing methods for improvement are their forte. These individuals may even “look at previous dreams to see if they can be realized” especially if they have not been given the chance to attempt them previously. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.43, 2004, CPP Inc) ENTJs will generally want to be included in the decision making, informed of the resources available, and incorporated into the new changes being introduced in order to keep their positive, outgoing demeanor.
Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution
Employing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® assessment prior to introducing a period of organizational change can provide valuable information on how individuals involved will behave upon its initiation and throughout its execution. These innate behavioral tendencies can pose hinderances on innovation if not properly attended to. Barger and Kirby suggest three provisions for managing change: Taking charge of your own needs, attending to the needs of others, and taking action to respect the differences between the two. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.8, 2004, CPP Inc) An ENTJ Personality Type may have the need for structure and organization, while their counterparts may have the need for flexibility. If an organizational team addresses the differences between these needs in advance of implementing a change, they are more likely to have a successful result. Additionally, the knowledge gained by learning behavioral idiosyncrasies associated with MBTI® Personality Type can allow an individual to modify their behaviors and become more patient and understanding of those who demonstrate contrasting functions. This behavioral modification can build a stronger, well-rounded team and positive work environment.
Learn More About the MBTI ENTJ Personality Type
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ENTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career-based subjects:
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Innovation
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Project Management
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Emotional Intelligence
- How the MBTI ENTJ Type relates to Leadership
- How the MBTI ENTJ relates to Communication
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
Assessment Categories
Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)