MBTI® ENFP and Workplace BehaviorMBTI® ENFP and Workplace Behavior – ENFPs are passionate, perceptive, pioneering, and adaptable individuals who are assiduous in their quest for new possibilities. They avoid discord while working in a team and encourage everyone around them to participate in team discussions to promote variety.

People with this personality type gain energy by interacting with other people and bringing change in the world through their active participation (E). They rely on their intuition (N) when it comes to receiving information and care more about the future than the present. Their values and feelings (F) determine their choices predominantly. They are flexible and perceptive (P) therefore they are always eager to learn new things.


Organizational Climate and ENFP Disposition

People with ENFP personality type find it hard to settle for a job in the early days of their careers. They have so many things that they want to do that settling down in a cooperative environment sounds suffocating to them. They prefer to work in an environment where people are appreciative of their creativity and artistic talents. However, as they grow old and figure out what they want to do in their career, they settle for establishments that are preparing for the future and are looking for new opportunities to expand. These businesses treasure imaginative people, like ENFPs, who have a flair for bringing organizational change.


Learn about ENFP Personality Type behavior in organizations

ENFPs look for work environments that allow sociability among their employees. They work well with people who have a similar work approach to their own, though they prefer working with people belonging to diverse backgrounds. They see diversity as an efficient way of discovering new ideas and opportunities because it attracts unconventional problems that need original solutions. They entertain variety and different perspectives in discussions and welcome participation regardless of relative rank.

They consider challenges gateways to new possibilities and encourage people to share their thoughts and opinions without fear. Their casual and unrestrained work approach makes them the center of attention wherever they go, and people often come to them to validate their own feelings and opinions. ENFPs typically do not like working around the clock or under extreme pressure. Instead, they prefer workplaces that are unconstrained and provide room for enjoyment.

Workplace Association and Interaction

People with ENFP personality types are the flag bearers of change in their respective work environments. They do not believe in sticking to conventional methods or adhering to tradition because of convenience. Instead, they strive to find original solutions to new and old problems and do not hesitate to propose new policies and reforms. They see roadblocks as opportunities to discover and learn new ways to do mundane tasks.

ENFPs rely on their imagination and creativity more than anything else while working. This allows them to think outside the box and bring innovative ideas on the table. They do not hesitate to express their need for change and actively work towards it to bring their ideas to reality. They don’t follow pre-determined patterns and prefer to do things in their unique style. Imagination and a thirst for revolution make them work distinctly than their colleagues.

For ENFPs, individual and collective growth are imperative. Therefore, they focus on maximizing others’ potential. They applaud innovation, and they are keen on promoting new ideas. They seek possibilities in situations and aptitude in people, and they encourage unconventional thinking. They are open-minded, which allows them to listen to others’ fantastical imaginations and creative contributions intently. They connect with their colleagues and subordinates personally by offering them words of encouragement.

ENFPs appreciate people around them for their efforts and hard work and do not nurse workplace animosities. They believe in lifting people for the collective good instead of bringing them down. They boost their peers’ morale through their emotional reciprocity and sharp communication skills. They do not leave people hanging for responses, nor do they deal with ambiguity. They engage, acknowledge, and encourage people to promote communal growth. Since they cherish creativity and originality, they push for world-changing ideas and a need for evolution among their colleagues as well.

ENFPs bustle with creative energy and often exhibit visionary inclinations. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and they are often the source of energy and motivation in their circle. They are well-versed, making it easy for them to relay their ideas and plans to other people in their circle. They can incite revolutions and call for change since they know how to employ their communication skills effectively. They try to stay at places where the most action happens and actively participate in movements that are rallying for change.

ENFPs and Operational Efficiency

People with different personality types contribute to their organizations’ efficiency in different ways. ENFPs have identifiable characteristics as leaders, problem solvers, and learners, which are three of many key roles that directly impact efficiency.

ENFPs find themselves in the leadership roles naturally and are always leading the change from the front. They show an affinity towards humanitarian causes and prefer to do work that is synced with their morals and obligations. They do not forgo their beliefs and principles while looking for a change. Their positive outlook of the world and optimism energize and motivate people around them. They share their creativity with their colleagues and subordinates and welcome their input with open arms. They do not believe in restricting others’ potential by handing them a checklist of tasks without first asking for their opinion.

ENFP leaders are always excited for new endeavors and are often the ones setting up goals and visions for organizations. They are ideal for handling new start-ups because of their uncaged enthusiasm for change. They are always looking for new possibilities and opportunities for improvement. They feel particularly elated to discover the hidden potential in people and take pleasure in unlocking them for better outcomes and increased profitability.

ENFP leaders believe that dissonance leads to new prospects which can be the pretext for new reforms in work policies. They are known for their inclusive communication skills and flexible nature. They try to listen to others’ opinions before making any decisions since they always have the goal to search for new possibilities at the back of their head. Moreover, they go out of them to support individuals’ talents and include everyone in the team in their decision-making process. They are known for promoting autonomy and unconventional thinking in the workplace.

Their ability to interact with people and make them feel appreciated makes them better spokespeople. They are knowing for figuring out others’ strengths and inciting them to use these strengths for the greater good. They encourage people to cash their talents, and they do not mind if their employees want to go against the tide. They believe that monotony in the workplace can hinder the overall growth of an organization or an enterprise. Their thirst for change and excitement makes them wary of routine work. They do not like doing things traditionally and get tired of workplace monotony easily. This means they avoid doing tedious and detail-oriented tasks that require less imagination and creativity and more practical work. People often peg them avoiding the legwork to turn their ideas to reality because they get bored with routine work and are constantly embarking on new adventures without finishing their previous projects.

When it comes to problem-solving, ENFPs typically employ their unconventional methods to look for original solutions. They are inclined to seek help from their intuition (N) during a crisis and rely on their creativity and imagination to deal with their predicament. They believe that when things stop working the usual way, trying out new possibilities and considering unusual prospects can help people find their way around a problem. They do not steer away from their feelings (F) while testing new theories and ideas since they prioritize their values even in difficult situations. ENFPs are not good with administrative work and struggle with tasks that require extensive planning. Their reliance on their imagination often removes them from reality and makes it hard for them to think practically and logically. They want change but they neglect facts and figures to predict the productive direction of that change.

Even with these complications, ENFPs are regarded as one of the most skilled problem-solving personality types in MBTI because of their unconventional approaches. If they are interested in something, they can figure out a way unique way to redefine their practices. Emotions are often the driving force behind their decision but that doesn’t cancel the fact that they are incredible thinkers. Their way of doing things is different which can be beneficial for a creative work environment that often needs original solutions for their problems.

ENFPs are also particularly strong problem solvers because of their drive to learn. ENFPs are active learners who are interested in experimental lessons and respond well to hands-on teaching methods like debates and contests. They find it easy to remember things that are related or relevant to people. Their learning style is affected by their feelings and emotions, which means their interest in a topic determines their learning capabilities. For instance, they like learning about human behavior and the psychology behind their actions which relates to their inclination towards humanitarian causes.


Learn about ENFP Personality Type behavior in organizations

ENFPs are good at understanding theoretical materials, which means they respond well to reasoning and information. They can teach themselves and are excellent at learning independently. As such, they are often more than happy to forgo systematic learning and do things however they want. Since they find it hard to follow regulations and routines, learning in a conventional environment can make them restless. Their communication skills are imperative in their learning style since they strive to convey their thoughts and feelings about the things they are learning. In class, they are often people with the most questions and are always keen on participating in class discussions.

Using the MBTI® in the Workplace

ENFPs are workhorses in their organizations. As they strive to become even more competitive, there are certain areas they should try to bolster.

First, ENFPs’ imagination often leaves them astray because they have too many things they want to do in their life. Sometimes they go overboard and engage themselves in too many activities which can make them exhausted and lose sight of their real goal.

Second, new ideas excite them, but their excitement gradually fades away at the time of execution. For example, they start a new venture but get distracted by another thrilling opportunity without finishing whatever they’ve started already. They are known for leaving projects unfinished and avoiding tasks that require a more practical work approach than theirs.

Finally, they often skip searching for germane facts and specifics related to an idea before proposing it. Their feelings and excitement for new ventures often come in the way of their decision-making. Their creativity and imagination lead them to behave naively at crucial moments. When presented with a problem, they always try to look for the best possible solution or a new opportunity which delays the inevitable in matters that require their immediate attention. People view them as procrastinators because of their insistence to find the best answer to every problem.

Furthermore, as they continue to grow, ENFPs should prioritize their projects in order of their importance. They are easily swayed by exciting new prospects therefore knowing what matters can help them stay focused on projects of their interest. They should also consider fact-checking before implementing any of their ideas can help ENFPs maintain their credibility in a professional environment. It also helps them figure out which one of their ideas deserves their time and effort. They don’t have to fear missing out on exciting opportunities if they start screening their tasks. Moreover, it will do them good if they learn to say no to tasks that are beyond their convenience and feasibility instead of overexerting their mental and physical capabilities. Lastly, ENFPs can make use of training and workshops related to the project and time management. They should avoid working on more than one project since their attention span is short but if they can’t help it then knowing how to manage multiple projects can save their time and energy. They can use traditional (journal, notes, planner) and digital (apps) means to balance their professional and personal life.

Learn More About the MBTI ENFP Personality Types


Introduction To Type in Organizations (Hirsh, S. & Kummerow, J. CPP Inc., 1998)