Myers-Briggs® Test ISFP Careers Chart

ISFP Myers-Briggs® Personality Types, more specifically known as “The Chameleons”, are part of “The Originator” Family of Types. These types of people work best when they have the flexibility to stay true to their own thought process, often preferring to work alone and consult others when they feel ready. They feel most fulfilled when they can see the fruit of their labor at the end of each workday, but tend to feel overwhelmed by too much information or high levels of complexity. Because of these innate tendencies, ISFPs do best in careers that allow them to achieve concrete tasks efficiently and accurately, making a visible difference for their company or organization. 

Use the links below to learn more about careers that suit Myers-Briggs Test ISFPs. You will find detailed information on each career including daily tasks, income, required education, employment growth, commonly used tools, hardware and software as well as the corresponding Strong Interest Inventory® Theme Code and more.