Responding to Organizational Changes as an ENFJ Personality Type

Individuals who assess with the ENFJ (Extraverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judging) Personality Type are generally sociable, friendly people who can always find optimism in circumstances involving change. Their perception of others allows them to discover methods of building an infrastructure of positivity during these times. ENFJs may do this by inviting coworkers to join them in the creation of an innovative solution or by supporting others during a time of adaptation by encouraging positivity. These individuals are known to have the natural ability to see the best in others, often feeding into their colleagues’ potentialities, in order to build a brighter future for their organization. They generally will see organizational change as an opportunity to grow and learn. ENFJs may even experience feelings of eagerness or enjoyment during these times. Because of this innate behavior, ENFJs are commonly spirited leaders who can seek out inventive solutions for both themselves and their team. ENFJ Personality Types are typically devoted to the people within their organization, especially those they have a high opinion of or those who hold a position of power. They may become distraught if conflict arises between individuals that uphold this mutual respect. During times of change, ENFJs can also become resistant if the adaptation does not take their personal values into consideration. Individuals with this personality type often place importance for other’s emotional needs as well, so they may also resist a change that does not take their colleagues’ personal values into consideration in the same way.

ENFJs and Processing Adaptation

When an organizational adaptation is being introduced, ENFJs often require assurance that their established relationships will not cease. Additionally, these individuals may need equivalent contribution from others to mirror their own efforts and will often want to know how their personal contributions are being received. Positive reinforcement and appreciation for their actions is key for ENFJ Personality Types. They will also produce demonstrable results if given an appropriate amount of time to ensure their coworkers’ needs are being met as well. ENFJs generally have little trouble with organizational changes as long as they feel their personal positions for the alterations are being recognized. They will generally want to have a plan of action in place so that they may methodically carry out their arranged obligations. Having an organized plan will also allow for the participation of everyone involved to play a part in the change. These individuals may become upset if they feel that their coworkers are being excluded in this planning process just as much as if they were not to be included as well. Having the ability to originate innovative solutions to improve processes and procedures while providing emotional support to everyone involved is often vital to an ENFJ and if not granted these needs, they have been known to “worry excessively and obsessively”. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.42, 2004, CPP Inc) In the event these needs are not met, they also may attempt to provide structure by passionately instructing their coworkers to arrive at a common course of action. ENFJs have been known to feel uneasy when decisions are awaiting action and will generally want to bypass any type of transitional period coinciding with a change. This may be due to their innate preference to want to escape situations that may not be unanimous, in order to maintain amicable environments.

ENFJs and Progression Toward Innovation

Following a period of organizational change, it is common for losses to occur. When others may be experiencing a loss, an ENFJ may be the type of person to have an optimistic outlook, both taking positive recollections of what was and appreciating their upcoming future endeavors. They also generally assist others with processing their losses by verbalizing how new possibilities can increment their overall achievements in relation to their position with the organization. Many ENFJs will overcome any negative feelings they may be experiencing in order to support others. When doing so, these individuals are known to be vocal about their feelings and may voice their opinions to superiors on how they can be more attentive to their coworkers who may be struggling with the changes. Accompanying this outgoing verbalization, ENFJs also are known to communicate their gratitude to others as well. They generally will have trouble progressing through an organizational change if they are forced to abandon relationships they have built, unless those relationships have an association to negativity. ENFJs often have a “sensitivity to stress in their environment and to others’ negative feelings”, so the loss of these relationships may actually help individuals with this personality type even if the decision to do so may be stressful in the moment. (Introduction to Type and Change, Barger and Kirby, p.42, 2004, CPP Inc) It is important for ENFJs to have clear instruction and a determined plan of action for these instances in order for them to retain their enthusiasm and optimism for the changes occurring.

Using MBTI® Type for Professional Evolution

Organizational teams are composed of many differing personality types, each having their own methods for managing their stresses when dealing with change. These differing behavioral tendencies can be a detriment or an advantage for the future of a company depending on how the situations are approached. When teammates are given the opportunity to learn and grow from their personality differences, commonly a positive work environment is produced. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® is a powerful tool that can be applied for educating teammates on their own personality needs, and the needs of others in order to successfully implement an adaptation to their organization. Moreover, the information received from this assessment can empower an organization to devise a plan for attending to the needs of many differing personality types. Thus, an ENFJs need for having a structured plan to implement a change can coincide with a differing personality types need for flexibility, as opposed to clashing with it. When strengths of each personality type are being utilized and indispositions are being learned from, the overall team will have the prospect for building a brighter future and a positive company culture.


Introduction to Type and Change (Nancy J Barger and Linda K. Kirby, 2004, CPP Inc.)