Those with the personality traits of Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging, or INTJs, are often referred to as The Intellectual and are overwhelmingly analytical, creative, and logical. They offer a clear-thinking approach to challenges and tend to be excellent communicators who are able to describe a clear vision for others. Whether that is for a strategy to move forward, a change, or anything else, they are able to provide a compelling argument for their ideas.
INTJs are one of the rarer psychological types and often make great leaders. They are ingenious, imaginative, inventive, and visionary but remain rational and logical, which sets them apart from most others with a more balanced type of emotional intelligence.
INTJs in Teams
Discover how Myers-Briggs INTJ Personality Emotional Intelligence in a Workplace.
The combination of creativity, logic, resilience, and forcefulness under pressure is why INTJs’ emotional intelligence makes them such a powerful force in the team environment. This begins with communications, where INTJs can be particularly persuasive, using clear, logical arguments backed up by perceptive observations. They also form an integral part of the team through actions, being someone who focuses on the end result, encouraging closure for any issue, and pushing all team members to follow through on ideas, actions, and so on.
That ability to communicate both clearly and compellingly, combined with a focus on end results and following through, also gives INTJs excellent skills for leadership. They tend to focus on clarity for the team, ensuring everyone, as a team and individually, understands their goals and what the desired outcomes for any activity should be. However, while that suggests supportive leadership, INTJs can be tough when necessary and are not afraid of making difficult decisions.
As with any psychological type, there are weaknesses here too. Sometimes INTJs can have their vision so clear in their own minds they struggle to understand why others may not share it and also push for action without really explaining what the idea is. This can be difficult for some team members, and it is important for INTJs to always define that vision or idea before suggesting ways to accomplish it. Being single-minded and focused can be good, but too focused on outcomes can leave some unsure of where they fit into the goals. The clarity for all aspects of the vision or strategy can resolve this, though.
That singular focus can have consequences for leadership, too, with the INTJ having difficulty in sharing responsibilities or taking other’s achievements for granted without offering suitable praise to aid morale. This can lead to team members feeling they need to bring others up to speed instead, and that can result in resentment and friction within the team.
INTJs are excellent when dealing with change and respond in a calm, determined way to understand and adapt. As their creativity and vision suggest, they like to maintain input throughout the change process, offering new perspectives and insights that can help bring other, more reluctant team members along. However, they can struggle with those who do not immediately accept this vision for the post-change future and can often be guilty of being outcome focused again, overlooking the impact of the change on individuals. It is important for NTJs to be reminded that the impact of any change is very real, and the well-being of those affected must always be part of the assessment of any change.
In challenging situations, such as problem-solving, conflict or when stress is impacting the team, the logical approach of an INTJ can be extremely beneficial. They see past the superfluous, while those excellent communication skills allow the INTJ to discuss issues with honesty and integrity. That logical approach means they can quickly assess the situation and begin developing innovative solutions, and the need for completion and outcome focus also helps here, as the INTJ will push towards successful conclusions for problems, conflicts and any cause of stress.
This approach is not always successful though, and INTJs can have issues if an individual, or subsequent data, contradicts or rejects their ideas and solutions. They can overreact or even take an adversarial approach to this situation, and here INTJs must always remember that there is not just one solution to any problem, and embrace input from others, rather than instantly rejecting it. By relaxing a little and being more receptive to external input, INTJs will find a better approach to challenges that brings all team talent together to find the best solution.References: