Also known as the consul or caregiver, an EFSJ is someone with the Extraverted, Observant, Feeling and Judging traits. These are naturally attentive individuals who are people-focused. They are happiest when active within the social community, whether that be a team or elsewhere. Gregarious, they build connections with others easily, and revel in being able to provide advice and guidance that helps others achieve their goals.

They are the foundations of communities and believe that the best part of life is sharing it with others. They value good manners and hospitality, feeling a sense of duty for those around them. Generous with time and energy, they are individuals who project trustworthiness and have an emotional intelligence that helps them shape groups and communities.

ESFJs in Teams

As individuals who instinctively want to share with others and feel responsibility for their success, ESFJs seem like the perfect team members, but is that really true? Their emotional intelligence does make them an asset for their teams in the main. With their warmth, loyalty and inclusion, they are always seeking input from others. This puts them at the heart of the group, bringing others together.

In any team, they are able to make others feel important, helping to define their roles and their value within the group as well as providing detailed, organized information and insight to keep the team on track for any objective. However, their need for harmony and togetherness can become destructive, pushing others to get along to the point that it becomes counterproductive. Additionally, their desire for a traditional structure can stifle innovation. That may not be an issue in some situations but can mean a significant disadvantage in others.

ESFJs can also get caught up in details and lose sight of the overall objectives, and their need to support others, while well-meaning, can sometimes seem like interference to some people, so there is a fine balance to be found with those natural instincts.

Someone dedicated to helping others achieve their potential and finding ways for groups to meet their goals seems like a perfect leader. The ESFJ does that and makes a conscious effort to bring the team together in collaboration, finding a consensus that fits all needs. However, they can sometimes be a little too eager to avoid direct criticisms of others even when it is necessary for the team to reach their goals. They are good at making choices and finding the practical support that others need, but they can overdo this and leave some team members feeling micromanaged. Again, the love of structure can be an issue for those who think outside the box. This makes it likely to see less innovation within the team than other leadership types who provide individuals with more freedom.

The emotional intelligence of an individual is most visible in times of difficulty, and whether problem-solving or dealing with a stressful situation, an ESFJ will constantly work towards team harmony and bring everyone together as a support mechanism. They are great at building order and structure, providing a clear pathway from chaos and helping the team to identify practical solutions to challenges. However, in difficult times, they can be oversensitive to criticism, and the need to avoid conflict can lead to issues within the team, with the extreme of this being the ESFJ ignoring problems that they don’t want to discuss.

ESFJs Emotional Intelligence

Uncover ESFJ’s innate emotional intelligence in a group setting.

Stress causes friction in difficult times, but by ensuring that all team members are considered the ESFJ can help alleviate the worst of the consequences of stress for a team. They offer unconditional support and positivity to help others through stressful times, but the need to please can lead to issues as in challenging times you simply cannot always please everyone all the time. They are sometimes accused of speaking on other’s behalf in a bid to alleviate stress, which can cause tension in itself. For ESFJs, learning to give others space to contribute, and especially the freedom to look beyond traditional solutions, is a valuable addition to their emotional intelligence that will pay dividends in difficult situations.

Dealing with change is one of the most disruptive aspects of the team environment, and here ESFJs are excellent at supporting others, as they are with most aspects of a team structure. They are able to provide practical insight into change based on their previous experience, removing some elements of uncertainty and giving others confidence during the change process. However, their need for order can be problematic, as they try to fit any change within established structures. The nature of change itself means that traditional structure doesn’t necessarily apply, and ESFJs can be guilty of forcing decisions without really understanding the consequences of what they are doing within the change process.

Sympathetic, energetic, responsible and compassionate, in general the ESFJ is a valuable addition to any team. However, they can fixate on harmony and structure to the point that it has a detrimental effect, so to have a fully positive impact on the team, must learn to be more flexible to allow innovation, and understand that the best outcomes may need some disagreement along the way to find the ideal solution.