ENTJ describes individuals who display Extraverted, Intuition, Thinking, and Judging Personality Traits and are sometimes referred to as The Director. These are decisive individuals who thrive on a sense of accomplishment and leadership.
They are people with strong communication skills excellent orators who are happiest when interacting with others. They are visionaries who are always looking to the future rather than the moment, making plans that give them a sense of control. ENTJs are also dispassionate, struggling with emotions, and that can make them seem uncaring and distant. They excel in leadership roles, with superb analytical skills that help them identify issues and develop solutions.

ENTJs in Teams

ENTJs bring energy and enthusiasm to everything they do, making them excellent team members who constantly boost morale for all. Their analytical nature helps them create logical, efficient structures that guide and support the team. At the same time, ENTJs are determined when seeking the best outcomes, robustly challenging others in their views and ideas. They like to lead and direct discussions, seeking clarification on points to ensure that all team members are well-informed before making any decision.

This approach makes them a valuable part of any team, but they must be aware of some issues. That robust critique of others can seem confrontational to some, and the desire to lead conversations may veer into monopolizing the discourse if they are not careful. Aversion to emotions can also be an issue, failing to take into account the needs and feelings of others, and this can lead to overly optimistic ideas about how long tasks will take to accomplish.

In leadership roles, ENTJs feel most comfortable articulating their vision in understandable and engaging ways so that their team is energized and committed to those goals. ENTJs are decisive by nature and place value in others who share that decisiveness. They reward ambition and achievement, always seeking to encourage a results-oriented approach to every challenge.

This means that their teams perform well, delivering the outcomes required with an engaged and motivated group. But, that dispassionate view of resources, including team members, can again cause issues and leave some team members feeling under appreciated. Their robust and forthright approach can also seem overbearing for some people, meaning they may not get the best out of everyone. While excellent leaders in general, ENTJs who learn to give space for those who innovate to find their own paths to the desired outcome and make allowances for those who need encouragement and recognition of emotions to achieve their best can truly excel.

ENTJs Emotional Intelligence

Have a deep dive into understanding ENTJ’s emotional intelligence in a group.

Within any team, it is during times of adversity that emotional intelligence can make a significant impact. Whether dealing with stressful situations, challenges, or internal conflict, ENTJs take a logical approach to identify the best options in any situation. As goal-oriented individuals, they set an example in stressful situations by continuing to deliver results on time, while in all challenging situations, they never avoid the issue, confronting any problem directly as they arise. When assessing solutions, ENTJs use their analytical nature to find flaws in proposed solutions to ensure that the team adopts the right approach every time.

This can become a problem in several ways, though the focus on outcomes can mean that important details are passed over when developing solutions, leading to problems further down the line. ENTJs can also become too impatient, underestimating the time needed to deal with an issue. During stressful times, this can exacerbate stress rather than release tension. ENTJs often fail to see the value of problem-solving, too focused on the outcome, and while issues may be overcome this way, often lessons can be learned when problem-solving to prevent future problems too, and this is abandoned by the ENTJ.

Change is something every team must cope with and is one of the most common challenges they face. Here, emotional intelligence can have an impact both on the individual’s experience of change and on those around them. ENTJs use their analytical and communication skills to develop change models and explain them in detail so each team member understands the change process. They continue supporting change proactively, with both individual action and encouraging others towards the closure of the change process.

ENTJs can push too hard for change in their enthusiasm, though, and this often causes resentment of change, making implementation even harder. As results-oriented individuals, they often neglect the need for change maintenance after implementation, too, instead of looking for new challenges. This can lead to poor performance or even failure for the change over time. To combat this, ENTJs must always remember the value of follow-through in any change process and always think about whether a change is absolutely necessary before championing it.
Logical, energetic, rational, and principled ENTJs make excellent leaders and team members. Still, their aversion to emotion can make them seem too detached for some people, while what they would feel is simply a robust approach to discourse can seem something more to others. By recognizing these issues and working to alleviate them, ENTJS become one of the most valuable additions to a team.